My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1436 You are also worthy

Chapter 1436 You are also worthy
In Liu's mansion, while looking through various information sent by Liu Yezi's younger brother, Liu Yuan walked into Liu Zhi'an's study with a letter in his hand.

The little cutie was shaking her slender legs and was curiously looking at the layout in Grandpa's study.

"Master, Liu Ye's letter."

Liu Zhi'an took the letter and read it, his expression froze: "My son so fast?"

Liu Yuan was taken aback for a moment, feeling that the master's words seemed ambiguous, and rubbed his nose resentfully and looked elsewhere.

Liu Zhi'an also thought about it, his words seemed to hurt his son a bit.

"Uh, what the old man means is that the bastard's speed is a bit fast."

"Well, it doesn't seem right to say that."

"Hmm, master, let's get down to business first."

Liu Zhi'an nodded with an awkward expression: "Yes, yes, let's talk about the business first. The bastard is already approaching the city, and he is rushing all the way to the stars. He must be eager to understand the situation in the capital."

"There is a saying in the art of war. Know yourself and the enemy, and you will win a hundred battles. Only when you know the situation in the city can you start attacking the city."

"Where's Liu Yuan!"

"Sir, tell me!"

"Collect a copy of the information in the city, and get it to the bastard."

"Yes, this is the old slave"

"Master, Uncle Liu, a letter from Liu Song."

Liu Yi arrived carelessly, holding a note in his hand and handing it to Liu Zhian, Liu Zhian took it and looked it over, with a faint smile on his face.

"After all, it's my own. I really have a tacit understanding with the old man."

"Liu Yuan, the bastard's letter is for the old man to sort out a piece of information, and follow what he said just now!"


Liu Yuan looked hesitantly at the little cutie who approached Liu Zhi'an slightly.

"My lord, what is your majesty doing?"

"Let's not talk about it for the time being, lest the bastard lose his position."


After Liu Yuan left, the cutie jumped off the chair and walked towards Liu Zhi'an with a smile, her white hands grabbed Liu Zhi'an's sleeves and shook them.


Liu Zhi'an was startled, and looked at the cutie with a light smile.

"Good granddaughter, what do you want to do?"

"Grandpa, how can anyone say that about his granddaughter, Yue'er wants to go find daddy."

Liu Zhi'an's face turned into a pillow, and he looked at the little cutie's expectant eyes with a tigerish face and shook his head.

"No, your father is at war, you were so dangerous in the past, if you get hurt somewhere, grandpa will regret it to death."

"No, Yue'er misses Daddy, so Yue'er is going."


The little cutie looked at Liu Zhian with aggrieved expression, smiled and picked up the small scissors that Liu Zhian used to trim potted plants and pointed towards Liu Zhian's chin.

"Okay, grandpa won't let me go, and Yue'er will obediently obey me."

"But Yue'er is idle and bored, and trims her beard for grandpa. It's so long, it doesn't look good at all."

Liu Zhian's face froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

"Wait a minute!"

The little cutie looked at Liu Zhi'an with blinking eyes and a smile: "Grandpa, what's wrong?"

"Uncle Tai, thank you for your hard work!"


The little cutie exclaimed, and was taken out of the study by an afterimage and disappeared.

Although Li Yunlong couldn't see the expression on Young Master Liu's face clearly, he could tell from his stiff movements that Young Master Liu's heart was not at peace at the moment.

"Brother-in-law, my little niece is really smart, cute and cute."

"It would be a pity for such a beautiful woman to die on the city wall of the capital like this."

Liu Mingzhi turned the horse's head slowly, looked at Li Yunlong calmly, and the killing intent in his eyes was forcibly suppressed by him.

Liu Mingzhi endured the turbulent waves in his heart. He knew that the more passive he was, the easier it would be for Li Yunlong to catch him.

"Third brother, little brother and little girl Luoyue haven't seen each other for half a year."

"The little girl, Yue'er, is growing up, and her voice has changed a bit. Can the eldest brother take off the mask of the little girl so that the younger brother can see clearly. At that time, the younger brother will discuss the conditions with the third brother."

Li Yunlong shrugged and sneered twice.

"Brother won't lift the veil of my little niece, so I bet you now."

"Bet whether you dare to attack the city."

"Whether this little girl is Luoyue's little niece depends on brother-in-law, whether you are really a loving father as you claim to be!"


Liu Mingzhi clearly told himself not to get angry, but he couldn't help but get angry when he heard Li Yunlong's words.

The long sword Li Yunlong put on the little girl moved a little closer.

"Brother-in-law, how about betting on your little niece's life with the Tiger Talisman Seal on your body?"

Liu Mingzhi was startled, his eyes turned slightly, and doubts arose in his mind as he scanned the figures on the city wall.

Li Yunlong seemed to be a little too anxious. If this masked little girl was really his daughter, Li Yunlong could completely show her her true face in Lushan.

In that way, I will definitely follow Li Yunlong's wishes, and there is no need to make extravagant tricks.

It seems that the identity of this little girl is open to question as she desperately wants to get her Tiger Talisman seal.

However, the identity of the masked little girl cannot be completely revealed. Young Master Liu still has some understanding of Li Yunlong's insidious and cunning temperament.

Thinking of this, First Young Master Liu took out his handsome seal from the harness on the horse's back and held it in his hand.

"Third Brother, the handsome seal is here, as long as you take off the little girl's mask, the Tiger Talisman will be handed over to you immediately, how about it?"

Li Yunlong looked at the handsome seal in Young Master Liu's hand with extremely frenzied eyes, but he was too aware of his situation at the moment.

Shaking his head silently, the sword in Li Yunlong's hand became stronger.

"This king just said very clearly, I want to gamble with you."

"There is no end to the game of gambling. Isn't it too boring to open the market at this moment."

Young Master Liu raised his brows, smiled lightly and put the handsome seal in the bag, and wiped his neck at Li Yunlong on the city wall.

"Third brother, do you know what the moon is bending over Kyushu?"

After Young Master Liu asked this sentence, his eyes were concentrated, and he kept staring at the movement of the little girl on the city wall. Seeing that there was no abnormality in her body when she heard his words, Liu Mingzhi knew it in his heart.

Li Yunlong was stunned: "The moon bends to illuminate Kyushu? What does my brother-in-law mean?"

Young Master Liu quietly looked at Li Yunlong and spat secretly, then raised his middle finger at Li Yunlong.


After finishing speaking, he turned his horse's head and continued to leave. Liu Mingzhi knew at this moment that there was absolutely no way his daughter Liu Luoyue was under the mask.

Seeing Young Master Liu turning his horse's head and walking towards the camp outside the city so straightforwardly, Li Yunlong's face changed in surprise, and he really couldn't figure out where he was showing his flaws.

However, Li Yunlong still wanted to forcefully try to keep him.

"Liu Mingzhi, do you really not care about your daughter's life?"

"She hasn't been by your side since she was a child. You owe her too much, but now you are wasting her life. You are a father in vain."

Young Master Liu ignored it and continued on his way. Suddenly, Young Master Liu suddenly turned around and raised his right hand to shake it.

Young Master Liu held a feather arrow three inches away from Young Master Liu's forehead. There was no arrow on the arrow, but a letter was tied to it.

First Young Master Liu looked at the direction the arrow was coming from, and subconsciously looked towards the tower above the city wall.

Sure enough, a masked man in a green robe and holding a big yellow bow noticed his gaze and nodded slightly, and then leaped away.

Young Master Liu in this green robe is too familiar, he is undoubtedly Liu Yezi's younger brother from the Liu family.

Under Li Yunlong's astonished face, First Young Master Liu opened the letter and looked through it, and looked at Li Yunlong on the city wall with a smug smile.

"Heh bah!"

"Grass you."

Young Master Liu's face was tangled for a moment, but he finally swallowed the last word. After all, his husband and wife relationship with the third princess is here, so it is not appropriate to say that this sentence is true.

Young Master Liu felt extremely relaxed at the moment, his daughter was not in danger of life, and there would be no constraints when attacking the city.

As for whether he could save Li Baiyu's life, Young Master Liu didn't have any confidence in his heart.

However, in the current situation, I can only do my best and obey the destiny.

"Brother-in-law, there are 30 to [-] elite soldiers in Brother City, which is comparable to the number of soldiers under your command."

"Are you really going to die with your brother, and both sides will suffer?"

Young Master Liu pulled the rein suddenly, turned the horse's head and stared at the city wall.

"Third brother, let's see the real chapter under my hand."

"It's not that Liu Mingzhi looked down on you, Li Yunlong, and wanted to hurt both sides with me."

"You deserve it too?"

(End of this chapter)

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