My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1421 The Dignity of the Country

Chapter 1421 The Dignity of the Country
The imperial study room.

Li Baiyu looked anxiously at the gray-robed man beside him when he heard the approaching shouts of killing.

"Senior, can you really not let Yue'er escape from the secret path?"

The gray-robed man nodded silently: "Your Majesty, it is impossible to open all eighteen secret paths of the Dragon-Breaking Stone within seven days. The only way out now is to take you to hide in the palace and wait for an opportunity to escape. "

"However, the situation is not too ideal. The four masters recruited by the anti-king are not ordinary people, and they may not be able to evade their eyes and ears [-]%."

The blood at the corner of Li Baiyu's mouth had dried up, and he silently shook his head.

"It's enough for you to take Yue'er out, I won't leave."

"I promised my father that I would never be the king who abandoned the country and fled. The death of the emperor is not terrible, and the emperor must not be spineless."

"Even if I die, I will set an example for the people of the world. My dragon goes up to the monarch, and down to the people of Li, everyone is not afraid of death."

"This is the dignity of the country."

The gray-robed man looked helplessly at the stubborn Li Baiyu.

"Your Majesty, I have been on the stand for 32 days now, eight days, there are still eight days left before King Qin's army will arrive."

"The most correct thing to do at this time is for the veterans to bring you, Your Majesty, to join King Qin's army, and then retake the country."

The little cutie gently tugged at the corner of Li Baiyu's clothes: "Uncle, what this grandpa said is that if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. You can go with Yue'er, and Yue'er will ask Daddy to help you regain it." Come back to Jiangshan."

Li Baiyu squatted in front of the little cutie with a complex expression, caressing the little cutie's cheek and sighing.

"Yue'er, tell uncle, do you know your mother?"

Cutie thought for a while and nodded: "I should understand."

"Uncle asks you, if your mother encountered such a situation, would she abandon the whole city and flee?"

The little cutie lowered her head and thought for a moment and shook her head silently: "No, my mother said that if the Kingdom of Jin was unfortunately defeated in the last war, she would go with the country."

"The country exists and the people live, but the country perishes and the people perish."

Li Baiyu nodded with a light smile, and let out a silent breath.

"It's a great pity in my uncle's life that I didn't sit down with your mother to chat about the next thing."

"Your mother didn't leave the city and escape, and uncle won't leave the city to escape either."

"Anyone can escape, but we cannot escape."

"The emperor represents the country."

"The face of an emperor is also the dignity of a country."

"A country cannot be without dignity, and a big country cannot be without dignity."

"Uncle took the lead in abandoning the country, and everyone in the world followed suit. What about my Han family's [-] miles of mountains and rivers? I handed it over to you for nothing. Is there still Turkic in the Kingdom of Jin?"

"What face does uncle have to meet the ancestors?"

"Although my uncle is dead, my uncle still has a son. As long as I, Li Baiyu, continue to follow through, the restoration of the mountains and rivers will be in sight."

"Yue'er, you don't understand uncle, but there must be someone who understands uncle!"

"My mother?"


"This is one of the reasons, and the other reason is... well... forgive uncle for not telling you!"

"Uncle escapes and uncle can live, but Dalong will perish!"

"As for why, you are not an emperor, you will not understand!"

Li Baiyu patted the little cutie on the forehead: "Okay, let's stop gossip and escape the capital with this grandpa."

"Remember to bring a message to your father for uncle."

"The pines and cypresses of the green mountains will never lose each other."

"Tell him that Li Baiyu has not failed him, even if his daughter is the princess of the enemy country, I have not failed him."


"Senior, take her away, and you must hand Yue'er into Duke Ding's hands."

"According to the order."

"Yunhe Princess, come with this old man."

Cutie looked at Li Baiyu who was determined not to abandon the city and nodded helplessly, letting the gray-robed man walk towards the outside of the hall holding hands.

Looking at the little cutie's back, Li Baiyu sighed silently, and looked at the Chief Manager Zeng Hai who looked sad.

"Old Zeng!"

"His Majesty."

"Changing clothes for me, how can the emperor be disheveled."

Zeng Hai looked at Li Baiyu worriedly. He had been with Li Baiyu since he was a child, and he had a deep relationship with him.

There is both the affection of the monarch and his ministers, and the affection of brothers. I really don't want to see Li Baiyu waiting to die in vain.

"Your Majesty, think twice, it's not too late to go now."

Li Baiyu waved his hands and looked in the direction of the palace gate.

"Listen to the shouts in the capital. This is the voice of the rebels. The whole capital is full of rebels. Where do I go?"


"According to the order."

After a cup of tea, Li Baiyu took a bath casually, and put on a majestic and neat dragon robe.

After tidying up his sleeves lightly, Li Baiyu walked towards Li Zheng's portrait.

Li Baiyu looks so kind and amiable at the apparently majestic portrait.

Recalling the appearance of his father teaching him earnestly, Li Baiyu picked up the incense candle and lit it in the incense burner under the portrait, and the smoke rose instantly.

Li Baiyu solemnly retreated to the front of the portrait, knelt on the ground respectfully and saluted.

"Father is alive in heaven, and your unfilial son Li Baiyu kowtows to you."

"My child has failed my father's high hopes. I did not keep the inheritance you left to my child, and was snatched away by my disobedient brothers. My child has no face to live on in this world."

"Children are not filial, so the only way to repay their father's kindness is to sacrifice their lives for the country."

"I, Dalong, must not set a precedent for my ministers. It is against the dignity of the country to flee in case of trouble."

"Everyone is fleeing, Turkic, how should Jin Guo invaders deal with it? Fleeing without fighting?"

"Since then, the world is so big that there is a place for me, Erlang of the Han family!"

"Therefore, my son only wishes to warn my people of Dalong by dying."

"I'd rather die standing up than live."

"The mountains and rivers are thousands of miles away, how can they be handed over to others."

"Although the country is big, it does not give up an inch of land."

Li Baiyu kowtowed heavily.

"The unfilial son Li Baiyu bids farewell to his father, long live, long live, long live."

Li Baiyu took a deep breath and stood up, walking towards the outside of the hall, Zeng Hai followed with a sad face.

Li Baiyu glanced at the beautiful scenery in the palace with a calm face, without any fear of dying.

"Looking at my country is beautiful and picturesque."

"The mountains and ridges are beautiful, and the flowers are blooming, which makes people so concerned."

"Looking back for thousands of years, Tianjing is prosperous."

"On a moonlit night, the sky is full of cold stars; inside the red gauze tent, the scent of candles is high, and the beauties are so haggard."

"Sisi nostalgia, all return to dreams."


Li Baiyu looked up to the sky and walked towards the Hall of Qinzheng with a big laugh. At this time, all the civil and military officials had returned to the Hall of Qinzheng with dejected expressions.

Even if they don't want to admit it, they understand that the overall situation is now settled.

It is an indisputable fact that the rebels invaded the city.

"Your Majesty is here."

The civil and military officials were stunned, and looked at Li Baiyu who walked out of the apse with astonishment.

They thought that Li Baiyu had escaped under the escort of the big inner masters, but they didn't expect that Li Baiyu was still in the palace.

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor."

Li Baiyu glanced lightly at the civil and military officials.

"My dear friends, you are welcome."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

None of the civil and military officials were seated, and they looked at Li Baiyu worriedly.

"Your Majesty, the rebel army is about to enter the palace. There is still time to leave at this time. You should avoid the front for the time being and join King Qin's army to reorganize the mountains and rivers."

Li Baiyu quietly looked at the admonishing right minister Tong and thought twice.

"Old Aiqing, with the temperament of my third younger brother, the King of Shu, how can they feel at ease if I disappear?"

"At that time, in order to force out my whereabouts, are you alive?"

"It's okay for the world to be without Li Baiyu, but it can't be without you civil and military officials, otherwise the world will be in chaos."

"It's not enough for me to be the bare emperor in this world, and that's why I can't leave."

"As soon as I leave, all my lovers will be killed by the rebels, and the world will be in chaos, waiting for the country to be invaded by the Turks of the Kingdom of Jin."

"In this way, although I can live, but the Li family's 600-year foundation is over, do you understand?"

Li Baiyu stood up slowly, cupped his fists and bowed to all civil and military officials.

"I implore all my loves, please bear with me for the time being, and cater to the traitors to save your life."

"When my son is still in court, I will assist you carefully."

"Guard my 600-year foundation!"

"His Majesty!"

It is rare for civil and military officials to kneel down on the ground, which is an etiquette not even in the court.

"I implore all my lovers!"

"Long live Long live Long live!"

(End of this chapter)

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