Chapter 1437

After all, Young Master Liu returned to the army camp.

It's not that Li Yunlong didn't want to stay, but that Young Master Liu didn't look back.

The moment Young Master Liu's back disappeared, Li Yunlong knew that his plan had completely failed. Although he didn't know how Young Master Liu saw through him, a failure was a failure.

Li Yunlong sighed with a gloomy face, waved his hands casually, and the two men with hoods were taken down by the masters of the black-clothed guards.

Lu Gongwang, a staff member on one side, looked at Li Yunlong worriedly: "Your Majesty, what should we do? Liu Mingzhi is determined to attack the city. Although we have captured King Qing and King Yun's troops, we are not as good as Liu Mingzhi's soldiers and horses." Compared with each other, there are not too many more troops."

"I have heard for a long time that Liu Mingzhi is used to winning by surprise, and I don't know what method he will use to attack the city."

Li Yunlong's fists were clenched: "Think of a way to spread out the matter of Liu Mingzhi and the little princess of the Kingdom of Jin thoroughly, this king will make him fall into a situation of verbal criticism."

"Currently, all civil and military officials in the court seem to support my king's ascension to the throne, but they are actually waiting for Liu Mingzhi's action."

"This king doesn't understand why Liu Mingzhi still wins the hearts of the people after he has done such a thing with the Empress of the Kingdom of Jin."

"Let's pass on the order and prepare the army for war."

"The troops are about the same. This king doesn't believe that Liu Mingzhi can easily break into the capital."

"Didn't he threaten to enter the city in ten days? Otherwise, he would kill himself. This king wants to see how he ends up."

"More than 20 soldiers and horses attacked the capital defended by the king's 30 troops. For ten days, he overestimated himself or underestimated the king."

"Not much to say, let's prepare for battle."

Lu Gongwang nodded silently: "Yes!"

"This king will go to the clan mansion first to see if he can be enthroned as emperor as soon as possible. As long as he becomes emperor, Liu Mingzhi will be a rebellious and rebellious traitor. At that time, the general trend of the world will not follow him."

"Yes, what the lord said is to ascend the throne as soon as possible, as long as the name is right, Liu Mingzhi will turn from Qin Wang's army into a rebel army."

After scanning the situation outside the city, Li Yunlong slowly walked down the city.

"Lu Gui!"

"My lord?"

"Have you found any traces of Li Ye and the others? The capital is such a big place, where can they hide, especially Chuan Guo Yuxi."

"The seal box in the Hall of Qinzheng is empty, the Chuan Guo Yuxi must be in the hands of the two women or the eldest brother's four children."

"Even if I dig three feet into the ground, I have to find the Jade Seal of Chuan Kingdom!"

Lu Gui looked a bit embarrassed: "My lord, it's not that the last general didn't try his best, but the capital has been searched and there is no trace of them. Could it be that they are no longer in the city?"


Li Yunlong muttered with a gloomy face.

After a while, Li Yunlong looked around.

"Prepare with both hands, continue to search for their traces, and at the same time find a skilled craftsman to imitate a jade seal. Anyway, outsiders dare not examine it carefully. As long as the imitation is acceptable, it is enough to confuse the real one."

"I will understand at the end."

Young Master Liu had just stopped in front of the big tent when Qinglong approached carelessly, and dozens of personal guards immediately drew out their weapons and surrounded him.

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands calmly: "Let's all step back, we are friends."


Dozens of personal guards put away their weapons and returned to their posts.

First Young Master Liu glanced at the rolling tents above the wilderness and waved his hands at Qinglong: "Come in!"

"Yes, Master!"

Liu Mingzhi sat on the chair, lifted the pot and poured Qinglong a cup of tea.

"What's the matter? What happened again?"

Qinglong took out a note from his bosom and handed it to First Young Master Liu: "Information about Miss from Suzaku."

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, took the note, casually flipped through it, lit it and threw it into the brazier.

The content on the note is slightly different from what the old man sent, but it is almost the same. It is about the situation in the capital and the current situation of the little cutie.

Liu Mingzhi sat on the chair and lightly pecked a cup of tea.

"Responding to Suzaku, her movements are one step slower than Liu Yezi's brother. There is a long way to go to become a first-class intelligence organization."

"Continue to recruit a large number of people. Suzaku Division is in charge of information. It must collect news from all over the world. I don't want to receive information after the head falls one day."

Qinglong was stunned, and nodded solemnly.

"This subordinate understands, and will definitely convey your order to Suzaku."

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, then gently put down the teacup in his hand, and tapped his fingers lightly on the table, obviously considering an embarrassing decision.

After a long time, Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief.

"Are any of Suzaku's brothers distributed to the Kingdom of Jin?"

"Yes, more than 30 brothers have sneaked into the territory of the Kingdom of Jin. One of the brothers has become a good friend of an important minister of the Kingdom of Jin because of his extraordinary eloquence."

Liu Mingzhi was startled when he knocked on the table.

"Let Suzaku send an order to let these more than 30 brothers check why Yue'er appeared in Dalongjing City under the condition of ensuring their own safety."

"My young master hastened his horse and rushed to the capital with almost no rest. Even so, he did not arrive until after the year."

"According to information, Yue'er arrived in Dalong's capital two days ago."

"This shows that Yue'er sneaked to the capital before the national war in Northern Xinjiang was completely over."

"As the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Jin, it's impossible for Yue'er not to know the news about me in the hinterland of the Kingdom of Jin. In this case, she has no reason to rush to Dalong alone."

"I'm afraid this is just another trick of euphemism."

"A plan to drive a wedge between me and His Majesty's monarch and ministers."

"Obviously, her scheme has succeeded."

"Yue'er's appearance in the capital means that my father-daughter relationship with Yue'er is no longer a secret."

"Although I already have a result in my heart, I still want to confirm that what happened to Yue'er was a coincidence, and there was a purpose."

"Qinglong understands."

"Master, Qinglong has something to say, don't know if it should be said or not?"


"Aren't you annoyed that the Golden Empress has plotted against you repeatedly?"

Liu Mingzhi froze for a moment, played with the teacup and shook his head with a chuckle.

"In all fairness, I can't say I'm too angry. If I were her, I would do more than her."

"As the bluntly said, she has never planned anything for her own self-interest. As the king of a country, there is nothing wrong with serving the country and the people!"

"Exactly, this commander is also serving the country and the people."

"That's all, there is no fixed statement of right and wrong, let's take it one step at a time, and pass the order first!"

"Yes! Qinglong resigns."

After Qinglong left, Song Qing hurriedly walked into the big tent, looking at Young Master Liu with a troubled expression.

"Marshal, have you seen the artillery that Han Zhong brought?"

Young Master Liu put down his teacup and looked at Song Qing in surprise: "I didn't have time to see it, what's wrong? What's wrong with the artillery?"

"The problem is that there is no problem, but the barrel is too small, can it be powerful?"

Only then did Young Master Liu understand why Song Qing was so pale, and shook his head with a light smile.

"A person cannot be judged by his appearance, and a gun cannot be measured by its size."

"What's the matter, little one, it's fine if it's easy to use."

"You're not very big, don't you have two sons and a daughter? Sometimes you can't judge by appearance. Tomorrow you will know what it means to be short and powerful."

Song Qing was taken aback, muttered for a moment and gradually came to his senses, and rushed towards First Young Master Liu with a gloomy expression.

"Damn you, you are not as bad as you!"

(End of this chapter)

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