My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1444 See who has the last laugh

Chapter 1444 See who has the last laugh

In the study room of the imperial palace, Li Yunlong, who had already changed into a dragon robe, was thinking about how to win people's hearts next.

He knew very well in his heart that all civil and military officials admitted that he was enthroned as emperor, and that he inherited the great treasure was only due to his coercion. Li Yunlong was very clear in his heart how many civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty really attached themselves to him.

It can be said to be negligible.

But it is still impossible to kill all these civil and military officials. Li Baiyu knows that the assistance of civil and military officials is indispensable for governing the world, and Li Yunlong also knows it in his heart.

Is an imperial court without civil and military officials still called an imperial court?Is the throne of only one person still called the throne?

Li Yunlong thought very clearly that now he had to rely on these old ministers left behind by Li Baiyu to slowly stabilize people's hearts, and after he was firmly seated, he would exchange blood bit by bit, replacing all civil and military officials with people he could trust.

Then some newcomers who didn't have much affection for Li Baiyu, the late emperor, filled the court.

Until the end, all the people in the court are loyal to themselves.

At that time, his own throne can be regarded as completely secure.

However, all this takes time.

But will the brother-in-law outside the city give him time?Thinking of the conversation on the city wall, Li Yunlong's heart was full of anger. He didn't know that Liu Mingzhi was a guy who didn't like oil and salt.

Li Yunlong, who was thinking about how to deal with Liu Mingzhi, saw Li Xiao who walked in with a panicked expression.

Seeing Li Xiao's expression, Li Yunlong had a bad premonition in his heart, looked at Li Xiao quietly and Li Yunlong let out a sigh of relief.

"How? How did Liu Mingzhi reply?"


Li Xiao looked at Li Yunlong hesitantly, thinking whether to sort out Young Master Liu's words before reporting to Li Yunlong, or copy the original words to Li Yunlong.

Seeing Li Xiao's hesitant expression, Li Yunlong didn't know that the result must be unsatisfactory.

"Say it boldly, you can say what Liu Mingzhi says, and I will forgive you for your innocence."

"It is in accordance with the order!"

"Ding Guogong said"

As Li Xiao talked more and more, Li Yunlong's face became more and more gloomy, and the arms supporting the dragon chair trembled, which showed how angry Li Yunlong was.

After listening to Li Xiao's words, Li Yunlong was furious and smashed the delicate teacup in his hand to pieces. The teacup flowed all over the floor and soaked into the cracks in the bricks.

"Your Majesty, forgive me. These are the original words of Duke Dingguo. I definitely didn't add any extra words."

Seeing Li Yunlong throwing a tantrum, Li Xiao was so frightened that he knelt down on one knee, not daring to touch Li Yunlong's brow.

Li Yunlong looked at Li Xiao's panicked expression with a complex expression, and slowly stood up.

"Liu Mingzhi is going to be with me forever."

"Is he really going to risk the world's displeasure and fight with Zhenning instead of being whole?"

"I really regret that I didn't send some more people to completely remove it back then. It's too late to say anything now."

"Let the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be endless troubles."

Li Yunlong's aide Lu Gongwang walked to Li Yunlong with an ugly expression on his face: "Your Majesty, what shall we do now? I see that Duke Ding is determined to fight His Majesty to the end!"

"It's impossible to use his relatives to threaten him to submit. There are too many masters around Liu Zhi'an."

"It was hard to capture his daughter, the little princess of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Luoyue, but was rescued by Pharaoh Fangzhenghui from the Great Huguo Temple of the Kingdom of Jin."

"I really can't think of any weakness in Liu Mingzhi that can be forced to submit to our threat."

After hearing Lu Gongwang's words, Li Yunlong's eyes became even darker.

"Although I have ascended the throne, there are too few masters under my command. The strength of the black guards is still not comparable to the willow leaves of the Liu family."

"A master in the inner circle would rather die than be loyal to me."

"The Spy spy completely disappeared from the palace after the boss committed suicide."

"Hundred officials have to submit to me under pressure."

"But with so many people in hand, I don't have anyone to use."

"If you want to contain Liu Mingzhi, you must start from other aspects. After much deliberation, I still plan to take Liu Zhi'an. I don't believe that Liu Mingzhi will disregard his father's life and insist on breaking the city and fighting me to the death."

Lu Gongwang was stunned, his face hesitated: "Your Majesty, it is not so easy to take down Liu Zhi'an, we don't have so many masters!"

"Your Majesty should never forget the situation that day."

"There are tens of thousands of kung fu masters hidden in the seemingly innocuous Liu Mansion."

"In the complex terrain of the capital, if you want to attack the Liu Mansion, you don't even need to think about it if you don't have [-] troops."

"Once one of them escapes, there will be endless troubles."

Li Yunlong stared quietly outside the palace: "Wumeng, spend a lot of money to recruit martial arts masters from the Wumeng to deal with Liu Zhian's brother Liu Yezi."

"Your Majesty is talking about the Martial Arts League that has stirred up bloody storms in the Jianghu in recent years?"

"That's right! Eighty percent of the martial arts masters in the world are attached to the Martial League. Just think about how many masters there are!"

"As long as you can take them for your own use, it will be enough to suppress Liu Zhian's brother Liu Yezi."

"It's a good way, but the leader of the martial arts alliance, Shenlong, can't see the end, and no one has ever seen what he looks like."

"I just heard rumors that she seems to be a young girl of twenty-eight years old. I don't know if it's true or not."

"But rest assured, Your Majesty, I will try my best to inquire about their whereabouts, and let the masters of the black guards go to contact them, and see if they can be attached to the court and used by Your Majesty."

"Okay, I will leave this matter to you. I will try to win over some young courtiers who are not strong-hearted, and see if I can make them sincerely submit to me."

"Let's cooperate internally and externally. The throne has already been obtained. No matter what, I will not let him throw it away from my hands again."

"Your Majesty, I'm going to prepare first!"

"Well, be careful along the way!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After Lu Gongwang left, Li Yunlong looked at Li Xiao who was on the side.

"Li Xiao, order the black-clothed guards to issue a sea arrest document in the name of the court, and go after He Guifei, Chen Guifei, and Li Ye brothers with all their strength."

"Anyone who can provide information will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver, and anyone who can catch any of them will be rewarded with a reward of ten thousand taels of gold."

"No matter what, we must remove them and bring back the Chuanguo Yuxi."

"Even if you can't bring it back, you have to destroy it. You can't let others get it. As long as the Chuanguo Seal is completely gone, the Chuanguo Seal in my hand is the real Chuanguo Seal."

"The minister obeys the order."

"Li Cheng!"

"Chen is here!"

"How is the news about Liu Mingzhi and the little princess of the Kingdom of Jin going?"

"Everything is as expected!"

"That's good, let's announce it to the world in the name of the imperial court, and thoroughly publicize the fact that Liu Mingzhi and the Empress of the Kingdom of Jin secretly conceived and defected to the country."

"Declaration was sent to the state capitals all over the country, Dingguo Gong Liu Mingzhi raised his troops to rebel, intending to join forces with the empress of the Jin Kingdom to mess up our Dalong Jiangshan community."

"If the state capitals in various places lead soldiers and horses to the king of Beijing, they will add officials and become nobles."

"According to the order."

Li Yunlong was the only one left in the imperial study room, recalling what Li Xiao had brought back, Li Yunlong gritted his teeth.

"Liu Mingzhi, you were the one who bullied others too much first, if that's the case, let's wait and see."

"Let's see who can have the last laugh!"

(End of this chapter)

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