My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1454 Pay attention to your identity

Chapter 1454 Pay attention to your identity
In the short period of half a stick of incense in the capital, there was a sky-shattering charge, and the shouts of tens of thousands of people gathered together. One can imagine how the movement was.

The people in the city heard the sound of fighting on the street, the doors and windows were closed, and they shivered at home and dared not go out.

This is the second time this has happened in Beijing.

Although the common people were no longer surprised, they still couldn't beware of the fear in their hearts, because because of Li Yunlong's move to block the city gate, the common people didn't know which army the soldiers and horses that entered the city belonged to this time, and whether they would still treat the people in the city Qiu did nothing wrong.

Many people who have girls and food at home can't wait to hide their daughters and food in the cellar.

For many years, many people can only learn about the large-scale battles in the capital from word of mouth passed down by elders, or from storytellers.

In the minds of the common people, the capital city, a place of geomantic omen that contains dragon veins, should always be peaceful, peaceful and prosperous.

But their outlook on life collapsed a few years ago.

It turns out that the capital, the city under the feet of the emperor, will also have wars.

Duan couldn't bear it, Zhou Baoyu and the two were the first army to rush into the city, watching the rebels on the street charging towards their side, they immediately ordered to be careful of the enemy's stumbling rope.

Street Fighting The few people who followed Young Master Liu took part in the Western Regions' expedition to the west, and every time they invaded a city in the Western Regions, a street fight would inevitably occur.

Therefore, the two are already familiar with each other.

"Surround up and charge in a roundabout way. Don't let the enemy retreat into the alley, otherwise our war horses will lose the ability to run."

Following the orders of the two, the cavalry of the brigade quickly separated and circled towards the surrounding streets, taking the lead to occupy a powerful position covered with crossbows.

When Liu Mingzhi rushed into the city with the last [-] soldiers and horses led by Xiao Keai, the entire capital was in a state of melee.

Looking at the King Qin's army, which had taken the upper hand, Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath and galloped towards the palace. The ten thousand soldiers behind him were holding crossbows, and when the situation allowed, they were covered by a rain of arrows from time to time. Take some stress off.

In the Liu Mansion, Liu Zhi'an, who was brewing a small wine and tasting it leisurely, suddenly stood up when he heard the sound of charging and killing in the city, and did not react when the wine was splashed on the lapel of his clothes.

"What's the situation?"

"Liu Yuan!"

"Liu Yuan!"

"The old slave is here, what is the master's order?"

Hearing Liu Zhi'an's shout, Liu Yuan leaped down from the courtyard wall with a movement that did not match his age.

Liu Zhi'an heard the sound of clashing swords erupting in front of the gate of his house, and pointed in the direction of the gate with some hesitation on his face.

"Don't tell the old man, the bastard has called in, it's only the fourth day."

Liu Yuan scratched his forehead: "Master, this old servant just took a look on the roof. If Dalong doesn't have a second Liu character handsome flag, then the young master led his troops into the city."

"If there is no second Marshal Liu flag in the world, and the generals under his command are mainly cavalry, I can tell you with certainty that the young master really came in."

Liu Zhian gasped, and wanted to drink only to find that the drink had been spilled by him.

"It took 40 rebels to attack 15 defenders for two months, and 24 soldiers to attack 29 soldiers for four days. What the hell happened to me?"

"This siege speed is somewhat unreasonable!"

"My lord, there is nothing difficult to understand. The 40 rebels are fighting on their own, with different ideas. They are guarding against each other's secret arrows. How can they use their hearts to attack the city with all their strength?"

"Yes, yes, the old man forgot about this!"

"How's the situation in the city now? Is the bastard all right? He still has the child Yue'er by his side. If something happens to the child Yue'er, I can't spare him!"

"It's a scuffle, and it's impossible to find out what's going on."

Liu Zhian poured a glass of wine and took a sip, his eyes suddenly widened, and he slapped his thigh violently.


Liu Yuan was shocked: "Master, don't be surprised, what happened?"

"Hurry up and send a letter to Xuan'er, asking her if the money has been cheated to get the deal done? Let's say at least 10 taels. If it is disturbed because of the speed of the bastard, the old man will castrate this bastard."

The corners of Liu Yuan's eyes twitched twice, no wonder he was so wealthy, this pursuit of money is beyond the reach of others.

Liu Yuan nodded helplessly: "Yes, this old slave will pass on the letter right now."

"Go, go."

"The old slave told me."

"and many more!"


"Tell Xuan'er, it doesn't matter if the business doesn't work out, it's a big deal to be a green forest hero!"

"Yes, the old slave understands."

After Liu Yuan left, Liu Zhi'an waved softly, and Liu Yi drifted over.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Go and inform the eldest lady that after the war, let her come to the Liu Mansion and tell him that the old man has important matters to discuss with her."


Following Jia Zhengjing's [-] soldiers and horses quickly breaking through the gate of the inner city and rushing towards the rebels on the city wall, Liu Dashao waved his command flag and led tens of thousands of cavalry towards the direction of the palace. past.

When he was about to arrive at the imperial city, Young Master Liu stared at the tall and closed Penglai Restaurant on the right side of the street, and sighed faintly.

I don't know if the two former friends are safe now, and whether they have been affected by the flames of war.

Remembering the words that left the two of them behind before the expedition, First Young Master Liu took a deep breath to calm down, pulled the rein of the horse and charged the little cutie towards the palace gate.

"Shut up!"

In front of the Lin'an gate of the imperial palace, Young Master Liu tightly grabbed the reins of the horse, and the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses behind him quickly dispersed and stopped at a controlled speed.

First Young Master Liu got off his horse, glanced at the cute little girl who was obediently holding up her shield and shrunk her head, and then she felt relieved.

Pulling out the Heavenly Sword, Liu Dashao walked towards the closed palace gate in a fast-paced manner.

"My commander Liu Mingzhi, general commander of the Northern Expedition Army, who is the guard on the city wall? Answer quickly!"

After a while, there was no sound on the city wall, except for the rustling of walking, no one dared to stand up and answer.

Liu Mingzhi frowned, turned the blade over, and a cold light flickered, and the Heavenly Sword shot towards the city wall. With a soft sound, the Heavenly Sword easily penetrated into the bricks of the wall.

"My commander Liu Mingzhi, who is the guard on the city wall?"

"I check three numbers, and if no one answers this question, I will make the palace blood flow into rivers, and you will all be decapitated."

"Humble. Humble job Qian Wenshan, met Ding Guogong."

Liu Mingzhi raised his head slightly, looking at a middle-aged general on the city wall holding a shield and poking his head down the city.

"Are you the guard of the palace now?"

"No, no, no, the humble rank is General Shen Wenlong's lieutenant general."

"Oh? Where's General Shen?"

"Mr. Dingguo, you lead an army into the city. General Shen has gone to Qinzheng Palace to face the saint."

"I don't care where the surname Shen has gone, now you should be the most powerful guard in the palace."

"The commander-in-chief will give you a cup of tea to think about it. You have two options."

"Either you obediently open the city gates and let my army enter the palace, so that this commander can make you pay for your crimes and meritorious deeds, or if this commander invades the city, you will all die."

"The fortifications of the outer city are strong and can't stop me for four days. The mere palace gate can be broken with a single hand. I hope you will find your way back and lead your brothers to abandon the dark and turn to the light."

"Otherwise, once the commander breaks into the city, not only you will not escape the death penalty, but your family will also be imprisoned because of you."

"Brothers above the city wall, we are all the people of the Great Dragon, the people of the Great Dragon, and the soldiers of the Great Dragon. We should not swing our weapons at our fellow citizens."

"This commander understands that many of you have carried the name of rebels without knowing it, and you can't do it if you don't follow the rebellion."

"Now, regardless of past suspicions, I will give you a chance to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. As long as you open the palace gate, the name of my commander Liu Mingzhi will be heard by everyone. As long as you open the palace gate, this commander will protect you from death."

"Stop being obsessed with obsession."

"Think carefully about the time for a cup of tea. If you are still stubborn after a cup of tea, don't blame me for killing me."

"Surrender without killing! Recalcitrant!"

Following Young Master Liu's voice, tens of thousands of troops raised their weapons and shouted these two words, and the sound brought invisible pressure to the rebels on the city wall.

"Surrender without killing! Those who resist will die!"

"Surrender without killing! Those who resist will die!"

After finishing speaking, First Young Master Liu slowly retreated to the side of the mount, protecting the cutie behind him, staring at every move on the city wall with piercing eyes.

After a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi looked at the closed palace gate and sighed silently.

He took off his spare horizontal knife from the horse's back and slowly drew it out.

"Du Yu, find a way to blow up the palace gate for me."


Young Master Liu didn't finish his sentence, the palace door opened slowly, and several rebels ran towards the palace with empty hands, their heads shrunk, for fear that Young Master Liu would turn back on his word and start killing.

Seeing this, Young Master Liu slowly put away his weapon: "Sun Mingfeng!"


"Lead five thousand soldiers and horses to confiscate their weapons. As long as they don't resist, they are not allowed to kill a single person. Those who violate the order will do so according to the military law."


"The rest of the soldiers obeyed the order, dismounted and followed the commander-in-chief to surround the Qinzheng Hall on foot, and capture Li Yunlong alive!"


Five thousand soldiers and horses charged into the city and swarmed towards the city wall, while Young Master Liu took the rest of the soldiers and horses and hurried towards the Palace of Qinzheng.

Seeing this, Cutie hurriedly got off her horse and walked towards First Young Master Liu.

Looking at the little cutie who passed by him at the head of the horse, First Young Master Liu was taken aback. He left the horse to his daughter because he was afraid of her. The order was given to the soldiers. Unexpectedly, she also ran in.

Seeing the little cutie holding the shield in her left hand and the Yanling knife in her right, walking towards the Palace of Qinzheng with a figure of eight steps like a crab, the more Young Master Liu looked at her, the more weird her expression became.

The little cutie looked at the palace walls on both sides from time to time, as if looking for something.

Seeing this, Young Master Liu hastily followed.


"Huh! Huh?"

"What's the matter, Daddy? Is there something wrong?"

"Hmm, Yue'er, you have to pay attention to your identity, you are a princess, not a little concubine, can we be more ladylike when we walk, don't be so drastic and vicious, okay?"

"You have to pay attention to your identity, identity!"

"Little sister?"

"The amount is the female bandit!"

(End of this chapter)

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