Chapter 1450

Although Song Qing didn't know what you meant by playing me, but seeing Young Master Liu's cursing expression was not a good thing to think about.

Song Qing reckoned, thinking it should be similar to what you mean by playing me.

"Commander, don't worry about these things for now, what should we do? Did you order the brothers to stop the siege? If we entered the enemy's artillery fire, we would really lose everything!"

Liu Mingzhi thought for a while and waved the command flag in his hand: "Command, [-] steps away from the bed crossbow trebuchet to correct its position, to ensure the accuracy of the arrows and stones, and the archers will be covered by a rain of arrows."


Song Qing's eyes lit up: "You are trying to lure the snake out of the hole."

Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly: "There is no way, the three generals under Li Yunlong's command are really too cunning, they are obviously guarding against me."

"The only thing we can do now is not to expose the existence of Lei Zhenzi, and use the usual offensive method to seduce them first."

"As long as a large number of rebels take the bait, climb up the city wall, and attack with the calibrated bed crossbow and the catapult, they will surely blow up and cry."

Song Qing glanced at the location of his trebuchet with a binoculars.

"Marshal, what kind of episodes are you talking about? Is it really more powerful than cannons? The power of Lei Zhenzi is good, but it is still not as good as cannonballs."

"Cluster Explosion. Cluster Thunderbolt."

"Yes, is this cluster thunderbolt really feasible?"

Young Master Liu rolled his eyes at Song Qing: "It's not your fault that you don't read enough, but please don't doubt my strength, just wait to open your eyes."

"The shock wave of twenty or thirty thunderbolts tied together. Forget it, I can't explain it to an illiterate like you. As long as today's plan works, I can assure you, let alone kill one-third of their soldiers and horses." .”

Seeing Young Master Liu looking at the sand sculpture and looking at himself, Song Qing helplessly rubbed his nose.

"Yes, we will wait and see."

"General, the enemy troops outside the city have stopped, and they have begun to deploy bed crossbows and trebuchets, at a distance of 180 to [-] steps."

Jiangzhou leaned out of the city wall and watched for a while: "Is there still no trace of the artillery?"

"No, the artillery is still in the position of the rear army tent."

"The messenger!"


"Order the archer brother and the gunner to climb the city wall. Regardless of Liu Mingzhi's secret schemes, kill his morale first, and let the brothers vent the grievances of the past two days. Otherwise, the brothers will go crazy."

"Wait for the enemy to come into range, and be ready to fight back at any time under the command of this general."


Young Master Liu, who was under the city wall, watched a large number of rebels begin to rush up the city wall through the mirror tube, and secretly said yes in his heart.

"The order is that after the generals test fire, they should look for opportunities to attack the rebels on the city wall. There is no need to ask the commander for everything, so as not to delay the battle."


As the messenger passed on Young Master Liu's order, Cheng Kai and others began to observe the situation on the city wall to find a suitable opportunity!

"Bed crossbow, trebuchet, release."

Cheng Kai and the others saw the opportunity, and immediately waved their banners to attack the city.

All of a sudden, the densely packed stones and bed crossbows under the city wall attacked towards the top of the city wall.

Facing this, the rebels on the city wall didn't panic at all. After all, they were elite soldiers. As long as it wasn't a big killer like artillery, they were not afraid of ordinary siege equipment.

The shieldmen quickly formed the first line of defense on the city wall, facing the stones falling from the sky and the bed crossbows shooting from the sky, they built a human wall for the archer brothers behind them.

There were rumbles everywhere, and the trembling sound of the thick crossbow bolts hitting the city wall made one's scalp tingle.

Cheng Kai saw the situation above the city wall through the mirror tube and quickly waved the order flag in his hand.

"The trebuchet advances 25 steps, and the bed crossbow is raised by one corner."

Following Cheng Kai's order, the soldiers began to adjust the positions of the bed crossbow and the trebuchet in an orderly manner.

"The archers test fire, and the rest of the soldiers feint. Don't enter the 150-step position. Be careful of the artillery fire of the rebels."

More than 2000 people, the sharpshooters Cheng Kai picked out from the two guards overnight, held bows and arrows that were more powerful than ordinary archers, bent their bows and set arrows towards the city wall to cover them.

Hearing the tinkling sounds around him, Jiang Zhou found out through the gaps in the shields of the shield hand that Liu Mingzhi's soldiers and horses did not use artillery, and his eyes showed a relaxed look. It's true.

Looking at the silent enemy army approaching the city wall, Jiang Zhou waved: "Commander, order the brothers to start defending the city."

"Don't be stingy with arrows and cannonballs, fight back desperately for me, and avenge the dead brothers!"


Seeing more and more soldiers and horses on the city wall, Young Master Liu was completely relieved.

Although the process was a bit tortuous, Jiangzhou and the others were fooled after all. As long as this wave of attack is achieved, they will be able to attack the city on a large scale.

Young Master Liu discovered the change in the number of people on the city wall, and Cheng Kai's six generals naturally also discovered the change on the city wall.

"Order! Continue to attack normally, lure the rebels to climb the city wall, wait for the rebels to gather almost, and wait for the order to go to Lei Zhenzi!"


As King Qin's army feinted more and more compactly, there were more and more rebels on the city wall.

Many rebel sharpshooters have already bent their bows and set up arrows to fight back. From time to time, some soldiers under Liu Mingzhi's command were injured and were quickly carried down for treatment.

The six of Cheng Kai calculated silently, and after a while, the order flags in their hands suddenly waved.

King Qin's army, which was attacking under the city wall, immediately changed its formation, and the shieldmen shrank behind the shields to cover them.

"General, the enemy has suddenly changed formation!"

Jiang Zhou was taken aback, and hurriedly looked down the city from the gap. Seeing the strange formation of the enemy army, he was a little puzzled. What kind of attack method is this?
"Is there any trace of artillery?"

"No trace of artillery found."

Jiangzhou was relieved that there was no trace of artillery again, and he wondered if this was an offensive formation that the enemy had just researched. It is not surprising that Jiangzhou was so suspicious.

Young Master Liu's achievements in the formation are quite famous, Jiangzhou has no time to think about it in the current situation, so he can only think about it.

"The messenger!"

"Here, order the soldiers of the three armies at the North City Gate to prepare to fight back!"


Cheng Kai looked at the rebels on the city wall who were also starting to change their defensive formations, and smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth.

In front of Lei Zhenzi, what can you do if you change again.


With an order, the archers under the city wall began to take out the bow and arrow tied with Lei Zhenzi from the quiver behind their backs.

A large bundle of Lei Zhenzi was also put into the groove of the trebuchet.

On the thick arrow shaft of the bed crossbow, four thunderbolts of almost the same size were tied and aimed at the city wall.


Not only Cheng Kai's side, Ye Baotong at the other two city gates also gave the same order according to the timing.

A seemingly conventional way of attacking the city is attacking the city wall.

With a loud bang, there were dense screams on the city wall.

The conventional siege became unusual with the addition of Lei Zhenzi, a special condiment.

The generals on the city wall were stunned when they heard the explosion in their ears and the screams of their brothers.

I can't figure out why there is a roar that is almost the same as the explosion of a shell in my ears when there is no artillery.

Young Master Liu looked at the billowing gunpowder smoke above the city wall, laughed and clenched his fists and waved them.

"Beautiful, got it!"

(End of this chapter)

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