Chapter 1443
Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Xiao and looked at his unbelievable eyes with a calm face, gently waved his hand at Du Yu on the side, turned around and walked towards the position of the central army tent.

"Du Yu, see off the guests!"


Li Xiao came back to his senses and looked at Liu Mingzhi who had ordered him to leave the guest, his face completely gloomy.

"Dingguo Gong, do you really want to bear the name of a traitor? Are you not afraid that the world will criticize you and denounce your evil deeds?"

"My humble position advises you to think twice. Your Majesty's ascension to the throne is a natural response to others, and the trend of the times."

Liu Mingzhi paused slightly, turned around slowly, looked at Li Xiao who was not far away, and gestured to his neck.

"Let me tell Li Yunlong again, as long as he has the ability, the commander-in-chief's head is waiting for him at any time."

"As long as he can't take my commander's head, I will definitely kill him after I break the city."


"Du Yu, what are you doing there with the pestle? You haven't seen off the guests yet."


Du Yu looked at Li Xiao who had nothing to say and slowly drew out his weapon: "Boy, do you go obediently by yourself, or should I send you away by this general."

Li Xiao looked at Liu Mingzhi's back with an expression of unwillingness, and Du Yu, who was facing him with a knife, slowly retreated towards the city gate.

"You group of daring rebels will definitely die badly."

Looking at the back of Li Xiao climbing towards the city wall, Du Yu spat hard.

"Bah, what the hell!"

Gently putting the saber back into its sheath, Du Yu scanned the surrounding marshal's personal guards with a calm expression.

"I forgot to hear everything the commander said just now. If anyone dares to chew their tongues behind their backs, don't blame this general for not thinking about our brother's friendship in the past."

Dozens of personal guards nodded without hesitation, without the slightest strangeness on their faces.


"Go, continue to protect the safety of the commander-in-chief."

Liu Mingzhi glanced back at the city wall of the capital and sighed silently.

Although he had already got the news about Li Baiyu's great cause from Suzaku, Liu Mingzhi still held a trace of luck in his heart and regarded it as a rumor spread by the rebels.

Knowing that today the Dalong ancestor worship bell rang nine times, Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to believe that Li Baiyu had really passed away.

These nine bell tolls completely shattered the last hope of First Young Master Liu.

"The messenger!"


"Order the three armies to perform their respective duties. Today, the entire army will be repaired for a day, and I will send you off to Your Majesty."




"Tell all the generals to come to my commander's camp. I have something to say."


Liu Mingzhi also didn't want to make the matter of Li Baiyu Daxing public, but Liu Mingzhi knew that he couldn't hide it anymore.

The ancestral worship bell would ring nine times only when the emperor was on his way, and not only I heard the thick bell, but everyone inside and outside the capital heard it.

Although many people in the project under his command are not literate, but as a soldier of the Great Dragon and the people of the Great Dragon, even if they are illiterate, they understand what it means for the ancestor worship bell to ring nine times.

This is a fact that cannot be concealed.

As soon as Liu Mingzhi walked into the big tent, he found the little cutie curled up on his chair with his hands hugging his knees, his chin resting on his knees, and his little face was sullen.

Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, he understood something vaguely in his heart, but he still hesitated in his heart.

"Yue'er, who made you angry, tell daddy, daddy will teach him a lesson for you, okay?"

Little Cutie gently raised her head to look at First Young Master Liu, then lowered her head again.

"Daddy, is uncle gone?"

" is it possible, your uncle is the Dragon Emperor, who dares to kill him."

"The bell tolls nine times, the emperor passed away, the etiquette of the Kingdom of Jin was passed down from Dalong, and Yue'er is the princess of the Kingdom of Jin, how can you not understand what the bell tolls nine times?"

"Except for the ancestral bell above the clock tower, there is no other bell with such momentum."

Liu Mingzhi fell silent and sighed silently.

"Yue'er, daddy is telling you the truth, your uncle is indeed very successful, but don't worry, daddy will help him get revenge."

"Okay, uncle is a good uncle, Dad, you must keep your word and help uncle get revenge."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and patted the cutie's forehead: "When did Daddy ever lie to you?"

"I'll see you, Commander!"

The voices of Song Qing and others came from outside the big tent, Liu Mingzhi gave Xiaocuti a look, Xiaocuti nodded, jumped off the chair and ran towards the back of the huge map.

"Come in all!"

Headed by Song Qing, Cheng Kai, Zhou Baoyu and more than 20 generals all came to the tent.

Liu Mingzhi watched with a melancholy expression, and Song Qing and the others, who were already wearing white silk around their waists, sighed silently. He knew that this matter could not be concealed.

Sure enough, before his commander-in-chief had spread throughout the three armies, these well-informed soldiers had already tied their white silks.

Song Qing stopped in front of Liu Mingzhi, and took a tray from the guard beside him. On the tray was a neatly folded white silk. Song Qing handed the tray to Young Master Liu with a solemn expression.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi directly took off the white silk and tied it around his waist.

The emperor is grand, and the world is pure.

But now, apart from the people in the capital, how many people in Dalong know about this matter.

The capital had just been breached by the rebels, and they surrounded the rebels themselves, so the news of Li Baiyu's great move could not be passed on at all.

"Sit everyone!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Liu Mingzhi sat on the coach's chair, Song Qing and other generals also sat down one after another.

"I think you all understand the current situation, so I won't go into details, let me tell you what you think?"

Song Qing tapped lightly on the table and thought for a while.

"Marshal, you are the marshal of the armed forces. Our brothers only know how to charge forward and follow the orders of the commander. Let me tell you what you mean first!"

"That's right, what the deputy commander said is right. What happened has already happened. It's too late to say anything now. We all listen to the commander."

"His Royal Highness the King of Shu is now enthroned as the emperor. According to Li Xiao, if we continue to attack the city, we will be labeled as rebels. We must find a way to get the best of both worlds."

"Yes, once the emperor and the courtiers, although we hold the decree of King Qin's army in our hands, the first emperor has already done it well. If you say something disrespectful, there is no proof. As long as the new king of Shu insists that this is our forged imperial decree, we At that time, it will be impossible to argue."

"Marshal, what Baotong said is reasonable. Except for us, no one else knows about King Qin Qin. Once he is planted as a rebel, it will be very difficult to erase his name."

"We are loyal ministers and we will be treated as rebels. Most of the people are illiterate. They will follow the general trend. We can't explain it clearly."

Liu Mingzhi picked up his teacup and took a sip, silently scanning all the generals in the tent, his expression calm.

"So, do you mean to attack the city, or follow the trend to attach to the new king?"

Everyone was taken aback, looking at Liu Mingzhi quietly, trying to see something from First Young Master Liu's face.

However, Young Master Liu's face was too calm, Song Qing and others couldn't see anything at all, so they couldn't understand what the commander meant.

Does the commander in chief want to attack the city?Or do you want to follow the trend?
In the big tent, needles could be heard all of a sudden, and everyone was guessing Liu Mingzhi's intentions.

After a long time, Song Qing looked into Young Master Liu's eyes and seemed to understand something.

He drank a cup of tea lightly, muttered while playing with the teacup in his hand, put down the teacup, stood up and saluted Young Master Liu.

"I will follow the command of the commander-in-chief, and all battles and peace will be based on the commander-in-chief."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and after taking a look at Song Qing's actions, they seemed to have reacted.

"We are all willing to look forward to the commander-in-chief."

A smile appeared on Liu Mingzhi's calm face, he stood up gently and scanned the crowd.

"Continue to destroy the city, wipe out the rebels, and welcome back the eldest prince Li Ye to ascend the throne!"

"We obey orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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