Chapter 1440

Young Master Liu gave an order, and the [-] cannons burst into flames, and then there was a thunderous sound, and the shells shot towards the city wall.

However, compared with the previous shells, the shells fired by these three hundred artillery pieces surprised everyone.

The more than 20 troops standing behind the artillery phalanx, gearing up for a charge at any time, looked at the explosion at the city wall with a surprised expression on their faces.

The three hundred cannonballs were fired at the same distance, so why are the cannonballs located at different distances?

In the impression of all the soldiers, the positions where the artillery shells landed after setting up the angle were probably less than five steps away. However, the sound of the explosion on the city wall this time was completely different from the previous ones.

There was a violent explosion in the city gate, and there was also an explosion on the city wall.

The soldiers could already see the corpses of the rebels who were blown into the air with naked eyes.

On the contrary, Jiang Lei, who was standing behind and supervised the battle, withdrew his surprised gaze, and looked thoughtfully at the artillery of different sizes and unevenness in front of him.

Based on his many years of shooting experience, the strange impact points of these shells should be due to the different lengths of the barrels.

The second round of artillery was fired again. Jiang Lei stared at the several shells near him, and took out the binoculars according to his estimated distance and looked up the city wall.

Sure enough, Jiang Lei noticed that the shells fired by those slender barrels covered a farther distance towards the sides.

Gently put down the binoculars, Jiang Lei tugged Han Zhong's arm.

"Brother Han, brother has a question I want to ask you."

Han Zhong took off the cotton plugs in his ears: "What?"

"Brother Han, can these guns with slender barrels be mounted at a higher angle to hit farther?"

Han Zhong was startled, and looked at Jiang Lei with a strange expression, quietly stretching out his thumb.

"No wonder the commander-in-chief said that you have good skills, and you discovered the secret of these artillery in just two rounds."

"When the former Duke of Wu, Wanbu Haiwan, conquered Heshuo and Heshuo, the Turkic people found out in a short time, apart from the problem of the impact of the shells, they could effectively steer their horses to avoid the position of the shells according to the sound of the shells."

"So after the craftsmen spent sleepless nights and food, they came up with such an idea. The range of the four different artillery pieces is slightly different, which can achieve small-scale coverage of the explosive point, so that the enemy can't figure out the impact point of the shell."

Han Zhong pointed to the messy rebels on the city wall.

"See, they can't figure out where the shells landed. These rebels are like headless chickens. They can only rely on God's will to avoid the shells."

Jiang Lei nodded thoughtfully while tucking his chin.

"Been taught a lesson!"

"Brother Jiang, you are being polite. We will discuss with each other what we don't understand in the future. One person will count on the shortcoming, and the two will count on the long."

"Maybe we may make even more powerful artillery together in the future!"

"It's a deal, let's move around more after this battle is over."

"It's a word."

Young Master Liu looked at the scene of gunpowder smoke billowing above the city wall and the hustle and bustle flying, and heaved a sigh of relief and put down the binoculars in his hand.

"This is the real firepower coverage. Compared with this one, the coverage of Arrow Rain is several grades worse."

"If you are poor, you will be interspersed with strategies, and if you are rich, you will blow it up for me!"

Thinking of this, Young Master Liu couldn't help feeling sad, and sighed silently.

No one knows the cost of a cannon better than him, and no one knows better than him how much silver a cannonball is worth.

It can be said that every time a round of shells is fired, the silver will flow out.

With just two rounds of cannon going on, Young Master Liu didn't dare to calculate how much money was consumed.

Fear of angina.

No wonder the old man always scolded himself for being a prodigal, which was not bad.

I am not only a prodigal son, I am simply the best of the prodigal sons.

Song Qing put down the binoculars in his hand with an excited face, raised his hand and patted Young Master Liu on the shoulder.

"Marshal, the last general is convinced, you are so right, you really can't judge a gun by its appearance."

"These artillery pieces look small, but their power is far greater than that of our Northern Expedition artillery pieces."

"I'm not afraid of being short and strong, but of being slender and drooping!"

"At this density, let alone ten days, it's hard to say whether the North City Gate can last for three days."

Young Master Liu glanced at Song Qing in disgust.

"Vulgar, you speak so badly!"

Song Qing's face froze, and he looked at First Young Master Liu in embarrassment, obviously not long ago your dirty jokes were more vulgar than mine, okay?

"Yes, you are noble, how noble you are, you should be ashamed of yourself in the end."

Young Master Liu quietly watched the corpses flying across the city wall and sighed.

"Brother, you are too optimistic. These shells are powerful, but do you know how many shells we only have?"

Song Qing was startled: "How much? Is it very little?"

"With [-] rounds, if [-] cannons are fired at the same time, it will be completely wiped out after ten rounds."

"Why are there so few? Why don't you make more!"

"It's easy for you to say. If you are not in charge, you don't know that tea, rice, oil and salt are expensive. You only see the power of these artillery pieces, but you don't know how many processes and hours it takes to make a artillery shell."

"The most important thing is that you don't know how much silver you need. The more powerful it is, the more it consumes. Thermal weapons are a bottomless pit that can't be filled. No matter how much silver is stuffed into it, it won't be enough."


Song Qing nodded with a complex expression: "So you are the marshal and I am the general. It is enough to have one person in charge of the whole army, and the last general is only responsible for the charge."

"When you say that, how does this commander feel that the Generalissimo is so aggrieved! Don't talk about this, I feel uncomfortable!"

Song Qing was taken aback for a moment, looking at Young Master Liu's complex expression of smoke rising above the city wall and nodded melancholy.

"Yeah, looking at my cannon and blowing up my own people, why does my heart feel so bad, but there is no way to do it. We are ordered by King Qin to save you. How can we save you if you don't put down the rebels!"

The battlefield where the cannons were roaring suddenly fell silent, and the cannon barrel stopped firing shells with a thick smell of gunpowder smoke.

Song Qing looked towards the artillery phalanx in surprise: "What's going on? Why did it stop?"

Liu Mingzhi didn't have any surprised expression, he took a slight glance and understood.

"The gun barrel is hot, and it must cool down for a while, otherwise it will easily hurt your brothers once the barrel explodes."

Song Qing nodded clearly: "I almost gave up on this. I have been fighting cavalry charges outside Yunzhou City with the Turks. I hardly used artillery. I almost forgot about it."

"It's good to stop, three rounds of continuous firing, the thick smoke above the city wall can't see the situation clearly, I don't know if the rebels retreated to the back of the city to hide."

"It's not too late to fire after seeing the situation, so as not to waste shells."

Liu Mingzhi waved the command flag: "Order!"


"Order the artillery phalanx to retreat thirty steps!"


Song Qing looked at Liu Mingzhi puzzledly: "Commander, the artillery seized by the rebels on the city wall is exactly the same as our previous artillery, and it can't reach a distance of two hundred steps at all. There is no need to retreat!"

"Just in case, after the first wave of retreat, let's confirm the impact of the shells on the city wall."

"Alright, follow your arrangement!"

The gunpowder smoke on the city wall gradually dissipated, Song Qing raised the binoculars and took a look.

"Commander, a lot of the bricks and stones in the city gate cave have collapsed, and the concentrated firepower bombardment may soon be able to blast open the city gate and rush into the city!"

"No, we have the advantage of artillery, so we can't fight with each other if we can."

"This commander ordered that the firepower be deliberately not concentrated to bombard the city gate, in order to force the rebels to stay on top of the city wall to defend."

Song Qing nodded in amazement,

"It's a good way to drive the ducks to the shelves, so that they have to defend the city against the artillery. The more people are killed, the fewer our casualties."

(End of this chapter)

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