My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1439 The Beginning of the Siege

Chapter 1439 The Beginning of the Siege
The sound of rumbling war drums suddenly sounded outside the north gate of the capital.

More than 20 soldiers who were moving quickly began to return to their phalanx under the leadership of the captain, and immediately got on their horses to wait for the command after putting on their armor.

At best, the time between before and after is two cups of tea, and it is this short time of two cups of tea that shows what is called an elite teacher.

Liu Mingzhi had never trained them deliberately, and the reason why they were able to have such an orderly and prohibited appearance was completely accumulated bit by bit in actual combat.

After going through battles outside the pass, they understood more and more the truth that soldiers are expensive and fast. Only by preparing the army one step ahead of the enemy can they gain the upper hand in the next fight.

The sound of war drums sounded continuously, not only the soldiers and horses under Liu Mingzhi outside the city had already started preparing for battle, but also the rebels on the city wall were alarmed.

Although they were annoyed that Young Master Liu attacked the city so early and prevented people from sleeping peacefully, they also knew that life was more important than sleep.

Under the leadership of the generals of all parties, they quickly occupied a favorable position on the city wall to guard against the enemy's attack.

The words of the rebel general said that they had a lot of pressure in their hearts.

The army outside the city is not an ordinary army, the man in command is Liu Mingzhi, Duke Dingguo in white.

I don't need to say more about his name. Since entering the dynasty, there have been few defeats in the southern and northern wars, so you must be [-]% energetic when dealing with his attacks.

The soldiers and horses under his command are not ordinary soldiers and horses, they are 20 elite troops who survived the bloody battle outside the pass.

If you don't want to lose your head, let me kill the enemy desperately. They are all cavalry, and no matter how powerful a horse is, they can't jump over the city wall.

As long as you occupy the advantage of the city wall, maybe you will be the first to make Liu Mingzhi suffer defeat, and then you will be famous all over the world and admired by future generations.

The rebel general drew his weapon and pointed at the camp outside the city.

"Fighting the enemy bravely, the prince will not begrudge rewards."

"As long as Liu Mingzhi is defeated, gold, silver, jewels, high-ranking officials and generous salary will be available."

"Kill the enemy and make meritorious service."

"Kill the enemy!"

"Kill the enemy!"

"Kill the enemy!"

Encouraged by the general, heroic shouts burst into the sky above the city wall.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the situation on the city wall with a serious expression, and sometimes he had to admit that Li Zheng's genes were really good.

Although Li Yunlong is a rebel, his talent cannot be rejected just because of his notoriety.

In all fairness, at least in some respects, Li Baiyu is still slightly inferior to Li Yunlong.

Especially Li Yunlong is ruthless and will do anything to achieve his goals.

He doesn't care whether the means are upright or not, what Li Yunlong cares about is the result, as long as the result is successful, everything is worth it in Li Yunlong's view.

Staring at the high morale of the rebels above the city wall, Liu Mingzhi silently lowered his head and began to meditate.

The generals of the rebel army on the city wall didn't want to put pressure on the soldiers, but because of Liu Mingzhi's reputation, they had to do so, especially since this was the order the generals got from Li Yunlong.

This is what Li Yunlong meant, and pressure can sometimes turn into motivation.

The harder you pressurize, the stronger the rebound will be at that time, and it may have an unexpected effect.

Facts have proved that Li Yunlong succeeded.

The morale of the rebels became high from the slight panic at the beginning. Under Li Yunlong's strategy of both soft and hard, the rebels were both under pressure and full of fighting spirit.

It would be hard for him to defeat Liu Mingzhi, the ever-victorious general, without becoming famous all over the world.

Han Zhong jogged and stopped in front of First Young Master Liu. Under Liu Mingzhi's order, Han Zhong also changed into a light armor. After all, not wearing armor in the army violated military regulations.

"Young Marshal, a total of 250 cannons have been lined up about [-] steps outside the city, and the shells have been loaded, ready to attack the city at any time."

Liu Mingzhi took out the binoculars and looked forward, only to see three hundred trap doors lined up outside the city wall, full of soldiers holding torches.

These soldiers are skilled gunners brought back from the East China Sea by Han Zhong.

The three hundred cannons are divided into four categories, big and small, long and short, with different shapes. The only difference is that they all look much lighter than the previous cannons.

Liu Mingzhi gently put down the binoculars in his hand and looked at Han Zhong.

"The shooting range will not exceed the distance. If it hits a private house and accidentally injures the people?"

Han Zhong nodded solemnly: "Marshal, each of these gunner brothers broke down at least ten cannons in the East China Sea, and they are very confident about the impact of the shells and the distance."

"It's not about bragging. They say they are the second best in the cannon. No one in the world dares to say that they are the first in the cannon."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, and waved to Jiang Lei who was not far away.

"Jiang Lei, come here!"


Jiang Lei trotted over: "Marshal, what are your orders?"

First Young Master Liu pointed at the position of the artillery: "Go to the artillery phalanx to supervise the battle. If there is anything wrong, please direct me. I am better at fighting than you, and I will humbly ask for advice and study hard."


After Jiang Lei left, First Young Master Liu looked at Han Zhong with a calm face.

"I don't mind!"

Han Zhong smiled lightly and shook his head: "No, didn't the young master say it, be modest!"

"It's fine if you don't, it's not that the commander can't trust them, it's just that it's their first time on the battlefield, and it's not necessarily good to be able to adapt to the situation if they shoot well."

"Enough people have died, if you can save one more life, save one more life."

"Jiang Lei has been with me for many years. They are considered as my first batch of students. They have good skills. We are brothers and we must help each other."

"The commander-in-chief said so."

After three rounds fell, Liu Mingzhi's expression froze, and he looked towards the soldiers of the three armies behind him.

Young Master Liu's order just now is that three rounds of drums fall before anyone arrives, and they will be dealt with by military law.

The result satisfied Liu Mingzhi, nearly 25 troops formed dozens of phalanxes, and the noise of the gathering stones was completely quieted down with the sound of drums.

Except for the slight sound of cold wind and the occasional sneeze from the war horses, no movement could be heard in the whole wilderness.

Liu Mingzhi took the command flag from the personal guard, got on his horse and rushed towards the army formation.



Young Master Liu rushed forward and shouted a dozen sentences: "What is your mission?"

Make sure that more than 20 brothers can all hear it.

"Defend the country."

"Do you want to get promoted and get rich?"

"miss you!"

"You are sincere!"

"Thank you, Marshal, for your compliment."

"Brothers, follow in the footsteps of your lieutenants. They all have experience in the southern border of the Kingdom of Jin. They all have experience in joint infantry sieges. In a word, they must kill the enemy and save their lives."

"Your lives are precious. I don't want to see you die in battle, and I don't want to see off each of your brothers. I just want to take you home. Dalong New Army!"


"The handsome is mighty!"

"Brothers are mighty!"

"You are handsome and mighty."

Liu Mingzhi made a detour, pulled the rein of the horse and stopped, and waved the buying order flag in his hand.

"Four drums, attack the city!"

The sound of war drums pierced the sky again and went straight into the sky.

More than 20 soldiers took out a wooden stick from their waists and bit them in their mouths, except for the captain who passed the order.

The horse has its feet bound and the person holds it.

After biting on the wooden sticks, the soldiers drew out their weapons one after another, and rode their horses towards the capital to meet the drumbeat.

Compared with the thundering shouts of killing above the city wall, the quietness of the 20 army was a little scary, and a little chilling.

Although there was no shout of killing, the sense of killing under calm was better than three points above the city wall.


PS: The name Li Yunlong is just a coincidence. The author has no rhythm and no intention of playing tricks. I hope everyone will not take their seats!

(End of this chapter)

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