Chapter 1448
There was a strange sound of drums, and the sound of cannons outside the capital gradually subsided.

The rebel soldiers on the city wall were surprised and pleasantly surprised to find that the sound of the cannons that bombed themselves and others did not know the east, west, north, south, and north finally stopped.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the scene above the city wall made everyone gasp.

The city wall, which had been almost repaired by the rebels, had once again turned into ruins. Countless crenels of the city wall were missing, and debris was falling down the city wall.

The gate tower of the east city gate is even missing half of the corner, and the rebels are scrambling to extinguish the raging fire on the gate tower.

The densely packed corpses whose faces could not be seen clearly were piled up on the city wall. Before the hand-to-hand combat, more than 1 rebels were killed or injured in the half-day artillery bombardment.

The advantages of hot weapons against cold weapons are fully revealed.

Generals like Jiang Zhou and Lu Gui slapped the dust on the armor and the helmet in disgrace, their faces had already been covered with a thin layer of dust. If it wasn't for the different styles of armor, even the rebels would not be able to recognize the natives in front of them. own general.

"Cough cough. Pooh."

"Brother Jiang, what's going on, why did the enemy's artillery stop for so long this time?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? Louder!"

Jiangzhou's tinnitus was so severe that he couldn't understand what Lu Gui asked.

Lu Gui also found that his voice was too low, because his tinnitus was almost the same as that of Jiang Zhou, so he had to ask again loudly.

Hearing Lu Gui's doubtful voice, Jiang Zhou raised his head and looked outside the city.

"Not only did the artillery stop, but the enemy's cavalry and infantry also retreated. What the hell did Liu Mingzhi want to do? After fighting for two days, he was beaten passively and killed more than 1 brothers. He didn't even see the enemy's face clearly. Fucking aggrieved."

"Nine times out of ten, what bastard Liu Mingzhi is holding back!"



"Let the uninjured brothers immediately carry the injured ones down for treatment, as much as can be saved!"


When Lu Gui heard this, he also leaned out and looked outside the city. Sure enough, as Jiang Zhou said, the enemy army carrying the siege ladder outside the city was slowly retreating.

Such a situation completely puzzled Lu Gui.

"Brother Jiang, does it mean that Liu Mingzhi's artillery has run out of shells? Otherwise, it's easy to say how to retreat and retreat?"

Jiang Zhou shook his head blankly: "Who knows what Liu Mingzhi is doing, maybe as you guessed, he should not have many shells, otherwise it would be unreasonable not to attack us by taking advantage of the victory."

"However, we must guard against it. It may be Liu Mingzhi's trick to lure the enemy. It is said that Liu Mingzhi used troops to win by surprise. Those who say this are simply fucking farts."

"I have been in the army for 20 years, and I have never seen such a sinister way of using troops, nor have I seen such a sinister coach."

"What the fuck is that handsome white-clothed scholar who doesn't even dare to fight with real swords and guns."

"I hope it is true as you said. This bastard's shells are exhausted. Otherwise, if he continues to be beaten like this, let alone ten days, if it is three days, our brothers will lose their morale."

"I've never fought such an aggrieved battle. Liu Mingzhi is a fucking bastard."

Jiang Zhou kept spitting out fragrance, the soldiers in the army were originally hot-tempered and straightforward people, and after being beaten for so long, Jiang Zhou's hatred for Young Master Liu can be imagined.

But no matter how much he cursed, Young Master Liu couldn't hear him, and he didn't care if he heard him.

No matter what method it takes, it is a good method if it is easy to use.

I just want to win the war as much as I can, but I don't care if the method is insidious or not.

You are the enemy of this handsome, how can I still be kind to you.

The rebels on the city wall were confused, and the soldiers who got the sound of the retreat drum again were also confused.

A group of generals trotted towards First Young Master Liu, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Marshal, why are you withdrawing troops again?"

"Yes, Commander, the brothers are working hard, why did you stop attacking the city again?"

First Young Master Liu got off his horse and stared at a group of generals who looked depressed one by one.

"Why howling? Like a group of unweaned babies, there are no military rules, all stand still!"


Young Master Liu's face turned pale, and the generals didn't dare to complain even if they trembled, they stood obediently and waited for the reprimand.

There is no way, they are all old men under Young Master Liu. Knowing that Young Master Liu's way of punishing people is perverted, it's okay to talk back in private, and it's okay to joke around.

Young Master Liu looked helplessly at the generals and sighed.

"Doesn't this commander want to continue to attack the city? Don't forget that this commander is boastful. If I don't capture the capital within ten days, I will kill myself."

"I'm no more anxious than you, but what can I do? The artillery shells are almost used up, so I have to think of other ways."

The generals were taken aback for a moment, and suddenly looked towards the artillery position, only to find that there were not many shell boxes piled up around the artillery.

Only then did I understand why First Young Master Liu wanted to withdraw his troops.

It was cool to see the enemy troops on the city wall being beaten up by the artillery just now, but I forgot that the shells consumed by the artillery are also a bottomless pit.

"Marshal, what shall we do next? Break through the city gate and charge the whole army?"

"The final general agrees, Commander, if it doesn't work, let's break through the city and charge. After fighting for two days, I didn't even touch the enemy's clothes. Although this is really cool, it's always weird for the brothers to salute."

"That's right, Commander, let's charge directly, and fight with real swords and guns. Brothers have never been afraid of anyone."

Listening to Song Qing Chengkai and the others urging the whole army to charge, Young Master Liu hastily raised his hand to stop it.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

"Everyone shut up!"

Song Qing and the others immediately remained silent, looking at Young Master Liu depressedly, not knowing what to say.

From past experience, which one of the coaches taught himself and others to lead the soldiers to fight the enemy bravely, that is, the fiercer the better, the wilder the better.

But ever since I joined First Young Master Liu, if you want to say that you are passionate, it is really passionate, if you want to say that you are aggrieved, you are really a little aggrieved.

If Young Master Liu wanted to be a coward, he would simply be an impenetrable iron bastard.

"A group of reckless people rely on their brains to fight, don't you know!"

"Charge with your mouth open, charge with your mouth shut, and often walk by the river without getting your shoes wet. You may die someday! I really think I'm invulnerable!"

After glaring at Song Qing and the others, First Young Master Liu held up the binoculars and looked over. After a long time, Young Young Master Liu showed a sinister smile that made Song Qing and the others terrified.

"Song Qing listens to the order!"

"The last will obey."

"Let's organize a group of sharpshooters who can open three-stone bows overnight for this commander, and count as many as you have."


"Cheng Kai listens!"

"The end is here!"

"Call all the craftsmen together to build bed crossbows overnight, as many as they can be made!"

"The end will be ordered!"

"Jiang Lei, Han Zhong obeys orders."

"The end is here!"

"Put away all the artillery, and make sure the rebels see your action of packing the artillery."


First Young Master Liu turned around and clapped his hands at the cutie on the horse: "My dear girl, come down and follow Uncle Song first, Daddy has something to do under the city wall."

Cutie shook her head reluctantly: "Yue'er wants to follow Daddy."

"No, who knows if those grandchildren on the city wall are as shameless as Daddy, it's too dangerous for you to follow Daddy, follow Uncle first, Daddy will be back in a while."


"When did Daddy lie to you!"

"Okay, Yue'er is waiting for you, you must come back soon!"

"Well, Daddy will definitely!"

After handing the cutie to Song Qing, First Young Master Liu got on his horse and waved to the generals.

"You do as ordered, this commander is going to arrange a fight with the rebels!"

Under the blank eyes of Song Qing and others, Young Master Liu held his shield and galloped down the city wall.

After about a cup of tea, Young Master Liu held up the wine bag to moisten his throat, and looked at Lu Gui, who had a crimson face on the city wall, and made an insulting gesture with his hands.

"Thieves Sun agreed, the men will spit on each other and nail each other, whoever doesn't attack with the whole army tomorrow will be this one."

"You'd better all defend the city, otherwise, only 10 people are not enough to put my brothers under my command between teeth."

Jiang Zhou took a deep breath, remembering what Young Master Liu had just said to greet him and his ancestors for eighteen generations, he trembled angrily.

How can this be the generalissimo of the three armies, the local hooligans are not so lowly, it is simply inhuman.

Jiangzhou looked at First Young Master Liu with red eyes: "Liu Mingzhi, you bastard, I'll wait for you to charge the whole army tomorrow, if you don't come, you're a grandson."

Young Master Liu spit on the ground, gave Jiang Zhou a middle finger and turned his horse's head away.

"Just wait, if I can't kill you tomorrow, you will be raised by your grandma!"

(End of this chapter)

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