My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1434 1 Don't Talk About It

Chapter 1434

"My subordinate Han Zhong sees the young master!"

Looking at Han Zhong, who was kneeling on one knee and bowing to him, Liu Mingzhi helped him up, and looked at Han Zhong, who was eating and sleeping in the open, with the traces of wind and frost on his face, Young Master Liu felt a little guilty.

"Good brother, get up quickly, you didn't disappoint the young master, you really rushed back, thank you for your hard work!"

"It's just that the war is urgent, and I have no choice but to let you hurry on your way, young master."

Han Zhong smiled wryly: "To tell you the truth, my subordinates have worked really hard, but no matter how hard I worked, I finally completed the task assigned by the young master."

"The subordinates are really afraid that the young master's important affairs will be delayed. Fortunately, the heavens have eyes, and all the weapons that the young master needs have been brought back to you by the subordinates."

Liu Mingzhi suppressed the excitement in his heart and patted Han Zhong's shoulder lightly, then turned and pouted towards Song Qing.

"Young master's eldest brother, Song Qing, you have seen him, the deputy commander of the middle army of the Northern Expedition Army."

"Grassman Han Zhong sees Marshal Song."

"Excuse me, excuse me, brother Han must not be so polite in the future. I really dare not call Song such a name in front of the Generalissimo."

"If you don't dislike it, call Song Big Brother, General Song is fine, Brother Han is free."

"Then Han Zhong will not be polite, Brother Song."

Han Zhong is also a good person, knowing how to climb up the pole.

Although he has been attached to Liu Dashao for many years and is unwaveringly loyal to him, Han Zhong also understands that there are many friends and multiple paths, and it is uncertain which one can get rich.

With the young master here, Song Qing will not give the young master face and despise his behavior of clinging to the powerful.

Liu Mingzhi patted the shoulders of the two of them lightly.

"Okay, you are all good brothers, so don't be too polite, let the brothers carry all the things brought back from the East China Sea to me."

"This commander can point to these things to keep his head."


"Young master, wait a moment, the subordinate will give you an order and come over immediately to tell you the specific list."

"No problem, you go first."

After Han Zhong left, Song Qing looked at Han Zhong's back curiously: "Tell me, what good things did Brother Han get to help you attack the city?"

Now that Young Master Liu had nothing to hide from Song Qing, he stretched his waist and pointed at the city gate.


"It is impossible to attack the city without artillery. As long as the city gate is blasted, our iron cavalry can drive straight into the capital and kill the rebels."

"What? You want cavalry to attack the city? Are you able to use it?"

Liu Mingzhi waved to the guards on the side: "Du Yu, bring the map of the capital!"


In a moment, Du Yu came to Young Master Liu with a map in his hand, and unfolded the map in his hand.

"Master, the map,"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the map in front of him, which was a rough topographic map of the capital.

"The four main streets of Qinglong, Xuanwu, Suzaku, and Baihu are enough to accommodate the charge of cavalry. Other cities may restrain the charge of cavalry, but given the size of the capital, these can be completely ignored."

"However, brothers, you need to keep in mind that after entering the city, don't enter the alleys that are too small. Otherwise, once the rebels use things like tripping ropes in the alleys, you will be sure."

Song Qing gently rubbed his forehead.

"What if the rebels escape into the alley?"

"The hand crossbow and Lei Zhenzi are enough to force them to have nowhere to hide, so they have no choice but to come out to meet the enemy."

"In any case, even if it's a street fight, we must give full play to our greatest advantages."

"Once they enter the city, attack in a roundabout way, separate the rebels, and gradually wipe them out."

"After the rebels in the outer city have been cleaned, the troops will divide into three groups and attack the inner city, and give them a retreat route at the east gate. The terrain of the east gate is the simplest, and it is easy to spread out troops."

Song Qing looked around the map, and pointed at the east gate of the inner city.

"Are you going to prevent them from jumping over the wall?"

"That's right, following the feudal lord's rebellion, they're all a group of guys with their heads pinned to their belts. The pockets are too tight, and it's easy to withstand their counterattacks. We must leave them with a glimmer of hope."

"This commander doesn't want them to fight with their backs because they have no way out, causing heavy casualties to the brothers."

"In any case, the coach's purpose has been said many times on the road."

"I don't care about the casualties of the rebels, but we must minimize the casualties of the brothers."

"There are [-] brothers in the Kingdom of Jin waiting for us to take them"

Liu Mingzhi's tone suddenly became low.

"Wait until we bring back their horse-skin shrouds."

Song Qing was taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a gloomy expression.

"Those 10 people will be gone in a few months, so fast."

"Hey, let's not talk about these frustrating things, let's continue to talk about the siege."

"After entering the city, you will lead a team of soldiers and horses to the school grounds to rescue the brothers of the imperial guards and the brothers of the patrolling Siwuwei who are imprisoned in the school grounds."

"After rescuing them, immediately lead them to support the rest of the brothers."

"The brothers are all frontier soldiers, unlike us who are very familiar with the capital. Many of them have never been to the capital in their entire lives. There are many streets and alleys in the capital, and it is easy to get lost. They must be led by brothers from the imperial guards."

"Only in this way can casualties be minimized."

Song Qing nodded lightly: "Understood, once you enter the city, the general will immediately go to rescue the brothers of the Imperial Guard."

Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and thought for a while, then slowly opened his eyes.

"Du Yu, put away the map first!"


Liu Mingzhi glanced back at the brothers who were tidying up the tent, pulled Song Qing and pointed in the direction of Cheng Kai and the other six.

"Brother, tell Cheng Kai that the six of them still have generals, big and small, and the battle plan is like this for the time being."

"If something unexpected happens, let the brothers react accordingly."

"We have experienced countless battles, big and small, so we must not rely on our commander's command to fight."

"As long as the situation permits, use troops according to your own judgment at any time."

"Okay, I'll pass on your order now."

"Liu Song!"


"Come with me, the young master has something to tell you."


Young Master Liu took Liu Song to a quieter place and looked around.

"Find a way to contact the old man and ask him to order Liu Ye to investigate the situation in the capital. The young master must know the situation in the capital thoroughly to formulate a better siege strategy."

"By the way, ask him to inquire about the situation of His Majesty and Yue'er, and see if they are already."

"Oh, let's go."

"Yes, Xiao Song will leave."

After Liu Song left, First Young Master Liu said a few words to Song Qing, got on his horse and hurried towards the city gate single-handedly.

It's time to meet Li Yunlong and his brothers and find out what's true.

"Shut up!"

About 30 steps away from the city gate, Young Master Liu pulled the reins and stopped slowly, looking over the city wall.

"Third brother, the little brother is here, what advice do you have?"

A soldier poked his head out and glanced at First Young Master Liu, then immediately retracted and ran towards the tower.

After a cup of tea, the figure of Shu King Li Yunlong appeared on the city wall, looking calmly and calmly at Young Master Liu who was under the city wall and gave him a light fist.

"Brother-in-law, long time no see, how are you?"

"Hehe. The third brother really asked the question knowingly. Does the third brother think that under this situation, the younger brother will be able to live better? Tell me, the reason for the younger brother's visit!"

Li Yunlong gently lay on the battlements and rubbed his palms.

"No other meaning, I want to talk to my brother-in-law."

Liu Mingzhi got off his horse and straightened the cloak behind him.

"Okay, little brother also wants to talk to third brother, but"


"The premise of the talk is that you open the city and surrender, then everything is easy to talk about."

"As long as you don't fall in love with my younger brother, my younger brother can talk to you about anything, including the past."

"Based on this, we brothers can have a good talk with peace of mind."


Li Yunlong looked at Young Master Liu with a gloomy face under the city wall with deep brows, stopped rubbing his hands, and clasped them tightly together.

"How about otherwise?"

First Young Master Liu gently raised the Heavenly Sword in his hand and laid it across in front of him.

"Don't talk about everything, let's talk about it after calling!"

(End of this chapter)

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