My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1445 You have changed

Chapter 1445 You have changed

"My lord, the information of the brothers!"

Liu Zhi'an sat in the gazebo and quietly boiled tea, like a wise man planning a strategy.

Putting down the tongs in his hand, Liu Zhi'an patted the dust on his hand, took the letter in Liu Yuan's hand and flipped through it, and after a while, Liu Zhi'an waved the letter in his hand with a strange expression and laughed loudly.

"Interesting, kind of interesting."

Seeing Liu Zhian's happy expression, Liu Yuan was a little puzzled: "Master, what makes you feel so happy? Could something good happen?"

Liu Zhi'an flicked the letter paper in his hand and handed it to Liu Yuan.

"Look for yourself, I guess you can't help but laugh too."

Liu Yuan hesitated for a moment, took the letter and read it, as expected, after a while, Liu Yuan's expression was as weird as Liu Zhi'an just now.

After reading the contents of the letter, Liu Yuan looked at Liu Zhi'an calmly: "Master, is it burned?"

"Burn it!"

Liu Yuan directly threw the letter paper into the stove that was boiling tea, and after the letter paper was reduced to ashes, Liu Yuan looked around.

"Master, just as you expected at the beginning, the emperor really wants to control the sudden rise of the young lady's force against our Liu family."

"It's just that this moment and that moment, no one thought that the emperor's throne would be occupied by a kid like Li Yunlong!"

Liu Zhi'an put away his smile, squatted down and pulled the firewood in the stove with tongs.

"Yes, the world is unpredictable, Li Yunlong finally got his wish."

"It's just that it's hard to say how long he can sit on this throne, and I don't know what our bastard is thinking now."

"Do you want the old slave to send a letter to the young master, tell him about this matter, and let him be on guard?"

Liu Zhian paused and shook his head silently.

"No need, my son can't help himself, you can help him for a while, but you can't help him forever, some things just let him go with the flow!"

"The sharp edge of a sword is sharpened. If the road is paved too well, it is not necessarily a good thing if it is too flat."

"As the saying goes, one learns one's wisdom by eating a pit, and some roads have to be walked out step by step."

"The power of the Liu family is getting stronger and stronger. The old man has long expected this day to come, but he didn't expect it to come so soon."

"Forget it, it's a mediocre talent not to be envied by others, and it's a blessing for me, Liu Zhi'an, to make even the current emperor fear him."

"When geese pass by, they leave their voices, and when people pass by, they leave their names."

"The old man has not lived in vain in his life."

"Let it be, the old man wants to see what kind of moth Li Yunlong can make!"


Liu Yuan picked up the boiled tea, and Liu Zhi'an also hurriedly withdrew from the firewood inside.

"Master, do you want to write a letter to the eldest lady? Let her refuse this matter?"

Liu Zhi'an poured a cup of tea and quietly sniffed the fragrance of the tea, his face was a little unsophisticated.

"Reject? Why refuse?"

"Is there any reason not to accept the white money delivered to the door? It's time for Xuan'er to buy some dowry for herself. She's about to get married soon. How can she gain a foothold in her mother's family when she has no money in her hand?"

"Furthermore, people in the martial arts world have complicated thoughts, and the strong are respected. Those who are forced to submit to Xuan'er's kung fu will inevitably have suspicions."

"The Martial Arts League has been established for too short a year, and its cohesion is insufficient!"

"It's just for Xuan'er to use this opportunity to clean up some impure minds, and to unite the hearts of his subordinates by the way."

"Soldiers are expensive, not expensive."

"As long as there is enough loyalty, the number of people is not important."

"Tell Xuan'er, not only do you have to do it, but you have to do it big. The bastard spends money like water, and if he doesn't think of a way to make a little money, the old man's family business will be wiped out by him sooner or later."

Hearing Liu Zhian's words, Liu Yuan was slightly startled and nodded.

"Old slave understands!"

"Come, have a cup of tea and taste the old man's craftsmanship."

"Thank you sir!"

Liu Yuan took two sips of tea and put the cup on the table.

"Master, the third master sent a letter, is the White Lotus Sect going to come back? He has everything ready and can do it at any time."

Liu Zhi'an took a sip of tea, holding the teacup and began to think.

After a long time, Liu Zhi'an slowly shook his head.

"The world has already been messed up enough by Li Yunlong and his brothers. There is no need for the White Lotus Sect to come out to add fuel and jealousy, otherwise it will be a bastard to clean up the mess in the end. There is no need for this."

"Reply to the third brother, continue to hibernate, if the situation is surprisingly good, it is also okay to disband the White Lotus Sect."

"Yes, the old slave is going to answer the book now, does the master have any other orders?"

"Send Brother Liu Yezi to thoroughly investigate all things, legends, and places related to Fengyun, as long as they are related to Fengyun."

"Yes, the old slave has resigned."

"Brothers, the original plan will not change. Repair today and continue to attack the city tomorrow. No matter what, the capital must be captured within ten days."


"Brothers, if you don't have anything else to do, go back and get rested first. After traveling for more than a month, you are exhausted physically and mentally. You can take a rest for a while."

"Yes, the general will wait for his resignation."

"Du Yu!"


"Give the letter to Marshal Jin Diao of the soldiers and horses on the left and the right to explain this matter."

"Is everything described one by one?"

"That's right, Your Majesty is doing well, and the King of Shu has ascended the throne. You have to tell everything, and you don't need to hide anything."

"Yes, the last general will go here."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi stood up, Song Qing left and returned.

Young Master Liu looked at Song Qing in surprise, wondering what would happen when he turned back.

"Brother, do you have anything else to do?"

Song Qing looked at First Young Master Liu calmly, and gradually became a little complicated.

"If any brother vetoed your intention just now, how do you plan to deal with him?"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, then sighed silently.

"Brother, do I have a choice in this situation?"

"If you miss a move, you may die without a burial place. It is about the life and death of 20 brothers. I can't have the slightest hesitation."

"Brother, we have been dealing with each other for nearly 30 years, and you don't know how you are."

"Brothers will never be ambiguous in front of certain things."

Song Qing was silent for a moment, slightly raised his eyes to look at Liu Mingzhi's expression, but found that there was no clue at all just like Cai Cai.

"I want to know how much of what you said to Li Xiao is true and how much is false?"

"What part of what I said to my brothers is true, and how much is false?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing calmly: "Which aspect is the elder brother talking about?"

Song Qing hesitated for a moment, and said a word heavily.


"Big brother thinks my younger brother will rebel? Will he support himself?"

"It is precisely because I can't figure it out that I will go back and forth, and I want to ask for an answer from you."

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a long time, and let out a slight breath.

"How about reversing, and what if not reversing?"

"There is no difference. I made it very clear just now, and I hope that the commander-in-chief will follow suit."

"Since that's the case, what's the difference when Big Brother asks this question?"

"I just want to see if you have changed!"

"How is the result?"

"you've changed!"

(End of this chapter)

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