My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1428 Choose 2 of 1

Chapter 1428
As soon as the little cutie spoke, Li Baiyu, who was stunned, also came back to his senses.

Just like when First Young Master Liu stood on the capital of the Kingdom of Jin and learned that he had a child, he couldn't help but the bang bang of two gunshots stunned the people on the city wall.

The two loud bangs from the little cutie also stunned the people in the temple.

Li Baiyu looked at the blunderbuss that was still smoking in the little cutie's hand, and subconsciously swallowed when he remembered Li Rong's tragic death just now.

Before the little cutie had time to say anything to Li Baiyu, she bent down and fumbled inside her small cowhide boots with her small hands, apparently planning to load the bullet.

Before the little cutie had time to straighten up, the five elite soldiers ordered by Li Baiyu surrounded the little cutie.

Seeing this, the little cutie immediately straightened up and frantically stuffed the firecracker into the ribbon around her waist, then fumbled behind her back and took out a firecracker, raising her hand to the five elite soldiers who surrounded her.

Seeing this, the five elite soldiers stopped immediately, swallowing their saliva and looking at the firecracker in the little cutie's hand, too frightened to step forward to capture the little cutie.

Although the five people didn't know what kind of powerful hidden weapon it was, they glanced at it when they passed by Li Rong.

They had just seen Li Rong's tragic situation, and they could see it very clearly.

As Li Yunlong's personal guard, a trustworthy close guard, they still had some idea of ​​Li Rong's identity. According to the algorithm in martial arts, he was a rank nine master.

Ninth-rank masters can't withstand two loud noises, let alone my own superficial fist and kick skills.

However, they didn't know that the reason why Li Rong died tragically was that he didn't think that there was such an astonishingly lethal thing on the little cutie. After all, it was so easy to capture the little cutie twice, so he didn't have the slightest defense at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so careless and hit the head with a firecracker all at once.

If he had been prepared early, Li Rong could have easily avoided this fatal blow with the little cutie's superficial skills.

It can only be said that it is God's will to trick people.

The cutie grinned when she saw this, and waved the firecracker in her hand at the five elite soldiers.

"Come here if you have the ability!"

The five elite soldiers shrank their heads and backed away subconsciously, thinking that the little cutie was planning to shoot.

"Hey hey sorry"

It's not that the five elite soldiers are too timid, but that the things in the little cutie's hands are too mysterious, and people always feel panic about unknown things.

If the blunderbuss in Little Cutie's hand had turned into a hand crossbow, she would have pinned her head on her trouser belt long ago, and the five elite soldiers who dared to rebel would have jumped on it.

Cutie knew her own situation, the firecracker in her hand could only fire two bullets, and the five retreated, but Cutie didn't dare to follow with the firecracker.

Otherwise, after killing two elite soldiers, there will be more elite soldiers behind.

Little cutie remembers daddy's words very clearly, this thing can only be used unexpectedly.

If you use it too much, others will see the clues inside.

Li Yunlong gritted his teeth and waved his hands when he saw the look of the five elite soldiers.

"The guard in black!"

Several men in black leaped forward.


"Catch that little girl and reward her with ten thousand taels of gold."


The seven or eight men in black are different from the five elite soldiers. After receiving the order, they immediately rushed towards the little cutie, but their eyes were all fixed on the firecracker in the little cutie's hand, to prevent themselves from fighting with Li Rong. The same tragic death.

"Bang bang."

The flames flashed, and there were two loud bangs again, but the seven or eight black-clothed guards who had been prepared for a long time dodged in the air, and no one was injured when the two shots went down.

Amidst the screams of the cutie, the cutie was lifted by a man in black with the cloak on his back and walked towards Li Yunlong who was in the audience.

"My lord!"

The little cutie was thrown directly in front of Li Yunlong by the guard in black. The little cutie rubbed her little butt and looked at Li Yunlong unhappily.

"Bad man."

"Daddy said, whoever dares to bully Yue'er, Daddy will definitely not let him go."

Li Yunlong completely ignored the little cutie's indignant eyes towards him, and lightly glanced at the complicated civil and military officials around him and smiled.

"Can't I spare this king? Whether he can keep himself or not."

"Little girl, good or bad don't care about a person's behavior."

"And I care about a person's strength. As long as the strength is enough, the good can become bad, and the bad can also become good."

"Your mother told this king herself, if you want to blame it, blame your mother's Wanyan Wanyan!"

After saying this, Li Yunlong drew out the long sword at his waist, and the sharp blade rested on the little cutie's neck, staring closely at Li Baiyu.

"Although I don't know why, I can tell that you are very nervous about the safety of this little girl."

"The younger brother will give the elder brother one more chance at the end. As long as you issue an edict to abdicate now, the younger brother will save this little girl's life, otherwise the elder brother will understand."

Li Baiyu looked at the little cutie and stared at his own big eyes in fear, with a complicated and unbearable expression, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Brother, you only have two quarters of an hour to think about it."


Hearing the voice of the little cutie calling his uncle, Li Baiyu nodded helplessly.

"Let her go, and then let her leave the capital, as long as Yue'er is safe and sound, my lord, my abdication edict."

"I can swear to my ancestors that as soon as Yue'er leaves the capital, the edict of succession will be handed over to you immediately."

"Let her go?"

A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Li Yunlong's mouth: "Brother, what are you talking about in your sleep in broad daylight?"

"The younger brother said before entering the palace that she is a precious golden bump."

"Without her, how would my younger brother deal with Liu Mingzhi's army of hundreds of thousands of Qin Kings? My younger brother will never underestimate Liu Mingzhi, after all, there are no worthy men under a great reputation."

"Liu Mingzhi's reputation is not something that is blown out of the air, how dare I underestimate him and the army under his command."

"This little girl is the only bargaining chip in my younger brother's hands."

"Only if she is in the hands of my younger brother, Liu Mingzhi will not dare to act rashly even if the soldiers are at the gate of the city, and will obediently hand over the Tiger Talisman Seal."

"Although I haven't experienced the fighting strength of the frontier army, I have seen it, especially the frontier army who survived the national war this time."

"It's not that I'm laughing at myself, the elites in my hands are really hard to beat."

"Chendi doesn't want to try their horror, after all, life is more important, isn't it?"

Li Baiyu looked at Li Yunlong fearfully and took a deep breath: "It turns out that you planned this way, and your thinking is really good enough. It seems that you really took great pains for this rebellion."

Li Yunlong smiled lightly and looked down at the cutie: "That's right, her mother wanted to plot against my younger brother, but I didn't expect my younger brother to join her in the army instead!"

"Only if she adds the edict of succession, can the danger of the capital be lifted."

"For such an important person, do you think Chendi will let her go?"

"It depends on how he chooses whether he wants a daughter or military power."

"If Liu Mingzhi chooses not to recognize this daughter, I will have a big fight with him."

"Victory or defeat depends entirely on God's will."

"So, brother, you have no choice now."

"If the edict is issued, she will live, but if the edict is not issued, she will die immediately."

"The initiative is in the hands of my younger brother, you have no choice."

"Liu Mingzhi also has no choice."

"You must choose one of the two!"

(End of this chapter)

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