Chapter 1433
Liu Mingzhi looked at the figure of the messenger who was going to fight, and raised the binoculars again to observe the city wall.

Looking at the muzzle of the artillery protruding from the battlements, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly. The artillery was captured by the rebels. This is not good news.

For a moment, Young Master Liu only wanted to scold the generals defending the city.

Did the rebels invade the city without knowing that they destroyed the artillery?
However, Liu Mingzhi didn't know the situation on the city wall at that time. Facing the rebels attacking the city wall from all directions, the imperial guards were in a hurry to fight, and had no time to care whether the artillery on the city wall was destroyed.

"The smell of blood!"


Hearing Song Qing's voice, Liu Mingzhi nodded subconsciously, then put down the binoculars in his hand and looked at Song Qing in surprise.


Song Qing looked at Young Master Liu's suspicious eyes and gently raised his nose to sniff the air.

After a long time, Song Qing's narrowed eyes became clear and bright.

"The air is still filled with the smell of blood, coming from the direction of the South City Gate and the East City Gate."

"Maybe just yesterday, there was a large-scale battle outside the two city gates. As for who fought who, I don't know."

"According to the information we got, the battle in the capital city was over three days ago. The smell of blood cannot be so strong. Obviously, something happened in these three days that we don't know about."

Major General Liu looked at Song Qing suspiciously, put his head up and sniffed the air, but he didn't smell anything at all.

It just feels like the air is a bit cold and my nose is freezing.

"Is there? Why can't I smell anything? It feels like any other place."

Song Qing slowly bent down, picked up a handful of snow, rubbed it, then put it under his nose and sniffed it.

"That's right, the smell of blood is coming from the south gate and the east gate."

Young Master Liu looked at Song Qing in a daze: "You can see these things by grabbing the snow and smelling it? Are you fooling me?"

Song Qing chuckled and threw the snow in his hand on the ground.

"It's normal that you can't smell it. The imperial guards protect His Majesty's safety, and are particularly sensitive to bloody smells and murderous aura."

"How should I put it, this is not a smell, but a feeling."

"As for how to describe this feeling, I don't know. Anyway, I can guarantee that there must have been a bloody battle at the south gate and east gate not long ago, a very tragic bloody battle."

"Really, it's so mysterious."

"Report, Qi report to the commander-in-chief, there are a large number of corpses lying outside the city wall at the east gate and south gate of the capital, and their identities have not yet been identified. There are probably more than 1 corpses."

Young Master Liu stared blankly at the scouts rushing towards him, then turned his head to look at the smiling Song Qing and gave him a thumbs up.


"It's not worth mentioning that it's insignificant."

"Continue to investigate, the sand table with a radius of ten miles will be seen by the commander tomorrow morning."


After the scouts left, Young Master Liu looked down at Song Qing for a while, muttering.

"What do you think will happen to the corpses outside the city?"

"Civil turmoil!"

"How can you see it? You are a little too sure about what you said."

Song Qing glanced at the surroundings of the capital: "The armor of the imperial guards is definitely familiar to our scout brothers. He just reported that his identity has not yet been identified."

"That is to say, this is an unidentified army. Apart from the rebels, who else in the capital dares to stay around the capital?"

"The rebellion of the rebels is not one vassal king, but several kings at the same time."

"Now that the capital has fallen, it's time for the feudal lords to share the spoils."

"But there is only one throne. Obviously, this is because of the civil war over the throne."

"Maybe it's because of us that they repaired the capital and prepared for the war before they had time to repair."

Liu Mingzhi rolled his eyes and nodded silently.

"The analysis is very pertinent. You shouldn't be traveling with me. You should be in Dali Temple."


Young Master Liu stopped speaking abruptly, looking at the city wall of the capital with a panicked and trembling face, the joints of the left hand holding the Heavenly Sword cracked due to the strength.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Liu Mingzhi's right hand tightly clenched a corner of the armor, his lips trembling imperceptibly.

"The battle for the throne has begun, Your Majesty. Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

Although Liu Mingzhi didn't make it clear, his meaning was quite clear.

Song Qing was stunned for a moment, and the tiger's body was shocked and looked at the city wall, trembling slightly.

"They don't have the guts to do that."

"The position is not correct, once it gets out, the world will be in chaos!"

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath: "The rebellion has been done, what else is there not to dare to do, if your majesty is in danger"

Liu Mingzhi couldn't continue talking, because it was a result he didn't dare to think about.

Song Qing looked at First Young Master Liu solemnly: "What if we do?"

Young Master Liu looked back at the more than 20 brothers who were pitching tents behind him and let out a soft sigh.

"For the time being, don't let the brothers know our guesses. I'm afraid of unforeseen consequences. This matter must be kept secret until the city is broken."

Song Qing nodded solemnly, and he also understood what kind of uproar this matter would cause if it got out.

"I understand, what should I do next? If they refuse to surrender, how will they attack the city?"

"I observed the city gate just now, and it was completely sealed. The brothers are all cavalry. Although siege warfare has accumulated a lot of experience in the southern border of the Kingdom of Jin, it is still not our strong point."


"I understand, and I don't know if this guy Han Zhong can come here, the sun is about to go down completely!"

"Without Han Zhong's weapon support, if we attack the city, we will let the brothers pile up corpses to make a way."

"You've been muttering about Han Zhong all the way. I know him. I dealt with him in Tianxianglou back then. How can he help?"

Liu Mingzhi's expression was a little solemn.


"I hope that even if he can't make it back today, he can make it back tomorrow morning."

"Once he comes back, he will be able to solve the urgent need of the commander. We will rush thousands of miles, and the heavy artillery will be placed in Yingzhou. The siege is indispensable."


"Report to Commander-in-Chief, a team of about 3000 people was found on the official road at the east gate of the capital, and the identity is not yet known!"

Liu Mingzhi, who looked worried, was delighted when he heard the scout's words, and hurriedly raised his head and looked towards the east.


"Report to Commander-in-Chief, the leader of the Eastern team claims to be your old friend, did the humble post bring him here?"

"Bring here, this is an old friend of Ben Shuai, invite him over immediately."


Liu Mingzhi couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, paced back and forth, looking at Song Qing with puzzlement in his heart.

What is the situation with Han Zhong? Since dealing with the third brother, it is the first time that he has seen such a somewhat hesitant and excited look on his face.

"Marshal, what is the situation, you should at least find out with the general first, otherwise, let the general command the brothers to attack the city."

"Don't worry, you will know later."

"Report, Commander-in-Chief, Li Yunlong, king of Shu on the city wall, invites you to talk about the city gate."

The messenger in the afternoon finally came back, and brought back the answer that Young Master Liu expected.

Liu Mingzhi glanced slightly at the figure on the city wall, and then looked towards the east again.

"Respond, tell him to wait, I'm not free right now!"


"Ah what? Go!"


(End of this chapter)

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