My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1449 You play me

Chapter 1449 You play me

The sun rose in the east, and the sound of war drums sounded again inside and outside the capital city that had been quiet all night.

The common people have gotten used to the sound of war drums and horns in the past two months. They huddled under the covers, opened their eyes slightly, yawned and fell into a deep sleep again.

The cold winter is still going on, the flames of war will not spread to the people's homes, and there is nothing to do when they wake up, it is better to have a good sleep.

On the contrary, there are quite a few young and strong teenagers who put their arms around their wives and did morning exercises and continued to sleep peacefully. After all, the psychological pressure has indeed increased in the past two months.

People can't help but want to release it.

While wearing helmets, Jiangzhou and the others hurried towards the city wall.

These days, the time for the enemy army to attack the city is getting earlier and earlier, so that Jiangzhou and the others couldn't help scolding their mothers, the bastard Liu Mingzhi and his army don't want to take a good rest in the freezing weather!

Of course Liu Mingzhi didn't want to do that, for example, he wanted to take a good rest.

But the life outside the city is very different from the life inside the city. The cold wind is howling, and it is too difficult to sleep peacefully.

That being the case, Young Master Liu also thought about it, the young master and his brothers can't sleep well, and you don't even want to take a good rest to recharge your batteries.

In a word, this young master is having a hard time, and you fucking meows don't even think about having a good time.

Lu Gui put on his helmet and took the armor from his personal guard.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Wang, we don't really want to gather all the soldiers and horses on the city wall to fight to the death with the surname Liu. I always feel that there is fraud in this."

While speaking, everyone had already boarded the repaired city wall that was still visible.

The crystal clear frost shone on the city wall, exactly the same as the frost when the imperial guards defended the city.

It turned out that the three of Jiangzhou had discussed it, and they repeated the trick that Xiaocuti had dedicated to Li Baiyu, intending to repay him with the same way, so that Liu Mingzhi could also experience the pain of not being able to attack the city.

Hearing Lu Gui's words, Jiang Zhou looked outside the city for a while, and shook his head slightly at the scene of King Qin's soldiers gathering and banners tumbling.

"How could it be possible to let all the brothers climb the wall."

"Liu Mingzhi is too shady, he doesn't have the air of a general of soldiers and horses. Although he promised repeatedly yesterday that he would never use artillery to attack the city, I can't trust this bastard."

"After these few days of dealings, I finally found out that this bastard doesn't play cards according to common sense at all, and is a shameless thing."

"If all the brothers climbed onto the city wall and this bastard bombards him, what can we do to him? Other than ruining the lives of countless brothers in vain."

"Last night before I went to bed, I thought about it half the night. I always felt that Liu Mingzhi was using the aggressive method this time. Otherwise, he would have no reason to give up the terrifyingly powerful artillery and order the soldiers under his command to attack the city with their lives."

Wang Qinian on the side nodded approvingly: "Brother, I agree with Brother Jiang's opinion. In view of the reputation of Liu Mingzhi, a bastard in the capital, we must guard against it."

"You can let the brothers gather at the city first, as long as Liu Mingzhi really doesn't use artillery to attack the city, it won't be too late for us to order the brothers to go up to the city."

"The enemy's artillery is too powerful, and the results of yesterday's battle have been sorted out."

"More than 3000 brothers were directly killed, all of whom were bleeding from the seven orifices of the artillery, and more than 3 brothers were seriously injured. According to the military doctor, maybe half of the brothers will have great hearing loss in the future. damage."

"There are countless brothers with minor injuries."

"In contrast to us, the enemy troops didn't suffer any damage at all. They were also artillery, and our artillery couldn't hit them."

"I thought that after capturing these cannons, I wouldn't have to worry about King Qin's army, but I didn't expect this bastard Liu Mingzhi to get even more powerful cannons."

"No wonder he dared to threaten to attack the capital within ten days. It really wasn't just for nothing."

"If his shells are endless, we'll have to die."

"Brother Jiang, Brother Wang, don't feel bad. Whether Liu Mingzhi's shells are almost exhausted depends on today. If he really doesn't use artillery to attack the city, it means that the shells in his hands are almost in danger. the point."

"In this way, we can rest assured if we defend the city."

"Don't be afraid to fight a protracted war with them. Although part of the national treasury was consumed by the late emperor, it is enough for us to use for several months. Liu Mingzhi rushed from thousands of miles to the capital with light clothes, but he is not as strong as our waists."

"Brother Lu is right, success or failure depends on it"

Jiang Zhou patted the two of them on the shoulder: "Brothers, the enemy is approaching, you go to the city gate that you are guarding, remember our conversation just now, after confirming that Liu Mingzhi really does not need artillery to attack the city, we will order Seventy percent of the brothers went up to the city wall to defend."

"Leave [-]% to prevent mutation."

"Okay, two brothers, be careful."

Not long after Lu Gui and Wang Qinian left, the sound of war drums outside the city became intensive.

More than 20 soldiers approached the city wall in three directions. There was no sound during the march, only the dense and clearer footsteps.

Seeing this, Jiangzhou suddenly became nervous.

It would be understandable if the enemy army charged up with the sound of charging and killing, but the enemy army below the city was a little too quiet, which invisibly brought a pressure on people.

"Lookout? Did you see the movement of the enemy's artillery?"

The lookouts on the city tower closely watched every move of the enemy outside the city, and did not find any trace of artillery.

"Reporting to the general, as of now, the enemy army has not seen any artillery, and the humble officer can vaguely see that all the artillery has been placed next to the tent where the rear army is located."

Jiang Zhou was startled, leaned forward and looked outside the city, and saw that the artillery position was empty, not to mention the artillery, not even a shell.

"What are the enemy's siege equipment?"

"Bed Crossbow, Catapult, Door Crasher."

"There is an extra team of archers and shield soldiers, each with about [-] troops. The enemy has turned their cavalry into infantry. It seems that the whole army is really going to charge."

"Don't be careless, continue to investigate!"


"The messenger!"


"Quickly ask the other two generals to see if they have found any traces of the artillery. We must let the other two generals investigate clearly, so as not to be fooled by Liu Mingzhi."


After the messenger left, Jiang Zhou looked out of the city with a serious expression, really puzzled why Liu Mingzhi gave up his advantage to attack the city.

Jiang Zhou didn't quite believe that the cannonballs were exhausted. Based on the information he had read about Liu Mingzhi, this guy would definitely leave some escape routes for him.

"General, it's been less than three hundred steps, and there is still no trace of the artillery. Do you want to order the brothers to climb the city wall?"

"Don't worry, wait, wait, there must be demons when things go wrong, and the lives of 20 brothers are at stake, so we must not be careless."

"Report the situation every 150 breaths, until there is still no trace of artillery within [-] steps, order the brothers to go to the city to defend."


Under the city wall, Song Qing put down the binoculars in his hand with a frown.

"Commander, the rebels haven't reached the city on a large scale yet, and they will be within the range of the rebels' artillery after approaching [-] steps. Do you want the brothers to stop advancing and set up bed crossbow catapults on the spot?"

Liu Mingzhi sullenly put down the binoculars in his hand, chewing a piece of beef jerky with a gloomy expression.

"Jiangzhou, you fucking play me."

(End of this chapter)

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