Chapter 1435
Li Yunlong looked at First Young Master Liu under the city with a look of determination, and his eyes darkened in an attitude of avoiding talking.

However, Li Yunlong seemed to have thought of something, and the ruthlessness in his eyes gradually receded: "Brother-in-law, why bother? Now that the overall situation is settled, why do you do such useless work?"

Liu Mingzhi gently put down the Heavenly Sword in his hand, and looked at Li Yunlong lightly.

"The overall situation has been decided?"

"Why is the overall situation settled? It's too early for the third brother to say these words?"

"The younger brother was ordered to rush thousands of miles to the capital to rescue King Qin. As long as the younger brother survives for a day, and the more than 20 King Qin cavalry outside the city do not die, the overall situation will not be settled for a day."

Liu Mingzhi glanced coldly at Li Yunlong, turned on his horse and grabbed the reins.

"Third Brother, I have already said what I should say."

"In a word, there are only two roads ahead of you, third brother. You can either lead the rebels out of the city and surrender, or wait for the younger brother to lead the cavalry into the city and start killing."

"That's what it turned out to be."

"It doesn't make sense for you and me to have a verbal dispute anymore."

"I hope the third brother will think about it carefully so that he can take care of himself."

"My little brother's sword, once the brothers' weapons are unsheathed, I'm afraid they won't stop until they drink some blood."

"That's all my little brother said, third brother think twice before acting."

"From now until the sun rises tomorrow, I hope to get a more appropriate reply."


Li Yunlong looked at Young Master Liu's movement of turning his horse's head and preparing to leave when he disagreed with him, his face froze, and his red palms turned white due to excessive force.

"and many more!"

"Shut up!"

Liu Mingzhi grabbed the reins of the horse, looked back towards the city wall, looked at Li Yunlong's blushing face, and frowned slightly.

"Third Brother, have you figured it out?"

Li Yunlong straightened up and let out a breath slowly, calming down the anger in his heart.

"Brother-in-law, in all fairness, I admit that there were some grievances between us in the past, but it was all because of some misunderstandings."

"Brother Wei feels that because of some trivial misunderstandings, there is absolutely no need for us to continue to fight like this. It will be of no benefit to anyone if we continue to fight like this."

"Injuring the enemy by one thousand and self-injury by eight hundred, in the end, it is nothing more than cheap gold and Turkic countries."

"What my father can give you, what my elder brother can give you, my brother can also give you, and I can give you twice as much."

"Let's join hands as brothers, let go of past suspicions, and work together to create a unified world."

"Let's talk about the good stories about you and your father, the emperor and his ministers. Our brothers can go down in history."

"Everyone can get what they want. Is there a better way to get the best of both worlds?"

"Brother-in-law, why bother chasing after a little conflict from the past, as long as you support Brother Wei's enthronement as emperor, after you help Brother Wei rule the world, Brother Brother can make you a side-by-side king with a different surname, and let your Liu family enjoy the glory and wealth for generations. "

"It's the best of both worlds, so why not my brother-in-law!"

"Brother Wei always feels that there is absolutely no need to resort to swords and guns for issues that can be resolved peacefully."

Looking at Li Yunlong's righteous and awe-inspiring appearance, First Young Master Liu chuckled twice.


"Just some trivial misunderstanding?"

"Third brother is really open-minded. The moonlit night attack in the north of the city in the past is also a trivial misunderstanding?"

"If it wasn't for the younger brother's strength, I am afraid that the head on the neck of the younger brother would have been taken off by the senior of Wei Mansion with a sword, and he was planning to kill the younger brother. Is this still a trivial misunderstanding?"

"it is good"

Young Master Liu nodded silently: "Let's not talk about personal grievances for the time being, let's say a few words out of righteousness."

"The younger brother is a minister, and your majesty is a king."

"The third brother understands my temperament, and always likes to follow orders."

"The elder brother's imperial decree is to let the younger brother rush thousands of miles to rescue King Qin, instead of seeking skins from tigers."

"The younger brother's promise is very moving."

"However, third brother, please forgive me. You will not be rewarded for nothing."

"The throne promised by the third brother, the younger brother is not safe to sit on!"

"My younger brother has been an official since Xuande 27, and it has been 11 years. In 11 years, my younger brother has done everything. I don't know how many daring things I have done."

"But there's only one thing my little brother can't do."

Li Yunlong narrowed his eyes slightly: "What's the matter?"

"Crazy ministers and thieves!"


"Third brother, whether it is the father or the emperor brother, there is enough for the younger brother. The title of Duke Ding is enough for the younger brother's descendants. No."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head, took out a printed box from the cloth pouch under the armor and held it in his hand.

"It should be that the title of King Liang is enough for my younger brother's children and grandchildren to enjoy endless glory and wealth."

"One must be content and always happy. The younger brother has received the great grace of the father and the elder brother. What reason is there for you to join forces with a rebellious courtier and thief like you?"

"Since the third brother never repents, I don't think there is any need for us to chat anymore."

Li Yunlong gritted his teeth and looked at First Young Master Liu.

"Rebellious officials and thieves, and rebellious officials and thieves."

"Why do you always think that this king is a traitor and traitor? Brother-in-law, have you ever thought about it? If you ascend the throne as the emperor for your brother, the country will still belong to my Li family, and the court will still belong to my Li family."

"The eldest brother is the biological blood of the father, and the elder brother is also the biological blood of the father."

"This king also has the blood of Li's clan, and is also a descendant of Emperor Taizu Gao. Why can't this king justifiably ascend the throne as emperor?"

"Who stipulated that this king cannot sit on that chair?"

"It's reasonable for the king to sit on that chair, but you didn't get the imperial edict, and you led 20 iron cavalry to the capital city without permission, you are a traitor."

"Especially the things you did with the Empress of the Kingdom of Jin. Others don't know about it, but my brother knows it very clearly."

"What qualifications do you have to accuse the king here?"

"If you want to talk about treason and injustice, you, Liu Mingzhi, are the only one who will not give up when you search for Dalong."

"You secretly told the Empress of the Kingdom of Jin to give birth to a daughter, who will grow up to be an adult, yet you still shamelessly accuse her of being a brother here?"

"This king rebelled and took back my Li family's land, but you, Liu Mingzhi, are collaborating with the enemy and treason."

"Even so, my brother is willing to reconcile with you regardless of past grievances. We brothers will join hands to create a peaceful and prosperous world throughout the ages. What do you not want to be satisfied with?"

"Brother-in-law, when scolding others, think about the shameful deeds you have done."

Liu Mingzhi frowned tightly, and the wrist holding Tianjian trembled slightly.

Looking at Li Yunlong and Liu Mingzhi who looked displeased, he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

If he lost his composure at this moment, he would have fallen into Li Yunlong's tricks.

"Liu Mingzhi swears to the sky, the world can prove his loyalty to the imperial court, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other. My younger brother has never thought of treason, and he has never thought of doing anything to the Li family."

"Little brother just wants to protect himself."

"Third brother, I won't refute whatever you say, but no matter what you say, you can't hide the fact that you have rebelled."

"Wine is less than a thousand cups when you meet a bosom friend, but a few words are too much if you don't speculate."

"Since the peace talks can't be reached, let's see the truth."



Liu Mingzhi's movement of riding away did not stop because of Li Yunlong's words. He knew in his heart that it was impossible not to use weapons in the current situation.

"Brother-in-law, don't you want to see who else is on the city wall?"

Young Master Liu turned a deaf ear and continued to leave.

"Daddy! Save Yue'er!"

Young Master Liu shook his body, grabbed the rein of the horse and hurriedly looked back.

I saw two people covered by black cloth standing beside Li Yunlong at some point, one was wearing a dragon robe, the other was wearing a fringed skirt and a snow-white cloak.

The sword in Li Yunlong's hand was resting on the child in the fringed skirt.

Li Yunlong's thick voice came to First Young Master Liu's ears.

"Brother-in-law, you forced me to be your brother!"

"It's worth it to have the Great Dragon Emperor and the little princess of the Kingdom of Jin buried with me!"

Young Master Liu never mentioned anything about the cutie since he arrived at the city, because he was afraid that Li Yunlong would use these things to mess up his position.

But now Young Master Liu stared blankly at the 'little cutie' on the city wall and his body trembled.

The stable heart has been completely messed up!
He didn't know if the little girl under the mask was his daughter Liu Luoyue.

But he dared not gamble.

(End of this chapter)

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