Chapter 1427
Li Yunlong seemed to have vented his dissatisfaction in his chest, and slowly stood up and stared at Li Baiyu's gloomy face.

"Brother, let's draw up the imperial edict."

"Since I have said everything I should tell you, I have no chance to fight back against you."

Li Baiyu slowly sat on the dragon chair: "Since you have agreed that the Li family members of the Clan Mansion will select the successor, and the Li family members of the Clan Mansion have not arrived yet, how do I draw up the abdication edict?"

Li Yunlong shook his head silently: "It's fine if the name is left blank, as soon as someone is chosen, the world can be determined with a wave of the ink pen."

"Are you so impatient?"

"Don't be in a hurry, brother-in-law and uncle Qin Wang's army are close at hand, my little brother may change if he is afraid of delay."

"It's better to make sure nothing goes wrong."

Li Baiyu looked at Li Yunlong with deep meaning in his eyes: "If I don't draft an edict, there is no difference from the result of drafting an edict. After all, I will die."

"Since this is the case, why did I draw up the imperial edict to let these rebellious officials and thieves ascend the throne in a legitimate way?"

Li Yunlong didn't expect that Li Baiyu, who had been so talkative just now, suddenly changed his face, and his pupils shrank slightly.

"Big brother doesn't care about the lives of Li Ye and his brothers?"

"My brother wanted to leave a bloodline for you, big brother, so that your line of Li Baiyu can continue. Big brother, don't be ignorant."

Li Baiyu chuckled twice, just as he was about to say something, a man in black ran into the hall and whispered in Li Yunlong's ear.

"My lord, my brothers have searched the palace and found no trace of the two noble concubines, the two princes and the princess."

"The eunuchs in the interrogation palace learned that they disappeared after being summoned by His Majesty a month ago."

"However, the brothers who were buried in the capital stared closely at all the city gates, and no one left the city at all. Maybe the Hunjun hid the six of them somewhere in the city."

"There's only so much that's going on at the moment, and the humble brothers are carefully searching for their whereabouts."

After listening to the man in black's report, Li Yunlong's expression was a little unnatural, which was the feeling of shame after being teased.

The corner of Li Yunlong's mouth twitched a few times, and he gently waved his hand to signal the man in black to retreat.

After the man in black retreated, Li Yunlong pointed at Li Baiyu a few times, and then slowly retreated towards the outside of the hall.

"Okay, my brother missed my point. Big brother, you really have a long-term strategy. No wonder you are so confident. It turns out that you have already arranged a backhand."


"I admire you."

Li Yunlong walked outside the hall and stretched out his hand to signal Lu Gui to come over.

Lu Gui listened to him, and Li Yunlong whispered in Lu Gui's ear.

Seeing Li Yunlong's appearance like this, Li Baiyu smiled slightly, and he knew in his heart that the rebels under Li Yunlong's command must have failed to find his son Li Ye, and that's why Li Yunlong lost his composure.

The little cutie approached Li Baiyu secretly, and her little hands groped around the back waist wrapped in the cloak.

"Uncle, Yue'er has a good thing here, which can help you kill the big villain, Uncle San."


Li Baiyu frowned, looking at Li Yunlong who was outside the hall slightly lowered his head and looked at the little cutie in doubt, just in time to see the delicate and short firecracker that the little cutie took out from the back waist.

"Yue'er, what is this?"

"A hidden weapon that can kill a person without defense."

"The third uncle is a big villain. Yue'er dare not kill people, but it should be fine if you close your eyes, it will be fine in a while."

Li Baiyu stuffed the little cutie's hand holding the firecracker under the big cloak on the little cutie's body.

Scanning His Highness's situation with an unchanged expression: "Yue'er, don't be impulsive. If you really kill the third brother, you will only make them jump over the wall in a hurry."

"If you don't kill the third brother, you may still support your father's arrival."

"The elite soldiers under his command have surrounded the Palace of Qinzheng. Once you kill the third brother, you will be cut to pieces immediately."

"Especially if you do this, your second uncle and fifth uncle will be cured. They won't thank you for helping them."

"Instead, they will kill you in the name of avenging your third uncle, and appease the morale of your third uncle's army."

The little cutie was taken aback, her big and exquisite eyes showed a sense of fear, and hastily and secretly stuffed the exquisite short gun behind Xiaoliu's waist.

Lu Gui quickly left the Jinluan Hall with a group of elite soldiers, and Li Yunlong turned back with gloomy eyes.

"Brother, it seems that you are not going to issue an edict?"

Li Baiyu stood up again and looked at the three brothers Li Yunlong and Li Baihong with a relaxed expression.

"Don't you ever try to ascend the throne in a legitimate way. I want you to be a traitor that everyone gets and punishes one day, and a traitor that everyone gets and punishes for the rest of your life."

"Your notoriety in the history books will bear hundreds of thousands of years, or even ten thousand years."

"Not only you, but your children and grandchildren will also bear the reputation of being a traitor for life after life."

"You can block the mouths of all the people in the world under coercion, but you will never be able to block the hearts of the people."

"Rebellious ministers and thieves are rebellious ministers and thieves. Even if you are the clan of the Li family, you still cannot escape this notoriety."


Li Yunlong's fists were clenched, and he looked at Li Baiyu unwillingly: "Why do you still refuse to admit that you lost?"

"You lost the moment your younger brother led the army into the palace. Why do you refuse to admit it?"

Li Baiyu straightened his chest and looked out of the hall calmly.

"Don't even think about the edict to abdicate and let the virtuous. Even if I die in this Palace of Qinzheng, I will not let you get my wish."

As soon as Li Baiyu's words came out, not only Li Yunlong, but also Li Baihong and Li Qing's brothers' expressions changed in shock.

"Brother, you are so determined to die!"

Li Baiyu shook his head silently: "The net is broken when the fish dies? You are wrong, the net that cannot be seen will be broken."

"You won't be happy for long, I'll wait for you underground."

Li Yunlong looked at Li Baiyu's resolute face and waved his hand: "Li Rong!"

"I am humble!"

"Catch that little girl to me."


Li Baiyu's face changed in shock: "Li Yunlong, what do you want to do?"

Li Yunlong looked at Li Baiyu coldly: "Don't you want to care about the safety of this little girl? As long as you don't issue the imperial edict within three quarters of an hour, this little girl will be decapitated. The king will die with Liu Mingzhi." .”

"you dare!"

"Li Rong, do it!"

Li Rong beside Li Yunlong flew directly towards the cutie on the dragon platform.

The little cutie was so frightened that she immediately retracted her neck, and instinctively touched her lower back with her little hand, took out the exquisite firecracker, closed her eyes and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang."

Two loud noises broke the tranquility of Qinzheng Hall, and the slender figure of Li Rong, who flew towards the cutie, landed heavily on the dragon platform and rolled down the stairs.

Seeing Li Rong's tragic appearance with only half of his head left under his feet, Li Yunlong subconsciously took two steps back. Looking at Li Rong's only remaining eye, Li Yunlong looked at the elite soldiers at the gate of the hall, panting heavily. beckoning.

"Take it, take her hidden weapon."

Cutie slowly opened her eyes, but due to her height, she couldn't see the appearance of Li Rongsi under the dragon platform.

Looking at the gunpowder smoking in his hand, he let out a breath slowly.


(End of this chapter)

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