My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1422 It's been a long time

Chapter 1422 It's been a long time

Li Baiyu's two major reasons for not being able to leave were all stated.

The reason why he can't tell Xiaocutie is because of this, no matter how much he likes Yue'er, the niece whom he hasn't seen for a long time, he can't tell Yue'er this reason.

Although Yue'er is her niece, she is first and foremost the princess of the enemy country.

On the contrary, he is the king of a country first and then Yue'er's uncle.

The kingdom of Jin is the kingdom of Jin, and the moon is the moon, so they cannot be confused.

For the Kingdom of Jin, which has been coveting and coveting the fertile land of the dragon for 200 years, we must guard against it.

Especially Wanyan Wanyan, the current emperor of the Kingdom of Jin.

Although his name is not as good as his father's, but he is not as good as others, and he is also the famous master of ZTE in the Kingdom of Jin.

"My dear friends, please take your seat. We will meet the kings of Shu and Qing, and they have entered the palace. Even if you insult me, you can save your life."

"Governing the world depends on having famous ministers, and the great dragon cannot do without you."

"They won't feel at ease if I don't die."

The civil and military officials were sad, and sat back on their seats with a sad face.

Although the fundamental reason why Li Baiyu is so courteous and virtuous is for the sake of the country, but he was able to let go of his posture, throw away his life and die generously for the sake of the country.

Although Li Baiyu's accession to the throne was short, it was enough to be called the Mingjun of the previous generation.

Thinking of Li Baiyu's deeds in the past year since he came to the throne, opening up Enke, promoting reforms, connecting the Western Regions, conquering the North, and Jin and Jin, the hearts of all civil and military officials are getting more and more uncomfortable.

if unfortunately no if
I only sigh that a generation of Mingjun was born at an untimely time.

Birth is not at the right time.

Li Baiyu sat on the dragon chair, quietly looking at the school grounds outside the Hall of Qinzheng, without a trace of fear of imminent death.

"The old man sees His Majesty."

A gray shadow flew down from the back of the Hall of Qinzheng, where needles could be heard, and stopped in front of Li Baiyu.

Li Baiyu trembled, and glanced lightly at the old spy spy.

"What's the matter?"

The gray-robed man leaned close to Li Baiyu and muttered softly.

"Your Majesty, the willow leaves of the Liu family came here to send a message under the order of the patriarch Liu Zhi'an. Ding Guogong Liu Mingzhi has led King Qin's army to attack thousands of miles out of Mingzhou, and he will go to the capital in less than three days."

"Your Majesty, please delay for three days to keep the dragon's body safe and sound, in case Duke Ding comes to turn things around and kill the rebels."

"Return the mountains and rivers to clear the sky, and help the building to collapse."

Li Baiyu stood up abruptly, his eyes were clear and penetrating, exuding a strong look of hope.

"Three days!"

"Yes, three days."

"As long as His Majesty can delay for three days, the army can rush to King Qin to rescue him."

Watching the brigade of soldiers and horses appearing on the school field, Li Baiyu's eyes shrank slightly, and he slowly sat on the dragon chair and waved his hands.

"I understand, you go back first!"

"The old man retire."

As soon as the man in black retreated, a group of elite soldiers rushed into the hall, staring at the civil and military officials in the hall and Li Baiyu sitting on the dragon chair.

Afterwards, King Qing Li Bohong and King Yun Li Qing walked into the hall wearing mighty python robes.

The eyes of the two did not look at the civil and military officials in the palace, but directly placed on Li Baiyu who was on the dragon chair.

Quietly looking at Li Baiyu who was scrutinizing his two brothers fiercely, the two brothers looked at each other and saluted.

"My brother Li Bohong!"

"My younger brother Li Qing!"

"See Your Majesty."

Li Baiyu looked at the two pretentious brothers with a calm and angry expression.


"I'm afraid that the two of you, this minister, are saying that you are unwilling. Why, there are only you two, why don't you see the third and the seventh?"

"Could it be that the third child suddenly changed his mind and planned to hand over the throne to the two of you?"

"Based on what I know about the third child, I'm afraid he is not so magnanimous?"

Listening to the unabashed sarcasm in Li Baiyu's words, the two of them were not angry.

However, Li Baiyu's words made the two of them vigilant again in their puzzled hearts, why the youngest Li Yunlong didn't show up for a long time even though they attacked the city together.

What did he do? The two brothers are still confused.

The third child suddenly looked away, and the two brothers had never thought about the ridiculous reason for handing over the throne.

Since this is not the case, the third child must have other plans.

Li Baihong took a deep breath: "Brother, the three ministers raised their troops, and the people of the world gathered to respond. It can be seen that the enthronement of the elder brother is not what the people want."

"The younger brother raised his troops just to obey the sky and respond to others."

"Two brothers in one life, we have the same roots, and the younger brother doesn't want to be too extreme."

"As long as the eldest brother issues an edict to abdicate, declaring the world to abdicate and make way for the virtuous, the younger brother promises to save the eldest brother's life, and make the eldest brother a happy prince, so that he can enjoy the happy life forever."

"Brother, the overall situation has been decided. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses are in the city. You have no chance of counterattack."

"Abdicate, you can save your life by abdicating, and be a prince of peace."

Li Qing agreed in time.

"Brother, my younger brother seconded what my second brother said."

"Now the army in the four cities is already repairing the city and closing the city gates. Even if King Qin's army arrives, they will not be able to attack."

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero, and I don't want to do the thing of killing people. As long as you abdicate with the younger brother, the younger brother can guarantee that you will be absolutely unscathed."

"Otherwise, my younger brother will bear the name of a rebellious minister and thief, and I don't care about being called a king-killer and brother-killer."

Li Qing was not as calm as Li Baihong, and directly said the words of abdication and me, which made Li Baihong frowned slightly and then showed a meaningful smile.

Li Baiyu looked at the two brothers quietly and said loudly.

"Abdicate to let the virtuous? Save your life and be a prince of peace and happiness!"

"That's right!"

"I hope that the eldest brother will be obedient and abdicate to the virtuous, and don't go against the sky."

Li Baiyu gently clasped the wrench on his hand, narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Baihong and the two of them.

"After abdicating the throne, will I still have a life?"

"If I don't issue an edict for a day to abdicate and let the virtuous, you are rebels and will be despised by the people of the world."

"I declare to the world that after abdicating the throne to the virtuous, you will really save my life after you sit on the throne in a legitimate manner? Do you two dare to swear?"

"If the two of you dare to swear to the sky, I can consider abdicating the throne and making way for the virtuous."

"After all, I am still young, and I can live on in the world, so I would not like to die young."

Li Bohong and his brother were startled, their pupils shrunk slightly, showing hesitation.

Li Baiyu is not dead, how can they feel at ease.

Li Baihong's staff noticed the embarrassment of the Lord, and slowly stood up with a sword in hand.

"Mr. Hun, do you have a choice? The prince will give you a way out, so don't be ungrateful."

"The capital has fallen, do you think you are still the emperor of the Great Dragon? You are just a first-order prisoner now."

"I'm afraid it's up to you whether to write the edict of abdication."

Li Baiyu stood up slowly, staring at the staff behind Li Baihong.

"It's fine for generals to rebel, you, a poor and corrupt scholar who has tried and failed many times, dare to wield a sword in front of me."

"You deserve it too? Get out of here!"

Li Baihong's staff subconsciously took a few steps back with a shudder, he was unavoidably a little startled as he endured all the momentum of Li Baiyu's body.

No matter how short Li Baiyu's time on the throne is, he is still the king of a country. How can a small staff member bear the aura of his body.

"Bold and sour, dare to bark at His Majesty."

Li Yunlong's voice suddenly came from outside the hall, and everyone's eyes subconsciously looked outside the hall.

Brothers Li Yunlong and Li Zhi walked into the hall slowly, followed by four soldiers carrying a stretcher. On the stretcher lay a man soaked in blood. It could be vaguely seen that it was the old Sijing King Li Yunping.

"Brother, it's been a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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