Chapter 1430
Li Yunlong was already furious because of the cutie's escape, but now he heard Li Baiyu's sarcasm teaching again, and his expression completely lost his composure.

The tip of the sword in his hand pointed directly at Li Baiyu's throat.

"My brother's patience has been completely worn down by you, brother. I will ask you one last time whether you will issue an edict or not?"

Li Baiyu completely ignored the sword on his neck, and glanced lightly at His Highness' civil and military officials, with deep nostalgia hidden in his eyes.

But there was a hint of determination.

"Is there anything else you can threaten me with now?"

"I said that I will let you bear the bad name of being a traitor and traitor for a lifetime, and I will never change it."

Li Yunlong's eyes had a tinge of ruthlessness: "In this case, you should go to see the emperor first."

After finishing speaking, Li Yunlong waved the long sword in his hand and stabbed towards Li Baiyu's neck without hesitation.

Dang bang
The sword in Li Yunlong's hand was shot down to the ground by a hidden weapon, and Li Baiyu was rescued. On the other hand, Li Yunlong was held on his neck by a dagger.

Lao Zhou appeared carelessly at this critical moment, and captured Li Yunlong in one fell swoop.

The mood of the people in the hall, which had just calmed down, became tense again. The Qinzheng Hall, which is not too big or small, unexpectedly had such twists and turns due to the struggle for the throne.

When Li Baihong came back to his senses, Li Qing and his brothers looked at the captured Li Yunlong with a vague look in their eyes.

Staring closely at the dagger in Lao Zhou's hand, he almost told Lao Zhou to do it immediately.

Lao Zhou stared at Li Yunlong, who was neither sad nor happy, and did not panic at all. His voice was shrill: "His Royal Highness, tell your troops to put down their weapons and surrender immediately, otherwise don't blame the old slave for treason."

Li Baiyu looked at Zhou Fei helplessly: "Old Zhou, have you forgotten my will?"

Chief Manager Zhou Fei glanced at Li Baiyu and shook his head: "Your Majesty, this old slave was entrusted by the late emperor, and cannot watch the collapse of the Li family. Please forgive me for having to come out."

Li Yunlong was just like Li Baiyu ignoring the long sword he was pointing at him just now, completely ignoring the extremely sharp dagger in Old Zhou's hand.

Gently looking at Lao Zhou, Li Yunlong's face was calm, as if there was no trace of fear.

"Boss Zhou!"

"It's the old slave, Your Highness. If you don't want to die, let your soldiers put down their weapons and surrender. Otherwise, if the dagger in the old slave's hand is touched lightly, His Highness will be decapitated immediately."

Li Yunlong glanced at Li Baiyu without changing his face and smiled softly.

Old Zhou's pale eyebrows were slightly frowned.

"Your Highness, if this old slave is you, you will definitely not be able to laugh. No one can stop this old slave from wanting to do something at such a distance. I hope His Highness will not doubt that the old slave's words still have strength."

Li Yunlong's gaze shifted from Li Baiyu to Lao Zhou: "Chief Chief, knowing that elder brother has you, the innate master left behind by the emperor, how can I be defenseless?"

"Aren't you curious, why does this king dare to enter the palace so blatantly with only a few people?"

Old Zhou was startled, and subconsciously looked at Li Baiyu who looked helpless.

Seeing this, Li Yunlong gently raised his hand to grab the dagger pointed at his neck and pulled it suddenly, stopping on his neck.

The dagger was too sharp, Li Yunlong's palms and neck were scratched a little by the dagger, and bright red blood flowed out.

Two places on his body were injured, and Li Yunlong's face remained normal, as if he was not the one who was injured. This alone shows that Li Yunlong is indeed a ruthless person.

Li Yunlong didn't show the slightest fear because Lao Zhou was an innate master, with an arrogant look on his face.

"Whatever the chief executive, a house slave is always a house slave."

"Do you know why you are a slave of my Li family?"

"Because there will never be the big picture that the head of the family should have. That's why the elder brother doesn't let you out."

"Brother, is what I said right?"

Li Yunlong glared at Lao Zhou frantically, but asked Li Baiyu the last sentence.

Li Baiyu sighed helplessly, raised his hand and waved it lightly.

"Senior, let him go."

"Your Majesty, this is the last chance. It is a piece of cake for this old slave to deal with the three princes."

Li Baiyu looked at the rebels outside the hall with a complicated expression.

"Senior, didn't you realize that there were only tens of thousands of rebels besieging the Palace of Qinzheng? The rebels who stormed into the city were far more than that."

"If you kill him, the people in the city will not only be buried with me, but also with him."

"The third brother came here precisely because he was prepared, so he dared to be so confident."

"Third brother, am I right?"

Li Yunlong narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Lao Zhou: "This king said that there is no way out for rebellion."

"Victory leads to survival, defeat leads to death."

"It's just that if this king dies, [-]% of the people in the capital will be buried with him."

"Do you think elder brother doesn't want to leave? He can't, let alone dare to leave."

Li Yunlong gently let go of his right hand holding the dagger, and looked at Lao Zhou with an arrogant expression.

"Go on!"

"With a light swipe of the dagger in your hand, this king will be decapitated immediately."

"Come on, innate master."

Li Baiyu watched Lao Zhou's stiff movements and sighed.

"Senior, step down! Don't forget my entrustment!"

"His Majesty!"

"Senior, the overall situation is the most important thing!"

"Old slave obeys the order."

Lao Zhou looked at Li Baiyu sadly, nodded with a heavy face, put away the dagger in his hand and flew back towards the back of the hall.

He disappeared into the hall with afterimages when everyone was barely noticeable.

Li Yunlong gently wiped the wound on his neck: "Brother, what do you have to do?"

"Since you also have a big picture, why do you have to let the people of the capital fall into the flames of war again?"

"So what if Liu Mingzhi is under the capital? The people will suffer in the end."

"Give up the throne obediently, our country will always belong to our Li family."

"You keep saying that the overall situation is the most important thing, and the emperor should serve the country and the people. If this is the case, why don't you give up the throne for the country and the people, instead of letting the people fall into the flames of war?"

Li Baiyu looked at Li Yunlong contemptuously and shook his head with a light smile.

"Third brother!"

"Second brother!"

"Fifth brother!"

"Seventh brother!"

"I'm waiting underground for you to apologize to me!"

"You won't understand!"

Under the watchful eyes of Li Baihong and his brothers, Li Baiyu gently bent down to pick up Li Yunlong's sword that was shot down by Lao Zhou.

Caressing the sharp blade, Li Baiyu shook his head with a complex expression.

"The head is in a different place, which does not conform to the emperor's ritual."

Under the stunned expressions of everyone, Li Baiyu gently threw the long sword on the ground, took out a porcelain bottle from his cuff with a calm expression, took off the cork and stuffed it into his mouth.

Sitting lightly on the dragon chair, Li Baiyu stared deeply at His Highness's mournful civil and military officials.

"My dear friends, Dalong can't perish in ah-huh"

Li Baiyu snorted, his eyes were wide open, his right hand was tightly stroking the dragon head on the dragon chair, a trace of black blood slowly flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

When everyone reacted, Li Baiyu sat upright on the dragon chair, but the eyes that were already slightly majestic had gradually lost their expression.

"Long live my emperor."

"Your Majesty is being respectfully sent off."

On the seventh day of the first month of the second year of Dalong Taihe, Li Baiyu, the new king of Dalong.

Suicide and Qinzheng Hall of Dalong Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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