Chapter 1453 So Fast

"I'll see you, Commander!"

With the sound of war drums, a group of generals headed by Cheng Kai in Song Qing walked into Young Master Liu's tent together.

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze from the sand table, scanned all the generals in front of him and waved his hands.

"Waiting, all of you come here. This is the last plan that the commander-in-chief made to destroy the city. I hope you will keep it in your heart, and don't let the brothers die in vain."


Young Master Liu held up the bamboo pole and waved it over the sand table.

"Concentrate all the artillery fire on the four city gates, and after the gates are opened, the whole army attacks and begins to attack the city."

"Remember that the whole army is going to attack, that is, the auxiliary soldiers and grooms have to rush forward. No matter what, we must first overwhelm them with momentum, and try to wear down their morale so that they surrender without a fight."

"Song Qing listens to the order."

"The end is here!"

"Lead [-] soldiers and horses to charge from the east gate, use Suzaku Avenue as the battlefield, gradually shrink the front line, and join forces while attacking the other three city gates. After you rescue the brothers of the imperial guards, don't forget to support the brothers of the imperial guards. Case."

"Prevent the rebels from mixing in with fishy eyes, and suddenly catch us by surprise."


"Cheng Kai, Ye Baotong listens to the order."

"The end is here!"

"Each of you leads [-] soldiers and horses to attack the west city gate. One team charges at the city gate, and the other turns cavalry into infantry and charges from the city wall. Using Xuanwu Street as the battlefield, join forces while fighting."


"Duan can't bear it, Zhou Baoyu obeys orders!"

"The end is here!"

"Lead [-] soldiers and horses each to charge from the north gate, just like Cheng Kai and the others, using Baihu Street as the battlefield."


"Han Peng, Jiang Lei obeys orders."

"The end is here!"

"You lead [-] soldiers and horses to lie in ambush three miles away from the south city gate and wait for the opportunity. Remember that when you bombard the south city gate, the bricks and stones in the gate hole are so crumbling that they can fall if touched."


"You three soldiers and horses must pay attention to the way of attack. Don't force the rebels too urgently, in case they jump over the wall in a hurry. You know how the commander treats the prisoners."

"Try to recruit as much as you can, the old rule, surrender and not kill."

"Don't kill the enemy desperately for the sake of military exploits, otherwise the oppressed rebels who have no way out may break out with terrifying fighting power and give us a Jedi counterattack."

"The things of the past, the teacher of the future, you must be in awe."

"You guys are all old people who have been with me for many years. Don't forget the painful lesson when you attacked Che Shi's former country in the Western Regions."

Several people nodded solemnly with blank faces.

"Please don't worry, Marshal, the last general will never dare to forget."

Liu Mingzhi finally set his eyes on Lao Jia, who had been looking gloomy since he returned from his class teacher.

"Jia Zheng is listening to orders!"

"The end is here!"

"You can't bear to lead [-] soldiers and horses. Afterwards, Zhou Baoyu's troops will directly attack the inner city and open the gate of the inner city as quickly as possible. This commander will send you a hundred thunderbolts. If too many brothers are killed or killed, you will be killed." Blow up the gates of the inner city!"

Jia Zhengzheng nodded heavily, and looked at First Young Master Liu with emotion. He knew that Young Master Liu took special care of him.

Compared with Cheng Kai and others, his family members are all in the inner city.


"Du Yu, Sun Mingfeng, Tao Li listen to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"Assemble the five thousand soldiers and the remaining ten thousand soldiers and horses to follow the commander and rush directly to the palace, breaking open the palace gate in one fell swoop."


Taking the order flags on the side and distributing them to Song Qing and others one by one, Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, and slowly drew out the Heavenly Sword.

"Order the three armies!"

"The whole army is attacking the city!"


A group of generals rushed out of the big tent after punching each other, and each of them ordered troops to prepare for the battle.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little cutie who was sitting on a chair beside him quietly looking at him and stretched out his palm with a chuckle.

"Brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers in battle."

"Today, our father and daughter will work together to win the capital."

Cutie nodded heavily, grabbed a special small shield and Yanling knife and trotted towards Young Master Liu.

"Brothers who fight tigers, fight father and daughter soldiers."

Young Master Liu smiled silently, put away the Heavenly Sword and walked out of the big tent, leading the little cutie.

Father Liu and his daughter had just walked out of the big tent, and there was a heroic drumbeat that had never been heard in the big camp in the past few days.

The rumbling sounded up and down layer by layer, and those who had experienced the battlefield could understand that it was the drumbeat of the whole army charging.

With the wave of Jiang Lei Han Zhong's command flag, 150 artillery pieces bombarded the city gate.

Previously, in order to kill the rebel army as much as possible, Liu Mingzhi ordered the artillery to bombard the bricks and stones of the city gate so that they were loose, and concentrated their firepower on the rebel army above the city wall.

Now Young Master Liu didn't want to waste any more time, and more than 100 artillery pieces bombarded the city gate with all their strength, intending to break through the passage for charging.

With the sound of the rumbling guns, the gunpowder smoke from the four city gates rolled, like dark clouds falling from the sky and flying into the city gates.

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently listening to the explosion in the city gate. Although the power of these artillery fires was already good, they were still far inferior to those of later generations.

Liu Mingzhi also has no good solution, this is already the most powerful artillery in the world right now, bar none.

If he wanted to raise the power of the artillery to a higher level, he had no choice.

There is no other way but to let the craftsmen keep experimenting and groping.

I am always just an ordinary person, not to the point of omnipotence.

"Report, the two generals Jiang Lei and Jiang Lei reported that the extension of the shells has reached the limit, and the remaining bricks can only be excavated by the soldiers."

Liu Mingzhi scanned the city gate with binoculars and nodded helplessly.

"The order was given to turn the artillery fire to bombard the rebels on the city wall to cover the brothers digging the city gate. Once the city gate was broken, the whole army charged."


As soon as the artillery muzzle turned, another explosion exploded on the city wall. Dozens of nimble soldiers held their shields, held their weapons, and charged towards the city gate with shovels on their backs.

As soon as he stepped into the position of a hundred steps from the city wall, countless arrows flew out of the city wall, and the rebels had already discovered Liu Mingzhi's intentions.

No matter how agile the soldiers of the Vanguard Battalion were, they still couldn't avoid heavy casualties in the face of such a rain of arrows.

In the end, only a dozen people rushed to the city gate. After the first group of soldiers arrived at the city gate, the second group of soldiers rushed up one after another.

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently as he looked at the soldiers who fell to the ground from the arrows.

I can only pray that they will hold on for a while longer, waiting for the military doctor's treatment.

Liu Mingzhi silently counted the time in his mind, and about half an hour later, under the cover of artillery fire, a disgraced soldier ran out from the city gate carrying a flag.

Everyone knew that it was the signal that the city gate was broken.

"Report, the city gate is broken, the city gate is broken!"

"Go back! Go back!"

Young Master Liu howled and waved his palms, but the sound of the cannon was mixed with the sound of the trebuchet, and Young Master Liu's cry was of no avail at all.

Looking at the soldier Liu Mingzhi, who had been pierced by four or five feathered arrows and knelt on the ground holding the military flag unwillingly, his eyes were sore!
The command flag in his hand waved fiercely.

"Assault formation, attack!"

Duan couldn't bear it, Zhou Baoyu and the two drew out their weapons and waved their command flags and charged towards the gate of the city.

The scene of 6 people rushing up is indescribable.

Then there was the sound of charging from the east and west gates, and when Liu Mingzhi arrived, the east and west gates had already been broken open.

"Old Jia, attack!"

"The rest of the brothers, follow me and take the palace straight!"

Following Young Master Liu's order, in addition to the 10,000 soldiers and horses ambushing outside the south gate, [-]+ iron cavalry rushed towards the capital in an orderly manner.

Haikou, where Liu Mingzhi broke the city in ten days, was completed in the early morning of the fourth day.

Heading southwest to Chemen Mountain to the official road in the capital, tens of thousands of martial arts practitioners, men, women and children, looked at King Qin's army swarming into the city gate with dazed faces.

Lu Gongwang, who was standing beside the girl, was also stunned. He couldn't recover for a long time. He had only been out of the city for two days. The military was strong and the capital with many soldiers and horses was captured.

The pretty girl under the veil of the girl beside her was also embarrassed, and her round and delicate red lips twitched and trembled from time to time.

Didn't the old man say ten days?
How could big brother be so fast?

(End of this chapter)

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