Chapter 1420

Li Yunlong looked at Liu Zhian's indifferent and stern eyes and was startled.

He felt the same pressure from Liu Zhi'an as his father, Li Zheng, not because Liu Zhi'an had any imperial arrogance, but because Liu Zhi'an had the same aura as his father.

The kind of momentum that everything is under control.

It seemed that everything was within his calculations, and nothing could be hidden from his eyes.

It's a confidence that radiates from the inside out.

Li Yunlong took a deep breath, and slowly put down the long sword in his hand.

"Patriarch Liu, even if you have tens of thousands of masters to protect you, so what? Don't forget that there are hundreds of thousands of my army in the city. If you kill me, you won't be able to escape."

"This king admits that you have many masters under your command, but you can't use them if you are trapped in the army formation of the army."

"Just because you're not afraid of death doesn't mean that these Liu Yezi brothers under your command are not afraid of death."

Li Yunlong made a compromise, but it still implied a threat, but no matter how you looked at it, it gave people a feeling of being serious and internal.

Liu Zhi'an narrowed his eyes and chuckled, slowly turned around and scanned the countless Liu Yezi brothers around him, and snapped his fingers lightly.

Tens of thousands of Liu Yezi brothers drew out their weapons and put them on their necks.

Liu Zhi'an once again set his sights on Li Yunlong.

"Boy, do you believe that they will commit suicide without blinking their brows at the command of the old man?"

Li Yunlong looked at the surrounding situation in astonishment, and swallowed involuntarily.

"Death soldier?"

Liu Zhi'an smiled noncommittally, the meaning was already clear.

"Before your hundreds of thousands. No, before your 10,000+ army rushed to the old man's house, all the five thousand elite soldiers under your command will be decapitated."

"You can try if you don't believe me."

"This old man is a merchant, and before he dies, he can hold a feudal lord as his back, no matter how you think about it, it's not a loss."

"The Liu family is not what it used to be. Now the old man is thriving and has successors."

"The old man hasn't lived for a few years, and he can't compare to you, boy, in your prime."

"If you are willing to hand over all the achievements you have made for so many years to your second brother in vain, at worst we will die together."

Li Yunlong looked at Liu Zhian's appearance of going to death calmly, and his heart trembled. He didn't have much contact with Liu Zhian, and he didn't know much about Liu Zhian's personality.

But for some reason, he looked at Liu Zhian and couldn't help but believe that Liu Zhian could do what he said.

He really dared to die with himself.

Li Yunlong was silent, looking at Liu Zhi'an with dodge eyes, without the domineering posture before.

Because Liu Zhian's words hit his heart directly, he was really not willing to give up so many years of hard work to others in vain.

"Patriarch Liu, this junior is just joking with you."

"The junior's third younger sister is Fuzhengping's wife, brother-in-law Liu Mingzhi, and we are in-laws. How could this junior tear himself apart with Patriarch Liu?"

"This junior is here to say hello to Patriarch Liu. In case this junior is lucky enough to ascend to the throne, if Patriarch Liu needs any help, just ask this junior, and this junior will not hesitate to die."

Liu Zhian's eyes shrank slightly, no wonder Li Yunlong was able to break into the city, his forbearance alone was far superior to ordinary people.

Knowing that the form is inferior to others, I immediately choose to give in.

Liu Zhi'an looked at Li Yunlong indifferently, the so-called stretching out his hand and not hitting a smiling face.

The Liu family has not yet reached the point of tearing their skins apart with the imperial court, and Liu Zhi'an does not want to chase after Li Yunlong's voluntary concessions to prevent Li Yunlong from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

"Hehe. It turns out that my nephew was joking, so the old man just said, based on the relationship between Zhi'er and Yan'er, how could my nephew turn against the old man."

"It's good to be joking. I'm getting older, and I'm happy to be joking."

"It's just that it's better for my nephew to make less of this kind of joke in the future. The old man is old and can't stand the stimulation."

"You said that if one day you can't stand the stimulation, you kick your legs and close your eyes. Those who know it are nephew's inadvertent jokes. Those who don't know think it's nephew's deliberate murder. I hope that the old man will die soon."

Li Yunlong heard the sarcasm in Liu Zhian's words, and nodded with a half-smile: "Patriarch Liu was joking, how can this junior hide such evil intentions."

Liu Zhi'an waved his hand lightly, and the figures of countless Liu Yezi brothers disappeared in a flash.

"Nephew, if you delay, I'm afraid you won't get anything good from the palace."

"It's not that I don't want my nephew to have a cup of tea, it's because I'm thinking of my nephew."

Li Yunlong nodded silently.

"Thank you, Patriarch Liu, for your kindness. Since this is the case, I won't bother you. I will definitely visit you again when I have time."

"Sorry for delivery."

Li Yunlong hugged his fist in "respect" and retreated slowly, beckoning his elite soldiers towards the gate of Liu's house.

"and many more!"

Li Yunlong paused.

"What advice does Patriarch Liu have?"

"The old man's little granddaughter, Liu Luoyue, is more charming than Hua."

"Before the overall situation is settled, if Jiaohua is destroyed, my nephew guesses whether the capital will change again?"

Li Yunlong clenched his fists tightly and nodded silently.

"Teachable, junior farewell."

After leaving the corridor of the inner courtyard, Li Yunlong's apologetic expression immediately turned dark, and there was a fierce look of choosing someone to devour in his eyes.

Liu Zhi'an watched the last soldier disappear and shook his head silently, took a cup of cold tea and took a sip.

"You also want to ascend the throne of the Ninth Five-Year Lord."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to be satisfied with the character of an old man's bastard."

"Sir, shouldn't it be time to go now? This old servant has to guard against the jackal character of His Royal Highness the King of Shu."

"Let's withdraw, let Liu Ye, who should be hiding in the capital, continue to lurk, let's take shelter for now."

"Master, the young master has news."

Before Liu Zhi'an finished speaking, Liu Si floated over with a note in his hand.

Liu Zhian paused when he was about to put the teacup, and looked at Liu Si quietly.


Liu Si opened the note and glanced at it.

"Brother Jin Diao of Mingzhou sent a letter, the young master has led the troops out of Mingzhou City, and will arrive at the capital within three days."

Liu Zhi'an's eyes narrowed: "So fast, it seems that the bastard is rushing back desperately, intending to be rescued by the king, but it's a pity that he was a step too late after all."

"If Li Yunlong and Li Baihong brothers can let Li Baiyu live for three days, the overall situation will turn around. It's just that you have seen the character of the third brother just now. I'm afraid it's impossible to live for three days."

Liu Zhian was silent for a while, then sighed with a complex expression.

"That's all."

"Everything is predestined, look at the face of Yan'er, daughter-in-law, and little grandson Sun Chengqian to find a way to inform Spy Shadow, let them tell Li Baiyu about this."

"Let's see if he can delay for three days and escape with a chance."

"It depends on God's will whether we can turn things around."

"That's all the old man can do."

"My subordinates know."

"Sir, are we still retreating?"

Liu Zhi'an played with the teacup and muttered for a moment, silently shaking his head.

"Withdraw? Why withdraw?"

"The good show is about to begin."

(End of this chapter)

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