My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1446 The Aggrieved Rebel Army

Chapter 1446 The Aggrieved Rebel Army

The next day, the East saw white.

Young Master Liu walked out of the big tent in full armor, holding the Heavenly Sword in his left hand, and holding the cute little Liu Luoyue who looked like a little fairy after grooming in his right hand.

"See Master!"


"Thank you sir."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the more than 20 cavalry who had already been preparing for war, leading the little cutie and walking towards the platform.

Sitting boldly on the handsome chair, Major General Liu placed his seal of approval on the desk table, scanning the surrounding soldiers majesticly.

"Beating drums and gathering generals!"

The sound of war drums sounded, and more than 20 soldiers wore white silk around their waists, staring at Young Master Liu on the general platform with piercing eyes, and the camp was filled with a sense of solemnity and sadness.

More than 20 troops stared at First Young Master Liu, waiting for his order to attack the city.

A group of generals headed by Song Qing gathered under the general's platform, looking seriously at First Young Master Liu, who was casually scanning the army.

"We see the Generalissimo."

For the little cutie standing next to First Young Master Liu, the generals were no longer surprised after a day of familiarity.

Liu Mingzhi stood up gently, took the command flag from the guard and waved it.

"The original plan was to attack the city with the whole army."


After receiving the order, more than 20 generals immediately got on their horses holding their respective command flags, and led their soldiers and horses towards the city wall.

As soon as the army set off, the drums of the Chinese army sounded in unison, which began to boost the morale of the brothers.

Han Zhong and Jiang Lei took the lead and rushed towards the artillery formation.

With the wave of the command flag of the two, the moment the order was issued, three hundred artillery pieces bombarded the city wall in batches.

The rebels above the capital did not expect that the King Qin's army under Liu Mingzhi's command outside the city did not attack the city at all tentatively, but came up with heavy artillery bombardment.

Countless rebel soldiers were caught off guard and died under artillery bombardment.

The rebel generals Jiang Zhou, Wang Qinian, Lu Gui and others on the city wall immediately commanded the soldiers under their command to repeat the same trick, and retreated to the city wall to avoid the bombardment of artillery fire.

It's not that the artillery captured by the imperial guards is unusable, but Jiangzhou and Lu Gui have nothing to do if they can't bombard other artillery positions.

Originally, they wanted to fight tooth for tooth and blood for blood, but when they realized that they didn't have that strength at all and could only be beaten passively, they felt powerless in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do.

"Go back behind the city wall and wait for the enemy's artillery."

Before the orders of the few people were finished, they discovered that more than 20 enemy cavalry, who had been watching the battle, charged towards the city wall waving their reins.

Followed by thousands of infantry and enemy soldiers carrying ladders.

The few people were stunned for a while, and hurriedly greeted the soldiers under their command to charge towards the city wall again to prevent the enemy from attacking the city wall.

However, just as the rebels defended behind the battlements, the sound of artillery outside the city immediately became denser, and the sound of explosions on the city wall became relatively violent.

The corpses of the rebels were blown away in the smoke and dust of the gunfire.

Jiang Lei is a seasoned general, and he fully seized the opportunity to bombard the rebels. Although it was the first time for Han Zhong's men and horses brought from the East China Sea to go to the battlefield, they had already been familiar with the use of the artillery in their hands. .

As soon as the rebels attacked the city, they suffered heavy casualties under the bombardment of artillery.


"Marshal Qi, half of the bricks and stones of the east city gate have been blown down under the command of General Jiang. General Jiang asked the humble officer to come and ask, whether to blast open the city gate in one go?"

Liu Mingzhi held up the binoculars to look around the city wall, and saw countless rebels died on the spot without even a chance to scream under the explosion of shells.

"Order Jiang Lei to stop bombarding the city gates, extend the range of the artillery to the city walls, and fully damage the rebels' vitality."

"While the rebels didn't discover our intentions, they continued to attack with concentrated bombardment."

"After the rebels react, they will attack the city according to the command of the commander."


After the messenger left, Liu Mingzhi let out a slight sigh as he glanced at the scene where he had feinted for half an hour but none of the soldiers were damaged.

These millions of taels of silver are not in vain.

Liu Mingzhi stretched his stiff neck, and quietly looked at the bombed rebels scurrying around on the city wall with a smile.

"I see, there is no good end to fighting against money-charging players."

The little cutie who was staying in Dad's arms heard Dad's muttering, and looked up at Dad's unpredictable expression with a blank expression.

"Daddy, why doesn't it end well if you fight against the money-charging players?"

Gently stroking her daughter's hair that was a little disheveled by the cold wind, First Young Master Liu smiled faintly.

"When you live for thousands of years, you will understand that if you want to defeat the enemy, you have to spend money. The more money you have, the better you will be."

"What kind of positioning, what kind of movement, what skills are all nonsense in front of money, and they are vulnerable."

"Daddy is the local tyrant enemy of the civilian rebels on the opposite side."

Listening to Young Master Liu speaking words that she couldn't understand at all, Xiao Cutie shook her head silently.

"Yue'er doesn't understand, she doesn't know what daddy is going to say."

"It's okay if you don't understand. I hope you don't understand it for the rest of your life. That's a trap. There is a shopkeeper surnamed Ma who is even more cheated than Daddy, and he is even worse."

"Okay, you can just talk nonsense that month."

Listening to her father's inexplicable words, Little Cutie shook her head helplessly and didn't want to continue to delve into this issue.

Dad is a good dad, but his head is not normal.

Lu Gui and the others on the city wall listened to the deafening explosions and watched one by one brothers being killed and injured by the enemy's artillery, but there was nothing they could do.

"General, something is wrong. The enemy army is not approaching the city wall."

"They deliberately made us trapped on the city wall and wait for the bombardment of artillery fire. Quickly think of a way. If this continues, one enemy will not be able to kill us. Thousands of brothers will be killed or injured."

Holding a shield, Wang Qinian leaned forward and glanced at the city wall.

He found that the infantry carrying the ladder had just attacked the city wall, and the soldiers under his command had just stood up holding the thunder stone and rolling log and wanted to fight back, and they retreated like a tide.

There are only twenty shield players beside a ladder, and there is no way to cover them with bows and arrows. This is not a siege, it is simply a turtle with a shrunken head teasing himself and others.

Before Wang Qinian had time to say anything, a person not far away ran towards Wang Qinian against the explosion of artillery fire against the crenel of the city wall. It was Jiangzhou, one of the rebel generals.

"Old Wang, how is your situation here?"

Wang Qinian saw that it was Jiangzhou, and pointed to the city wall behind him with a sad face.

"There are heavy casualties, how is the situation on your side?"

Jiang Zhou slammed the bricks hard: "There were also heavy casualties. More than 4000 soldiers were killed in less than half a day, but we didn't even have a chance to fight back."

"I just ordered my brothers to bombard the enemy army that was besieging the city. I just wounded a few enemy troops, and those who hadn't come fired three shells before being blown away by the enemy's artillery."

"Looking at the situation, Liu Mingzhi deliberately let the enemy army pretend to attack us, and let us gather on the city wall and be beaten passively."

Wang Qinian's expression was also extremely embarrassing: "I also found out that going on like this is not a solution, you have to find a way, no amount of troops can stop it from being consumed like this."

"What should we do? Should we let the brothers retreat first? If we go on like this, we will die in vain."

"I also want the brothers to retreat, but what if we retreat and the enemy's false attack turns into a real attack? It's impossible to defend like this."

"Liu Mingzhi is so damn shameless!"

"He knows that our military equipment is not as good as his, and deliberately disgusts us, and we have to defend the city."

"General, step back, the four city gates plus the brothers have killed nearly 1 people!"

(End of this chapter)

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