Chapter 1441

After listening to Song Qing's words, Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at the more than 20 brothers not far away with serious expressions.

"The commander-in-chief said that he should be responsible for their lives."

"When we went north, there were 30 soldiers and 30 brothers, but now only 20 have returned, and 10 died on the battlefield. I really don't know how to face their wives, children, and children!"

"But at this point, it's too late to say anything. They've already died in battle. I'm so sorry for them that they can't survive. We can only talk about it after the rebellion is put down!"

Song Qing nodded silently and didn't say anything else, he didn't know how to comfort Liu Mingzhi.

Because he doesn't know how to persuade himself, how can a person who can't untie his own knots be able to untie others.

"Here it is again, I just rested for a day and couldn't sleep well!"

The little cutie stretched her waist, yawned and rubbed her big sleepy eyes and walked out of the big tent, her small mouth was pouted to hang a flagon.

Looking around, the little cutie spotted First Young Master Liu at a glance, the sleepiness in her eyes disappeared immediately, and she started to smile.

The saying that the daughter is the little lover of the father in the previous life is really not deceiving.

The little cutie turned around and got into the tent, and trotted out in less than a cup of tea, her little face was washed clean, and she put on her big cloak and ran towards the old man's place.


Liu Mingzhi was startled and hurriedly turned around to look at the source of the sound.

Seeing the little cute Young Master Liu who had already run under his horse at some point, his expression changed: "Who told you to come to the front army, go back to the rear army tent, it's too dangerous here, in case a Liu Ya gets accidentally injured You, did you make Dad sad to death?"

The little cutie shook her head reluctantly, and her little hands grabbed the stirrup of Young Master Liu's mount.

"Is there any safer place in the whole world than around father and mother?"

First Young Master Liu was taken aback, looking at the little cutie staring at him with a complicated expression and sighed, remembering what his daughter told him last night when he stayed on the city wall without any danger, Young Young Master Liu felt guilty .

A little girl who was just ten years old was involved in the disputes in the world. When will such a day end?

I and Li Zheng have worked hard for more than ten years and are committed to the unification of the world, so that the people can live and work in peace and prosperity for a long time.

Why does God not open his eyes, why does this process have to be so tortuous!

Young Master Liu, feeling melancholy, bent slightly and grabbed the little cutie's shoulder, then lifted it onto the horse's back and took it into his arms.

"Don't move around later, otherwise it will delay Daddy's sword speed, and your little life will be gone, you know?"

The little cutie nodded excitedly: "Yeah, don't worry, Daddy, Yue'er must be very good!"

"Du Yu!"




Du Yu handed the shield to First Young Master Liu, and Liu Mingzhi took it without hesitation and protected it in front of the cutie.

The world is unpredictable, and the problem of Liu Ya must be guarded against.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong with her daughter, not only will she bluntly say that she will not forgive herself, but she will not forgive herself either.

No matter what purpose her daughter came to the capital for, now she is just her own daughter.




Suddenly there was a loud cannon on the city wall.

First Young Master Liu hurriedly looked over the city wall.

Sure enough, the muzzles between each crenel were all accompanied by sound and fire and smoke.

In the blink of an eye, the shells began to explode dozens of steps ahead of the army, and the snow that was thrown up formed a curtain wall above and below the city, blocking the vision of both sides.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief. As long as the artillery fire on the city wall was not as advanced as his own artillery fire, he could take the initiative in this battle, and waved the flag in his hand a few times!
"Order the artillerymen to advance to the original position. Thirty artillery pieces will be fired one by one in a row. Try to save the shells and not waste them. Use every shell to the real purpose."

"Order Jiang Lei to mobilize [-] cannons at each of the east, west, and south gates, let the brothers fire as appropriate, and find the right time to fire!"


"Han Peng, Sun Mingfeng, Tao Li listen to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"Lead three thousand cavalry each to detour around the artillery at the other three city gates, so as to prevent experts in the city from attacking the artillery positions and destroying our artillery!"

"Once there is an unknown person who refuses to listen to dissuasion and insists on approaching the artillery position, no matter men, women, old or young, he will be killed!"


"Cheng Kai, Duan can't bear it, Ye Baotong listens!"

"The end is here!"

"The three of you each led [-] cavalry to detour to the other three gates to launch a feint attack, and each of you dispatched [-] brothers to form infantry to cooperate, so that the rebels who retreated behind the city wall became nervous and had to climb the city wall to defend the city."

"Remember, don't really attack the city without the drums of the general attack. The capital city wall is tall, easy to defend and difficult to attack, especially if you are all cavalry, it is even more impossible to attack the city wall."

"Don't take your brothers to die in vain."

"Your task is to force them to stay on the city wall and assist the artillery brothers to eliminate their strength."

"The end will be ordered!"

Following Young Master Liu's orders one by one, the more than 20 iron cavalry gathered outside the city detoured towards the capital in four directions.

At one time, the momentum driven by more than 20 people far exceeded the momentum of Li Yunlong and his 40 people at that time.

For one thing, Li Yunlong's brothers seemed to be in harmony with each other at first, and they had different ideas, and the siege of the city was a bit procrastinated. It's not as good as the soldiers under Liu Dashao who went through life and death together, and they have already united as one.

Second, the soldiers under Young Master Liu's command are all cavalry, and the horses are huge, and the momentum is even more magnificent at first glance.

The little cutie snuggled into her father's arms and counted the number of handsome orders issued by her father with her fingers.

"Father, although it is safe for you to attack the city like this, how long will it take to break into the city and rescue Uncle?"

Liu Mingzhi trembled when he heard the little cutie's words, his eyes revealed complicated meanings, he closed them slowly and sighed.

Liu Zhi'an's information did not mention Li Baiyu Daxing's news, but Suzaku's information did mention this matter.

But Liu Mingzhi didn't know how to tell his daughter that the uncle who was good to her and tried his best to protect her safety was no longer alive.

Thinking of the words Li Baiyu asked his daughter to bring to him, Liu Mingzhi felt a little sour in his heart.

"Brother-in-law, Qingshan pines and cypresses will never lose each other."

"A daughter of a brother-in-law is also a daughter of a brother."


Big brother, don't worry, little brother will do his best to support Li Ye's nephew as emperor and continue your bloodline.

The younger brother has nothing to repay the kindness of saving his daughter, but he can only devote himself to his duty and assist Li Ye's nephew to create a prosperous world again.

"Daddy, why don't you talk?"

"It's okay, Dad is thinking about ways to attack the city, and see how we can minimize the casualties!"

The smoke dissipated, and the rebels on the city walls panicked seeing the unscathed and large-scale attacking army.

"General, our guns can't reach them."

"The old way is to retreat behind the wall to avoid the artillery fire, and when the sound of the artillery stops, immediately climb up the wall and retreat from the enemy!"


The sound of war drums and horns outside the city became heroic and passionate again. Along with the rumbling sound of cannons, King Qin's army started shelling again!

"Yue'er, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, Yue'er knows that Daddy will definitely protect Yue'er."

"But don't worry, Yue'er will grow up quickly, let me protect you!"

(End of this chapter)

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