Chapter 1423
Li Baiyu really wanted to scold Li Yunlong angrily, but he forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart after remembering the spy spy's report just now.

Now at this time, I have to endure the anger in my heart, stretch these three rebellious brothers for three days, and wait for the world to turn around.

For three days, Li Baiyu was both moved and worried.

Liu Mingzhi was moved by the fact that he came back from the Jin Kingdom seven days earlier, and he was worried about whether the four Li Yunlong brothers could give him three days to wait.

Li Baiyu glanced at Li Yunlong indifferently, then turned to Li Yunping, the fourth child who was lying on the stretcher.

Looking at Li Baiyu, the fourth younger brother who was soaked in blood all over his body, the worried look on his brows was self-evident.

"The third brother, the fourth brother"

Li Yunlong glanced lightly at Li Yunping who was on the stretcher, his eyes were extremely complicated.

"It's a fate, it's just that I'm exhausted. I wanted to give this traitor a good time."

"Thinking about it later, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons, he is always our brother, and the younger brother couldn't do it."

Li Baiyu was startled, and sneered helplessly in his eyes.

"Hehe. What a brother who breaks the bones and connects the tendons. If you care about brotherhood, why would you come to the city and raise your troops to rebel!"

Li Yunlong glanced at the majestic and majestic Qinzheng Hall with a somewhat disappointed face, and then passed his gaze over Manchao Wenwu.

"Brother, I just want to get back what belongs to me."

"You should ask your conscience, if it weren't for the fact that you were the eldest son, would this throne be yours?"

"It's because you were born a few years earlier than your younger brother, and because you are the eldest son of the Empress of the East Palace, the emperor ignored you."

Li Yunlong finally stopped while talking, his family ugliness should not be publicized.

Back then, in order to pave the way for Li Baiyu, Li Yunlong really didn't want to bring up the matter of being relegated to Shu to become a feudal vassal by his father's calculations in front of all civil and military officials.

There are not many people who vaguely guessed the inside story back then, and they either retired and returned to their hometowns, or were exiled for their own reasons.

The only remaining veterans in the court are people with outstanding political achievements.

The past is like smoke, and Li Yunlong has long overlooked that incident for so many years.

However, Li Yunlong couldn't see why his father wanted to pass the throne to the boss Li Baiyu. Is it because he is the boss?
Li Yunlong refused to accept it, that's why he secretly planned a rebellion for many years.

Li Baiyu looked melancholy at his third brother Li Yunlong with an angry expression on his face and shook his head.

"I thought you had already listened to the admonition Father gave you in the back of the palace before his visit. It seems that you have been brooding on it from the beginning to the present."

"The reason why I succeeded to the throne is that my father hopes that the country and society of my Li family can be stable, and that it can be passed down continuously for hundreds of generations."

"How can the father conclude that the ministers and younger brothers cannot pass on the Li family."

"How do you decide?"

"My brother's move is to tell you, to tell the people in the world, that if you don't give it to me, you can take it back yourself."

Li Baiyu sat on the dragon chair, clenched his fists tightly.

"Are you admitting the fact of treason?"

Li Yunlong glanced quietly at Li Baihong, Li Qing and his brother, and they looked at Li Baiyu without avoiding their eyes, the desire for power was so obvious in their eyes.

"That's right, if my younger brother did it, he wouldn't be afraid to admit it."

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. The minister wins, and the minister doesn't care about the benevolence and morality of those ordinary people."

"The overall situation has been decided, so why should I be afraid!"

There are many people who are dissatisfied with Li Yunlong's unruly and unruly civil and military in the Manchu Dynasty.

In particular, Xia Gongming, the imperial historian, a loyal veteran of the court, dared to speak out against Li Zheng, a world-class hero, so he was naturally full of pride.

Just when he wanted to get up and reprimand Li Yunlong, the traitor, the Yushi Zhongcheng of the Yushi Yamen grabbed Xia Gongming, the immediate boss.

Shaking his head silently to Xia Gongming, he gestured to Li Baiyu who was sitting on the dragon chair, obviously telling Xia Gongming not to forget His Majesty's trust just now.

Pretending to be a snake, he is prudent and chaotic, waiting for the two princes to return to the court and restore the country.

Xia Gongming sat down on his knees with grief in his eyes, seeing the traitors and traitors showing off their power in front of him, he wanted to risk his life, but he could only bear it for the sake of the overall situation.

Li Baiyu took a breath slowly, stared at Li Yunlong who refused to accept and nodded.

"Okay, I think you are a brave man."

"Since the words have been put on the bright side, I don't know how the third brother plans to deal with me?"

Li Yunlong squinted his eyes and gently clasped the wrench on his thumb and wandered around the hall. After a long time, Li Yunlong looked at Li Baiyu with piercing eyes.

"Abdicate to the virtuous."

Li Baiyu glanced at the two brothers, Li Baihong, and just now the two brothers gave him a verbal agreement to abdicate and let Xian save his life, but the third brother didn't even have a simple verbal agreement.

"What about after abdicating the throne and letting the virtuous? The third brother doesn't plan to spare my life and let me be a happy prince for the rest of my life?"

Li Yunlong shook his head silently, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Brother, do you think it's possible?"

"I don't think it's realistic. If I don't die, how can you feel at ease?"

"Ha ha."

"It's good that brother understands."

"How can you feel at ease if you don't die? We will be ministers after all if you don't die."

"However, I can swear to the heavens that after my eldest brother is successful, I can give my two sister-in-laws and two nephews and nieces a lifetime of glory and wealth."

"Let them eat and drink without worrying about food and clothing."

"This is the biggest concession made by my younger brother. The prerequisite is that the elder brother will issue an abdication edict and abdicate to the virtuous."

Li Yunlong was outspoken and did not hide his inner worry at all. Li Baiyu must die.

Regarding Li Yunlong's magnanimity, Li Baiyu didn't know what to say for a while.

However, thinking of his wife and children, Li Baiyu felt relieved, but fortunately, he had acted early to secretly send his wife and children out of the capital from the secret road.

Li Baiyu's eyes were indifferent, without the slightest loss of color, for fear that the gloomy third brother would see something from it.

With a wry smile on his face, Li Baiyu nodded slightly: "I understand, it seems that I must die."

"Forget it, as the third brother said, the overall situation has been settled, and I have no way to return to heaven."

"Since this is the case, I hope that the third brother can keep his promise and save the lives of the two concubines, brother Li Ye and sister Jingyao."

"Although I am very angry at your conspiracy, but in all fairness, I can trust your character, third child."

"However, there is no evidence for empty words."

"I don't see that you swear to God that you still can't feel at ease."

"You swear, I abdicate."

Li Yunlong's eyes rolled imperceptibly for a while, and silently raised three fingers.

"I swear to the heavens, Li Yunlong, the Great Dragon King of Shu, that if I hurt the two of you in this life, I will die a terrible death."

Li Yunlong finished his oath under the gloomy eyes of Li Baihong and Li Qing brothers, and quietly raised his head to look at the seal box of the Chuanguo Yuxi in front of Li Baiyu's dragon bank.

"The younger brother has already expressed his sincerity, should the elder brother let the younger brother see your sincerity?"

Li Baiyu raised his hand tremblingly and put it on the printing box.

"There are no two suns in the sky, and there are no two masters in the country."

"Who is the biography, have the four of you discussed it clearly?"

(End of this chapter)

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