Chapter 1429
Li Baiyu was completely heartbroken.

For the success of this rebellion, Li Yunlong had thought out all the ways out, and every mutation that hindered his success was anticipated by him.

Thinking of Li Yunlong's methods, Li Baiyu suddenly felt powerless.

My third brother's thoughts are simply unfathomable.

"Third, what good do you gain from being so absolute?"

Li Yunlong looked at Li Baiyu calmly and calmly: "There is no way out for rebellion."

"Live or die."

"To live is to live, to lose is to perish."

"Since my brother has chosen to take this path, he must make sure that nothing will go wrong."

"Liu Zhi'an's terrible minister has experienced it before, so she is even more needed to be a bargaining chip."

"This king wants Liu Zhi'an and his son to be wary!"

"Brother, don't think about delaying time anymore, Liu Mingzhi won't be able to come back within two days, so let's issue an edict."

"The life and death of this little girl depends on your thought."

After Li Yunlong finished speaking, the blade of the sword in his hand approached the little cutie's snow-white neck again, and the little cutie could already clearly feel the coldness on the blade.

Seeing this, Li Baiyu frowned: "Slow down!"

"It seems that brother has figured it out."

Li Baiyu exhaled feebly, and gave the little cutie a meaningful look.

"Yue'er, if you are lucky enough to survive, don't forget what uncle told you."


Li Baiyu sat on the dragon chair, picked up a roll of imperial decree and spread it out, raised his hand and picked up the vermilion brush beside him and began to dip in the ink.

"You can put down the sword now."

Li Yunlong slowly took down the sword and inserted it into the scabbard, watching Li Baiyu's movements frantically.

"Brother, let's write. I hope you don't use any tricks on the imperial decree. Two days are enough for my disciples to verify the deep meaning of every word in the imperial decree."

Li Baiyu slowly raised the ink brush: "As you said, do I have a choice?"

"You are right, this is a road that is destined to have no way out"


Li Baiyu hadn't finished his sentence when a resounding Buddha's chant sounded, and everyone in the hall felt a gust of fresh wind.

When they came back to their senses, a ghostly dark yellow figure took the little cutie under the dragon platform and flew towards the gate of the back hall of Qinzheng Hall.

The dark yellow figure stopped at the gate of the hall outside the Dragon Terrace, and everyone could see clearly that a monk about 60 years old, wearing a dark yellow cassock, stopped at the gate of the hall.

The little cutie was held in his arms as if nothing was there.

When the figure of the old monk was revealed, a figure was about to fly down from the beam of the upper room in Qinzheng Hall, Li Baiyu shook his head vaguely, the black figure had to stop his figure, and looked at the figure on the lower left with a complicated expression. Li Baiyu.

It was Zhou Fei, the former general manager.

The old monk looked at the little cutie under his arms with a faint smile: "Amitabha, little princess, I'm so polite."

The little cutie looked at the old monk holding her in surprise: "Grandpa Huifa, you finally came to save Yue'er. Yue'er thought that the old woman lied to Yue'er. She said it was safe, and Yue'er almost died."

"Amitabha, princess, forgive me, there are so many masters in the temple, I have to find out. The Dharma is boundless"

As the old monk Hui Pharaoh was talking, his right hand holding a string of Buddhist beads was suddenly shot out, and a flash of saber light was directly shot horizontally by the old monk Hui Pharaoh.

At the same time, Master Hui Pharaoh took the little cutie and took a few steps back, his heels lowered to the beams before he finally stopped.

Everyone in the hall only felt a breeze blowing against their faces, without the slightest discomfort. Only Monk Hui Pharaoh, Zhou Fei on Liangshang, and the master of Dao Guang understood what kind of dangerous confrontation had taken place.

Huifa let out a sigh of relief, his face flushed unnaturally: "Amitabha, I knew that Senior Uncle was coming, so why should I come out to make a fool of myself?"

The stunned people who were stunned by a series of surprises came back to their senses and found a thin man in Tsing Yi standing beside Shu King Li Yunlong at some point.

Judging by his attire, he was the elder Taishu Tulu of Liu Yedi.

The man in Tsing Yi glanced lightly at the old monk Huifa at the gate of the temple: "Huifa, the abbot of Jin Guoda Huguo Temple?"

"Amitabha, the wisdom eye of the senior is the little monk."

Uncle Tu Lu glanced at the safe and sound cutie through his veil, and then he heaved a sigh of relief, and set his eyes on the old monk Hui Pharaoh.

"The next time you come to the Central Plains Wulin, you'd better say hello. Since you have justifiable circumstances this time, let me spare your life. It will be hard to say next time."

"thanks ex"

Before Huifa could finish his sentence, Taishu Tulu left an afterimage in front of everyone, and flew out of the hall and disappeared.

It really shows what comes and goes faster.

Huifa was startled, and when he came back to his senses, he suddenly mentioned that the Buddhist beads flew towards the outside of Qinzheng Hall like a cannonball.

Li Yunlong looked anxiously at the guards in black around him: "You bastard, hurry up and chase after him!"

Then seven or eight guards in black didn't move at all.

With a smooth push by Li Yunlong, seven or eight black-clothed guards fell to the ground in unison, with a smooth cut on their necks, and dark red blood flowed out.

Li Yunlong ran towards the outside of the hall in panic: "Archers, let the arrows go, life and death don't matter!"

The rebels who surrounded Qinzheng Palace immediately bent their bows and shot arrows at the flexible figure of Pharaoh Hui, and the sky was filled with arrows in an instant.

"Amitabha, golden bell jar!"

A big bell-shaped protective energy suddenly appeared on the old monk Hui Pharaoh in the air, enveloping himself and the little cutie.

The arrows shot on the stellar energy were ejected one after another.

The tens of thousands of rebels could only watch helplessly as the monk Hui Pharaoh and the little cutie flew away from the palace through layers of barriers.

Abbot Huifa of Huguo Temple, the innate master ranked fifth on the top of the spy shadow secret library.

Just like what Wen Renzheng said when he taught Liu Mingzhi.

Innate masters can't escape death if they fall into the continuous army formation, but if they want to leave, even a hundred thousand troops can't stop them.

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

Li Baiyu on the dragon chair looked up at the little cutie who had disappeared and laughed.

Looking at the empty direction outside the hall, Li Baiyu sighed with complicated eyes.

Yue'er, don't blame uncle for taking advantage of you.

You are the only link for uncle to maintain the relationship with your father. Only when uncle protects you wholeheartedly, can your father willingly support Li Ye as emperor.

Uncle knows the relationship between you and your father, how can you not be angry, he is the Duke of Dalong Dingguo, your grandfather and uncle's favorite courtier, you are always the princess of the enemy country.

But the overall situation has been decided, and the uncle is so angry that he has nothing to do, so he can only make this bad plan.

Your grandfather is right, the better you treat him, the less he will rebel.

Uncle wants to leave too, but uncle really can't. Once he leaves, Dalong will be in chaos!

Your mother and the Turkic Khan will never let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so as to wait for the opportunity to go south.

My uncle can only stick to the palace to pave the way for my son Li Ye.

Uncle treats you well, so that your father can feel guilty and do his best to help Li Ye ascend the throne.

Uncle has no choice but to let your father be loyal to Li Ye in guilt, and protect my Li family, country and society, so that your mother will not instigate rebellion.

His guilt towards his uncle will make him serve Dalong dedicatedly.

Castle Peak pines and cypresses will never lose each other.

No matter what purpose uncle has for protecting you, he never betrayed your father's loyalty by taking your life.

Uncle trusts your grandfather, he knows your father too well.

Don't blame uncle, uncle. Zhen is always the emperor of Dalong, and he must think about Dalong's country and the people of Dalong.

The cold feeling on his neck made Li Baiyu come back to his senses, and smiled lightly at Li Yunlong who was holding his sword up.

"You can't be an emperor, none of you can be an emperor."

"Because you are always selfish and thinking about yourself, you don't know what the righteousness of family and country is."

"Emperors can perish, great dragons, rivers and mountains cannot perish, and nations cannot perish.

"The emperor is for the country and the people, not for his own self-interest."

(End of this chapter)

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