Chapter 1432 Surrounded
Dalong Jingshi Dongfang Renzhou is on the official road leading to the capital.

Han Zhongzheng anxiously urged a team of 3000 people to rush towards the capital in a hurry.

The team of 3000 people stepped on the snow and made a teeth-piercing creaking sound. The wheels of the ox carts and carriages turned slowly, and if one was not careful, they would slip into the gully formed earlier.

An older old man looked back at the weak brothers and walked towards Han Zhong on horseback.

"Commander, let the brethren take a break, it won't make a big difference one day sooner or later."

"It's been going on for a long time. Even if the brothers can bear it, the cows and horses can't bear it. This is not the Tongtian Avenue. The snow on the official road is up to the ankles. Continue on the road. If it is too late to enter the capital, the cows and horses can't bear it. Get all tired."

"It's not impossible even to die from exhaustion!"

Han Zhong grabbed the reins, looked back at the long line behind and frowned slightly.

"Uncle Yang, it's not that the commander doesn't want to understand the difficulties of the brothers, it's because the head of the family gave the order to die."

"This Commander knows the head of the family too well. He will never order this Commander in such a harsh tone when he is not in a hurry."

"Based on the commander's understanding of him, he must have encountered an imminent event now."

Uncle Yang sighed deeply: "Commander, although this old man has never seen the man in charge, but when the manpower is exhausted, the current official road is not summer, and the road is smooth, so it is already considered fast to arrive in the capital tomorrow evening at this time. "

"It is simply impossible to reach the capital at noon tomorrow. The brothers must be half exhausted."

"Commander, if this old man says something that shouldn't be said, no matter how urgent it is, it must be done according to the situation of the brothers."

"Brothers are exhausted. Not many people know how to use this musket even if it is transported to the capital!"

"Take a break, even if it's a short break."

"Let the cows and horses eat some fodder, let the brothers eat some dry food, and drink some wine to warm their bodies."

Looking at the endless whiteness on the official road ahead, Han Zhong nodded silently.

"Let's fix it for half an hour, let the brothers recover their strength."

Uncle Yang nodded excitedly: "Thank you Commander for your understanding, I thank you on behalf of the brothers!"

Looking at Yang Bo Han Zhong who turned his horse's head and went to give orders, he gently rubbed his forehead.

"Young master, young master, you have really created a problem for your subordinates."

Han Zhong took out a silk map from his bosom, glanced at it, estimated the approximate distance, and then stuffed it back.

Getting off his horse, he walked towards the group of people who had gradually stopped and started to repair. Han Zhong carefully checked the things on the ox cart and horse cart.

Cannons, thunderbolts, and flintlock guns are all things that should not be underestimated and must be treated with care.

Han Zhong nodded in response to his brother who was saluting to him, and then he peeled off the canvas on the bullock cart and silently inspected it.

There are cannons on the widened and elongated bullock carts. Compared with the cannons used by the soldiers of the Great Dragon Northern Expedition on the walls of the capital, these cannons have a very different appearance.

The artillery is much smaller, and the barrel is about twice as small as those of the previous ones, but it is much more refined.

There are sturdy wheels under the barrel, which is several times easier to transport than a simple artillery with only a barrel.

Gently patted the cannon barrel, Han Zhong heaved a sigh of relief when he found that the binding rope was still firm, and continued to check the next car.

This was a habit that Han Zhong had formed during his journey from the East China Sea to the capital for several months.

As the person in charge of the East China Sea, Han Zhong knew the value of these weapons better than anyone else.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Young Master Liu piled it up with real gold and silver, because every weapon is of extraordinary value, and Han Zhong cannot be careless.

After carefully inspecting all the frames, it was almost time for repairs. Han Zhong looked at his brothers who looked much better and ordered to hurry again, heading towards the capital.

Started their road to fire aid.

On the border of Qinzhou Prefecture, the 24 cavalry were trimmed and galloped again with the handsome flag.

Young Master Liu didn't have time to speculate about the situation in the capital, and he didn't have time to think deeply. He just wanted to rush to the capital as quickly as possible, and Young Master Liu thought more clearly than anyone else.

Even if the capital city is already flooded, I have to get there first before Dayu can control the flood.

Otherwise, there is nothing to say, and it is even more useless to think about anything, except to waste your time in vain.

"Marshal, you will be able to arrive at the capital this evening. Have you thought about a way to attack the city?"

"We are rushing forward so brazenly and undisguisedly. Presumably, the traces have already been leaked. The rebels must have been on guard. If we don't make a good plan, we may be caught off guard."

"After all, we are a tired army now, and it is easy for the rebels to wait for work. If we don't want a good countermeasure, it is a taboo for military strategists to rush forward."

Under the rush of the war horse, Song Qing controlled the mount and slowly approached Young Master Liu, walking hand in hand, braving the cold wind and talking loudly to Young Master Liu about his worries.

Liu Mingzhi looked slightly sideways at Song Qing.

"Brother, the battle situation is changing rapidly, what's the use of talking about it now?"

"Now we don't know anything about the situation in the capital. The only thing we know is that the rebels have already entered the city and occupied the palace. What's the use of thinking of [-] strategies to deal with the enemy now?"

"If you don't know the situation in the capital, it's useless to say anything. The best way is to rush to the capital and rescue King Qin."

"When the time comes, change with the same."

"I understand, but you are the commander in chief of the armed forces and you are responsible for the lives of your brothers."

"Brothers 24, if by mistake, they did not die in battle in a foreign country, but died at the hands of their own brothers, under their own capital, have you thought about how to explain to their wives and children? "

"Liu Mingzhi, the final general has the audacity to call you by your first name."

"The end general knows that you are worried about His Majesty and the little niece, but it is precisely because of this that you can't be emotional."

"Getting emotional will rob you of basic judgment."

"You have to remember your current identity, not the father of your daughter, but the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. What you carry on your shoulders does not allow you to act emotionally."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing's worried face and nodded calmly.

"Brother, I am very clear now, and I know what I am doing."

"I said that I would take my brothers home, so I would definitely not take their lives as a joke."

"You know in your heart that you will not say anything in the end, and continue on your way."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and the slightly slowed down speed accelerated again.

As the sun went down, more than 20 cavalry trampled the snow on the official road to form a black line, which was a mud made of ice and snow mixed with soil.

"Shut up!"

Young Master Liu tightly held the reins of the horse, looked at the city wall of the capital, which was already clearly visible to the naked eye, stroking the horse's mane, his eyes were a little sharp and frightening.

More than 20 cavalry scattered towards both sides of the capital and rushed to attack, gradually slowed down and began to converge towards the field behind Young Master Liu.

In the effort of two sticks of incense, 24 cavalry stopped in an orderly manner on the field outside the north gate of the capital.

War horses mixed with the heat exhaled by the soldiers set off the north city gate as if it were surrounded by smoke.

Liu Mingzhi lightly raised the order flag: "The orderer listens to the order, and the ordering troops who arrive first set up camp. It doesn't need to be too cumbersome."

"All the camps are omitted, and only tents are built to keep out the cold."


After the messenger galloped away on horseback, Song Qing looked at Young Master Liu worriedly.

"Marshal, don't set up camp, what if the rebels go out of the city and attack?"

Liu Mingzhi got off his horse and took out the binoculars to look over the city wall.

"Sneak attack? This is what I wish for."

"The messenger!"


"Go to fight and tell them that they are surrounded by Lao Tzu!"

"Go out of the city obediently and surrender. There is still room for discussion, and it will be too late to regret after Lao Tzu goes on a killing spree!"

"Tell them, if you continue to resist!"

"I swear by Liu Mingzhi in the name of the ancestors of the Liu family that if I don't destroy the capital for ten days, I will kill myself."

(End of this chapter)

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