My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1425 Li Yunlong's Anti-General

Chapter 1425 Li Yunlong's Anti-General

Li Yunlong looked at Li Baiyu's suspicious face with a sly smile and walked slowly towards the dragon platform.

Under Li Baiyu's puzzled gaze, Li Yunlong took out a piece of paper from his cuff and pinched it in his hand, and waved it at Li Baiyu. Li Baiyu could see the writing on it clearly.

According to the prince, Ding Guogong Liu Mingzhi led Qin Wang's army out of Mingzhou and rushed towards the capital.

"I'm curious, how did my younger brother know this news?"

Li Baiyu looked at the complacent Li Yunlong with a complex expression and nodded silently: "I would like to hear more about it."

Li Yunlong slowly put away the note and looked at Li Baiyu indifferently: "Brother seems to have seen where my fief is now."

Li Baiyu was taken aback for a moment, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

After a while, Li Baiyu seemed to understand something, and he let out a long sigh.

"It seems that the sky is really going to kill me."

"Ha ha."

Li Yunlong gave a strange laugh twice, his eyes were a bit ferocious: "In order to cut off the power of my younger brother in Sichuan, my father belittled my younger brother to Jingzhou, but my father didn't expect that one day, his behavior would make a wedding dress for my younger brother." .”

"Jingzhou is adjacent to Yingzhou. Do you think it's God's will? Liu Mingzhi's class teacher Qin Wang's army's every move is under the surveillance of my disciples."

"It can be said that where Liu Mingzhi is now, my brother knows better than you, Your Majesty."

"I'm afraid my father would never have imagined it in the sky. It was his eccentricity that made me, Li Yunlong."

Li Baiyu looked at Li Yunlong, who seemed a little crazy, and fell silent. It's no coincidence that there is no book, maybe it is really a destiny in the dark!

Li Yunlong took a deep breath, calmed down his crazy expression, and sat cross-legged on the ground under the dragon platform without any regard for his identity.

"Forget it, for the sake of our brothers, I will let you meet another person, so that you can do it clearly and clearly, so that you won't die without knowing how you lost, and be a fool. ghost."

Under Li Baiyu's puzzled expression, Li Yunlong patted his palms lightly, and a man in gray robe walked in from outside the hall.

Li Baiyu was shocked when he saw the appearance of the gray-robed man walking into the hall, and stood up without losing his composure, resisting the shock.

"Senior Li Jia, you."

The man in the gray robe is Li Jia, one of the spies who captured the little cutie.

Li Jia, who had been respectful to Li Baiyu before, looked indifferently at the shocked Li Baiyu and bowed indifferently.

"His Majesty!"

Li Baiyu looked at Li Jia sadly and shook his head: "Why? My father said that spies would not betray me. I never doubted my father. Why did I do this?"

Before Li Jia could speak, Li Yunlong laughed.

"Of course Spy Shadow will not betray you, big brother, but take a closer look, big brother, is he Li Jia?"

Li Baiyu was stunned, and looked towards Li Jia, only to see Li Jia raised his hand and clasped his face, peeling off a thin layer of mask, revealing a strange middle-aged face.

Li Baiyu stared at the middle-aged man in astonishment.

"Who are you? Where is Senior Li Jia?"

"Wei Di Li Rong, I have met His Majesty."

"Wei Di Li Rong!"

Li Baiyu sat weakly on the chair, as if he understood something.

Li Yunlong looked at Li Baiyu's powerless appearance, and sneered twice: "Father is really partial, I left you all the good things, the throne was given to you, and the spies were all given to you."

"If it weren't for these seniors from the prestigious mansion, the younger brother would not know that the father has a spy shadow spy in his hands."

"Since the day you ascended the throne, elder brother, none of the younger brothers is under your supervision."

"You can monitor our every move, and my younger brother will naturally follow the plan and return the army to the elder brother."

"The spy spies are indeed the best of the best, but the old man in Wei Mansion is not a mediocre person. In order to make the spies you arranged disappear without a sound, I paid a very high price."

"Do you know why my younger brother can gather so many soldiers and horses to attack the city?"

Li Baiyu looked at the complacent Li Yunlong and took a deep breath.

"Let's just say it all."

Li Yunlong gently raised his hand: "Senior Li Rong!"

'Li Jia' who incarnated as Li Rong took out an account book from his arms and handed it to Li Yunlong and stepped aside again.

Li Yunlong gently opened the account and looked at it.

"On the 26th day of May in the summer of the 2th year of Xuande, Dezhou governor Che Huai'en received [-] taels of silver from the famous Yu family."

"In the mid-autumn autumn of the 26th year of Xuande, Chen Yang, the governor of Wuzhou, received 8000 taels of silver from Jinming county magistrate."

"The 26th year of Xuande."

Li Yunlong read out the names of more than 20 state capitals, from the governor to the county magistrate, and the time and place were clearly marked.

And the list of more than 20 state capitals is just three pages of paper on the accounts.

Li Baiyu looked at Li Yunlong in surprise: "How could you do this?"

Li Baiyu immediately turned his eyes, and looked at Li Rong who was standing behind Li Yunlong and understood everything.

With the help of a "Spy Shadow" agent, Li Yunlong can get these accounts completely as a matter of course.

Li Yunlong shook his head, closed the account book and waved at Li Baiyu: "The files in the Spy Shadow Vault are really detailed. Are the names of these people familiar?"

"That's right, the corrupt officials that Liu Mingzhi wished to kill were all left by the emperor to give you the list of the emperor's prestige."

"Father is really biased to the end. I left you all the good things. I really make my disciples envious."

"So jealous."

"According to my Dalong's laws, embezzling so much silver taels is enough to kill them a hundred times."

"Now that you know why the younger brother is approaching the capital, you didn't get the news, do you know why the younger brother has so many soldiers and horses?"

"Father has calculated thousands of times, but in the end it was a bad move."

"He has calculated everything, but he has not calculated people's hearts."

"He can't figure out what kind of deeds those corrupt officials will do to survive."

"If you ask them to show their loyalty, they will not hesitate to die, but if you ask him to really die, none of them dare to die, and no one is willing to die."

"They want to live and continue to enjoy the hard-won glory and wealth."

"Father's self-righteous grand dragon is nothing but the peaceful and prosperous world he imposed on himself."

"In other words, the emperor is just whitewashing the peace."

"He didn't go down to see it. He didn't know what kind of tricks the officials below were doing behind the loyal faces."

"And what will you do after you ascend the throne?"

"Like my father, let those corrupt officials drink and have fun, spend their days and nights, why don't my ministers turn against you?"

"My younger brother calls you a faint king, why not?"

Li Baiyu looked at Li Yunlong with a painful expression: "I have only been enthroned for one year, and rectifying the administration of officials will not happen overnight!"


"As the saying goes, if you fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside. You are just making excuses for your dream of ruling the world through the ages and one emperor."

"You don't have to rush to refute."

"The current situation is enough to prove that the younger brother is right."

"You got rid of these corrupt officials earlier, where did the soldiers and horses come from, and where did the rebellion succeed."

"All of this is due to your high ambitions, no wonder your younger brother is unfaithful."

Li Baiyu sat softly on the dragon chair again, he didn't know how to refute Li Yunlong's words.

Mu Ran, Li Baiyu stood up suddenly, looked at Li Rong who was behind Li Yunlong, and fixed his eyes on Li Yunlong.

"Yue'er, what did you do to Yue'er?"

"tsk tsk"

Li Yunlong shook his head and clapped his hands.

"Look at elder brother's worried expression, if he didn't know the truth, my younger brother would have thought that little girl was your own daughter!"

"Bring it in!"

(End of this chapter)

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