My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1455 Dad Carried It For You

Chapter 1455 Dad Carried It For You

In order to prevent the little cutie from continuing to walk out of disrespect, Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to take the shield and the Yanling knife from her hand and throw them to the guards, while he held the little cutie's hand to restrain her actions.

With the little cutie pouting reluctantly, First Young Master Liu took the little cutie's hand and walked towards the Hall of Qinzheng.

Looking at the crowds of soldiers and horses encircling him with their weapons raised on the school field, Liu Mingzhi gently raised his hand to signal the people behind him to stop.

With a bang, Liu Mingzhi's spare horizontal knife was pulled out of the scabbard by him, and the sharp blade was gently inserted into the crack of the brick five or six steps away by him.

The rest of the force made the blade tremble non-stop.

Looking coldly at the rebels who didn't know what to do, Young Master Liu casually pointed.

"Those who cross this knife will be killed without mercy."

"The world has been decided, you have to put down your weapons and surrender quickly, there is still a glimmer of life, if you continue to be obsessed, don't blame the brothers under my command for not recognizing people."

"Disarm and don't kill!"

"Disarm and don't kill!"

"Disarm and don't kill!"

Compared with the rebels who seemed at a loss with their weapons in hand, the soldiers and horses behind Liu Mingzhi were arrogantly holding their weapons and pressing towards the rebels step by step, shouting murderous words in their mouths.

"My commander's soldiers and horses have broken into the city. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. I hope you will not die in vain. Put down your weapons. This commander guarantees that you will be safe and sound."

"Three numbers, three numbers don't put down your weapons, don't blame me for not thinking of your compatriots!"

Liu Mingzhi also didn't want to keep nagging these rebels, but if he continued to kill them, when would it be the end.


The soldiers and horses behind Liu Mingzhi had already started charging.


The archer had already bent his bow and set his arrow, and pulled the iron tire bow in his hand into a half-moon shape, waiting for an order to shoot.


Liu Mingzhi paused for a moment, before he could speak the words, the sound of weapons being placed on the ground resounded everywhere, and many rebels dropped their weapons on the ground.

"Surrender, we surrender, please Ding Guogong give it lightly!"

Seeing this, many generals in charge of the rebel army were about to reprimand when they were pierced through the chest by a feathered arrow.

Liu Mingzhi threw the iron tire bow in his hand to the guards at the side, and glanced lightly at the stunned rebels.

"Brothers, you have chosen the right path!"

"You really don't want to kill us? We are rebels, and we followed His Majesty to rebel and deceive the emperor!"

Looking at many rebels who were more courageous looking at him, Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently: "This commander keeps his word, and he will never go back on his word. Now you all spontaneously walk towards the warehouse on the left."

"As long as you obediently wait for the war to subside, I guarantee that you will be unscathed, but if some people dare to have ulterior motives."

"If one person makes a rebellion, the whole team will be killed; if two people make a rebellion, the whole camp will be killed."

"I hope that the brothers will supervise each other, and I also hope that the brothers will take care of themselves and not go further and further on the road of no return."

"Okay, we listen to you, as long as you don't kill us, we all listen to you."

Thousands of rebels looked back at Liu Mingzhi and the soldiers and horses behind him from time to time, lest they put a sniper in the back. When the first person walked to the corner of the school field safe and sound, thousands of rebels rushed towards the corner The past gathers here.

"Du Yu, lead the brothers to collect these weapons!"


"The rest of the troops surrounded the Hall of Qinzheng. No one is allowed to enter or leave without the commander's order. Anyone who violates the order will be killed without mercy."


Du Yu led some troops to collect the weapons scattered on the ground, and the rest of the troops quickly surrounded the Palace of Qinzheng.

Liu Mingzhi tidied up his armor for a while, and walked towards the Palace of Qinzheng, holding the little cutie's wrist.

How majestic and majestic the Qinzheng Hall used to be, but now you can faintly smell the smell of blood. Although Li Yunlong has ordered to clean up the blood and corpses on the school grounds outside the hall, the strong smell of blood can't be covered up anyway. .

Thinking of the unprecedented heavy damage that Dalong suffered this time, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently.

The prosperous mountains and rivers left behind by Li Zheng's hard work all his life, disappeared in one day.

The [-] miles of rivers and mountains that I loyally helped to build were lost overnight.

Looking back on the hard work of the past ten years, and thinking about the appearance of the capital today, how can we not make people sigh.

How can it not be regrettable.

Thinking that the root cause of this matter was all because of this guy Li Yunlong, Liu Mingzhi's fists were crackling, and he was determined to beat this guy to death with one fist.

Little Cutie noticed Dad's trembling arm, and gently patted the back of Young Master Liu's hand.

"Daddy, it's the third uncle who wants to kill Yue'er. Later, you hold him down and Yue'er wants to beat him, and let him bully Yue'er, a young girl."

"Bully the young with the big, bully the young with the old, don't be shameless."

"My dear girl, you take it for granted. This guy must have gone somewhere a long time ago and wants to beat him up."

Liu Mingzhi led the little cutie into the hall, and said what was wrong with Li Yunlong, and just after getting used to the light in the hall, Young Master Liu looked at the figure sitting on the dragon chair, and the words in his mouth stopped immediately.

Liu Mingzhi stopped in his tracks, narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at Li Yunlong who was sitting on the dragon chair and looking back at him quietly, with a somewhat dazed expression.

"You didn't run away. It's beyond my expectations. It seems that I underestimated your courage before."

"Third Brother!"

"Are you disappointed that I didn't leave?"

The civil and military officials kneeling in the hall looked at the figure of First Young Master Liu leading the little cutie to the hall, with different expressions.

Some were overjoyed, some had complex expressions, and some were thoughtful.

In a short moment, because of the arrival of First Young Master Liu, there were discussions in the Palace of Qinzheng.

Originally, many officials were still not sure about the father-daughter relationship between Xiaocuti and Young Master Liu, and they always believed that this was a plan by the Li Yunlong brothers to alienate them.

Although there are cute words about the government, the officials don't believe it, and they always think that the little girl was arranged by the King of Shu long ago!
After all, Ding Guogong has been in the court for more than ten years, and the contribution to the court is clear to all officials.

How could such a loyal minister commit treason and join the enemy?

However, when the father and daughter of Young Master Liu appeared together, many officials who had a good impression of Young Master Liu felt their support collapse.

Young Master Liu vaguely heard a lot of words that were really father and daughter.

Young Master Liu turned a deaf ear to these arguments, and Quan pretended not to hear them. Since he dared to bring his daughter into the Palace of Qinzheng, he had already prepared a way to deal with everything.

Young Master Liu will never forget what he said to Cheng Kai and Zhou Baoyu when he was in the Kingdom of Jin.

I, Liu Mingzhi, dare to do anything, but I dare not do things that do not recognize my children.

Silently lowering his head to look at the slightly reserved cutie, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and gently stroked the cutie with the ball head.

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and glanced around the Hall of Qinzheng, seeing the expressions and reactions of all civil and military officials.

Liu Mingzhi quietly stroked his daughter's hair, looking at the civil and military officials in the palace and speaking loudly.

"Yue'er, don't be afraid, you are my daughter, Liu Mingzhi."

"No matter what happens, Daddy will be by your side."

"Even if the sky falls, Daddy will carry it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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