Chapter 1431
Cutie looked at the gate of Liu Mansion in surprise, and then at the old monk Huifa beside him.

"Grandpa Huifa, shouldn't you take Yue'er back to the Kingdom of Jin? Why did you come to Daddy's house?"

Master Huifa gently clasped the Buddhist beads in his hand: "Amitabha, Princess Yue'er, it's not that I don't want to take you back to the Kingdom of Jin, it's just that the road is freezing cold and the environment is dangerous!"

"It's okay if the old monk is alone, but Her Royal Highness is a noble status of golden branches and jade leaves, how can she live and sleep with the old monk, suffer hardships and burdens."

"Now the best way is to put you, little princess, with Duke Ding Liu Mingzhi first."

"After all, the only place where the big dragon can absolutely guarantee your safety, princess, is here in the Liu residence."

"The only person in Dalong who can absolutely guarantee your safety and not be harmed is your grandfather Liu Zhi'an Liu."

The little cutie pouted for a while, then stared at the old monk Hui Pharaoh with wide eyes.

"Is this what the old woman meant?"

Master Hui Pharaoh was stunned: "Huh?"

"It's my mother!"

The corner of Huifa's mouth twitched, and his face was a bit tangled: "Er Feiye, this is what I mean by myself."

"Your Majesty means that the old monk must protect the safety of the princess. It is precisely because of this that the old monk does not want the princess to return to the Kingdom of Jin with the old monk in the cold wind."

"If the princess suffers from a cold or other problems, I will not be able to take the blame and cannot explain to His Majesty."

"Right now, the snow accumulation in the Kingdom of Jin is several times greater than that of Dalong, and it has reached the point where traveling by car is difficult."

"Putting you in the Liu Mansion is a last resort."

The little cutie nodded helplessly, and knocked on the door of Liu Mansion.

After a while, Liu Zhi'an's butler Liu Yuan opened the door gently, looked at the little cutie standing outside the door and saluted hurriedly.

"Old slave Liu Yuan sees Miss Luoyue."

"Grandfather Yuan is not polite, Yue'er is now a bereaved dog, but not so honorable."

Liu Yuan was stunned and chuckled twice: "Miss, you are joking, if you are a lost dog, the dog will not only be kept as a housekeeper."

"There are a lot of messy people outside the door, young miss, come to the mansion first."

"Okay! Thank you, Grandpa Yuan!"

The little cutie turned her head and looked at the old monk Huifa who was looking at Liu Yuan with a dignified expression: "Grandpa Huifa, would you like to go in with Yue'er and have a cup of hot tea to warm up your body?"

Huifa came back to his senses, looked at Liu Yuan's smiling face, then looked at the Liu Mansion, which was no different from an ordinary mansion, and hurriedly shook his head, as if the Liu Mansion in front of him was a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

"Your Highness, I'd better stop bothering Yuanwai Liu."

"I'm going to go to a place to practice penance first, and then come to welcome the princess when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming."


Looking at several Hui Pharaoh monks who were left behind by their ups and downs, the little cutie shook her head helplessly and dragged Liu Yuan into the gate of Liu Mansion.

It can be said to be familiar with the road.

"Grandpa Yuan, why is Grandpa Huifa so afraid of our family, making it look like a dragon's pool and a tiger's den?"

Liu Yuan smiled and closed the door: "Miss, he is not afraid of our family, but the four old monsters of our family."

"Old monster?"

"Yes, four old monsters who should have died long ago but are still alive."

"As for the reason, I don't understand, maybe it's the rules of the rivers and lakes."

"But these are not things we should worry about. Come here, Miss, this old man will take you to see the master, but the master is very worried about you!"

"Okay, by the way, Grandpa Yuan, Auntie and older brothers and sisters, are the younger brothers and sisters at home, Yue'er misses them so much."

"Miss, they went to a safe place for the time being, but don't worry, miss, you should be able to see them soon."

Cutie nodded disappointedly: "Okay, Yue'er understands."

"Good granddaughter, please give grandpa a hug."

The two of Liu Yuan and Xiao Keai had just walked into the arch of the inner courtyard, Liu Zhi'an smiled brightly like a chrysanthemum and ran towards Xiao Kei from the gazebo.


Seeing this, the cutie also ran towards Liu Zhi'an.

In the blink of an eye, the little cutie was hugged by Liu Zhi'an, and Liu Zhi'an happily looked at the little cutie who was smiling at him with a doting look on his face.

"Baby Yue'er, you didn't feel wronged in the palace, did you? Did you get hurt somewhere? Tell grandpa, grandpa will have someone heal you right away."

Cutie grabbed the beard above Liu Zhian's chin and shook it back and forth: "No, Yue'er didn't suffer any harm, but she was a little scared, Yue'er thought she was really going to die in the dragon's palace!"

"Grandpa, you don't know that the palace today is really scary."

Liu Zhian felt sorry for his neat beard but he was not willing to scold the cutie. The Liu Yuanwai who said to Li Yunlong, "Who the hell dares to touch me Liu Zhian" completely disappeared when facing the cutie.

Turned into an amiable grandpa.

"Grow taller and heavier!"

"Come down quickly, Grandpa won't be able to hold you for long with this old bone."

"Okay, Yue'er will come down now."

Liu Zhi'an gently put down the little cutie, walked towards the pavilion holding the cutie's hand, and slightly gestured to Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan nodded, and slowly retreated towards the outside.

The moment the cutie sat on the stone bench, two brisk figures leaped towards the palace.

"Yue'er, don't be afraid."

"The imperial palace is just a bigger house, and it's not a place to eat people."

"As long as grandpa is still in the capital, you will never be harmed in the slightest."

"Grandpa is not like your big-hearted little bastard who doesn't know how to protect Yue'er."

"Hee hee hee, grandpa is so nice."

"That is, who made grandpa your own grandpa! If you are not good to you, you are good to whom."

"Yue'er, you've been in the palace for a day, are you hungry or thirsty? Grandpa, let someone prepare some food for you right away."

The little cutie picked up Liu Zhian's teacup and took a big sip of tea, then yawned slowly.

"Grandpa, Yue'er is sleepy and hasn't had a good night's sleep for a long time."

"Come on!"

"Master, immediately prepare a place for the young lady to rest!"


"Miss, this way please."

"Grandpa, Yue'er is going to rest first, see you tomorrow."

"Okay, Yue'er should go to rest first!"

Cutie followed her servants into her own room in the inner courtyard and fell into a deep sleep. Not long after, the sound of war drums and shouts for killing came again from the quiet outside of the capital.

Liu Zhi'an looked towards the south of the city with his hands behind his back, as if he could see the situation outside the city through layers of barriers.

Hearing the shocking shouts of killing, Liu Zhian frowned slightly.

"Why hasn't it stopped yet? Could it be that something happened outside the city?"

"Liu Qi!"


"Go and find out what's going on!"


"Liu Si!"


"The bastard still has a few days to come back."

"According to Liu Song's biography, I can arrive at the capital at noon the day after tomorrow. I don't know how the situation in the palace is. Has Your Majesty already..."

Liu Zhian sighed with a complex expression.

"Unfortunately, if Li Zheng hadn't threatened the old man to swear blood, he would never have been involved in the affairs of the court. Perhaps because of the face of the bastard and Yan'er, the old man would let all Liu Ye's children help out."

"Perhaps the result of things will be different, maybe everything has its own cause and effect!"

"Li Zheng was afraid of Liu Ye's strength back then, and suppressed the old man to swear a blood oath."

"Now that this old man is a life-saving straw, His Majesty has not grasped it after all. If Li Zheng knows this, I don't know how he will feel."

"Forget it, it's none of your business to hang on high."

"Let the bastard deal with the affairs of the court."

"If the bastard can't quickly put an end to this mess, it will last forever."

"The feudal lords must be separated, and wars will break out everywhere."

"Alas... As the saying goes, if you plant melons, you will reap beans!"

"It's what you eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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