My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1424 Can't Wait

Chapter 1424 Can't Wait
As soon as Li Baiyu finished speaking, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became mysterious.

The civil and military officials who nodded and lowered their eyebrows looked up at the four brothers standing in the center of the hall.

Except for the seventh son Li Zhi standing behind the third son Li Yunlong, the expressions on the faces of the three brothers were different and wonderful.

Taking advantage of the fact that the army was marching north and the capital had only 10 troops, the three brothers did not want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so they could only plan to raise troops first and then decide on the throne.

Naturally, the three brothers didn't want to do that either, but the three brothers had coveted that chair for a long time, and none of them would give it up. If the three brothers worked together, the capital might not last so long before it was captured.

I was thinking of seeing a suitable opportunity for a while to try my luck, but now Li Baiyu's words pierced the window paper.

As Li Baiyu said.

"There are no two suns in the sky, and there are no two masters in the country."

"Abdicate to let the virtuous, there must be someone to take over."

Two peaches kill three warriors, Li Baiyu not only has to wait for Liu Mingzhi's rescue, but also wants to save himself, to see if the four brothers will start an infighting because of greed, and delay until Liu Mingzhi's arrival.

This plan was a conspiracy, even though Li Bohong and his brothers knew it was Li Baiyu's plan to divorce, they could do nothing about it, because there was really only one throne.

Besides, it's not really a scheming scheme, because the brothers are always on the lookout for each other and wary of each other.

The faces of the brothers were gloomy for a long time, but no one came out to break the deadlock.

After all, whoever speaks first will be attacked by the other two.

The gloomy smile in Li Baiyu's eyes flashed away, and he sat on the dragon chair without saying a word.

The longer the delay, the better for him, and it would be better if it could not be settled before dark. Li Baiyu was happy to see this result.

Li Baiyu, who was originally heartbroken, got the news that Young Master Liu would arrive in the capital to rescue King Qin in three days, and the unwillingness in his heart was revived in an instant.

My mind became much clearer, and I tried to delay the opportunity.

The hall fell into silence for a long time, and the drop of a needle could be heard.


Suddenly, Li Yunlong's hearty laughter came from the quiet hall, and all civil and military officials subconsciously looked at Li Yunlong.

Li Baiyu also narrowed his eyes slowly, feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

"Brother, what a trick to kill three soldiers with two peaches."

"Brother just said that the overall situation has been settled, and my brother sees that the elder brother has not given up yet."

Li Baiyu's mind was concentrated, and he looked at Li Yunlong pretending to be calm: "Two peaches killed three warriors, why did the third brother say that?"

"What I just said is reasonable, there must be one of you who will inherit the throne after I abdicate!"

"If a few brothers are willing to divide the world into four, divide the land and rule, and call themselves emperors, I have no objection, and I can't decide anything about people who are about to die."

Li Yunlong withdrew his gaze from Li Baiyu, looked at Li Baihong, Li Qing and the two quietly: "Second brother, third brother, you all know what the consequences will be if you procrastinate."

"My lord has a suggestion, how about the two of you listening to it?"

Li Bohong thought for a while and nodded slightly: "You can listen to it."

Li Qing also nodded hesitantly: "I would like to hear your opinion!"

Li Yunlong gently picked at the ring on his thumb: "According to our previous agreement, after entering the city, draw lots to decide who will ascend the throne as emperor."

"Now it seems that the original agreement was too hasty."

"Especially in this siege, none of us brothers have contributed less, and we have spent a lot of money. I am afraid that the other two brothers will not be reconciled to relying on the lottery to determine the ownership of the throne."

Li Baihong and Li Qing looked at Li Yunlong silently, neither nodded nor shook their heads.

However, the meaning of the two is self-evident. As Li Yunlong said, it is not only very hasty to determine the ownership of the throne by drawing lots, but also makes people feel unwilling.

Agreeing to this agreement at the beginning was nothing more than an expedient measure in the case of rushing to raise troops because there was no better way.

Li Baiyu watched the bad premonition in the hearts of the three brothers became more and more intense, and things seemed to be unexpected.

Instead of fighting among themselves as they expected, the three Li Yunlong brothers discussed calmly how to decide who would inherit the throne, which made Li Baiyu suddenly feel powerless.

Is it true that Li Baiyu is going to kill me?
He had just seen the dawn of hope, and was about to be plunged into darkness again.

The look of hope in the eyes of many civil and military officials also slowly dimmed, and they lowered their heads and sighed silently.

It seems that I and others think too simple.

If the feudal kings were really so easy to settle, they would not be able to break through the capital.

"Third brother, tell me what you mean, how to more properly determine the ownership of the throne?"

Li Baihong looked at the two brothers with a faint smile: "Let all the Li family members in the clan mansion choose the best person to inherit the throne."

"We are all the blood of Emperor Taizu Gao. Let them decide who will lead the people of the world and lead the courtiers."


Li Baihong meditated quietly, thinking of his prestige in the court before he became a vassal, as well as his friendship with some old people in the clan's mansion, it might be a good idea to follow this method.

In comparison, the other two brothers left the capital early to join the feudal clan, and their roots in the court could not be compared with their own. In this way, they gained the upper hand invisibly.

And no matter who inherits the throne, the royal clan members of the clan mansion will offer sacrifices to the heavens and pray to declare the throne justified.

Thinking of this, Li Bohong secretly rejoiced, but nodded with embarrassment on his face.

"Forget it, it's better than the three of us fighting each other, and the winner is the king. This king agrees with this method."

The subtle joy in Li Yunlong's eyes did not escape Li Baihong's eyes, Li Baihong secretly laughed in his heart, would you just put eyeliner in the clan's mansion?

Li Baihong and Li Yunlong agreed, but Li Qing, the fifth brother, disagreed.

"My king disagrees."

"After the king reached his age, he became a fiefdom, and rarely returned to the court. He hardly had any friendship with the Li clan in the clan's mansion. Unlike the two brothers who have deep roots, this is unfair to this king."

Li Yunlong looked at Li Qing indifferently: "Fifth brother, according to our previous agreement, the minority obeys the majority. The second brother agrees, and this king also agrees. You must agree."

"However, for the sake of fairness, third brother can give you half a day to go to the clan mansion to lobby our royal clan."

"Is there a better way besides this? Once it continues to drag on, we will not be able to inherit the throne justifiably. You know what the consequences will be."

"King Qin's army won't be too far away."


Li Qing hesitated, and muttered for a moment with a gloomy face, thinking of the gold, silver and jewels he had been allocated, Li Qing's eyes lit up, and he had a plan in his heart.

"Does the second brother agree with the third brother?"

"My king also agrees."

Li Yunlong clapped his hands together: "Okay, since the two brothers agree, it's a deal."

Li Yunlong turned around and looked at Li Baiyu with a gloomy face: "Brother Lao Lao summoned the Li family's relatives from the clan's residence to the palace to have an audience."

Li Baiyu was silent, for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

If things go on like this, how can I delay for three days.

"Brother, don't waste your time."

"You can't wait for your brother-in-law!"

Li Baiyu's body froze, staring at Li Yunlong with deep eyes in a daze, his heart was completely chilled.

(End of this chapter)

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