Chapter 1457
Li Yunlong looked at the scene where Liu Dashao voluntarily handed over the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and the scene became harmonious, as if dead.

He knew that his situation was over at this moment, and Li Yunlong suddenly felt that he was a little ridiculous.

Even a little sad.

He kept asking himself in his heart, whether he could let Liu Mingzhi do whatever he wanted like his father did, and whether he could trust Liu Mingzhi like his boss.

And whether he can achieve Liu Mingzhi's kindness of dripping water, should be repaid by a spring.

Li Yunlong suddenly realized that maybe all the plots and tricks were useless in the face of a frank mind.

I had misjudged Liu Mingzhi, and the Empress Jin had misjudged Liu Mingzhi.

Empress Jin thought that Liu Mingzhi and the Li family could completely turn against each other through the matter of her daughter, but she did not expect that the final result of the matter was beyond everyone's expectations.

Instead of turning against the Li family, Liu Mingzhi became more and more firmly tied to the Li family's warship.

If Li Yunlong knew that Li Baiyu's trust in Liu Mingzhi so firmly was all caused by his father Li Zheng's last words before his death, I don't know how he would feel.

Just like what Li Baiyu thought in his heart when he watched the little cutie being taken out of the palace by the monk Hui Pharaoh.

Li Zhengtai knew Liu Mingzhi well, he knew what Liu Mingzhi's lifeblood was, and he also knew how to grasp Liu Mingzhi's lifeblood.

Gold, silver and jewellery, Liu Mingzhi was born in a wealthy Liu family. It is true that he likes money, but money is just an accessory to him.

A high-ranking official with a generous salary, Duke Ding of the current dynasty has almost reached the point of being an extremely human minister.

When a person has money rights, he will pay more attention to things other than these two things.

And things other than money and fame are nothing more than love.

Whether family, friendship, love.

The word love is enough to restrict a hero everywhere.

Before Liu Mingzhi set off for the expedition, he once lamented that Li Zheng was the son-in-law of Shengtian, and he was counting on death.

The current ending is enough to show how long-term Li Zheng's vision is.

The Palace of Qinzheng fell into silence for a while, and everyone was quietly listening to the sound of fighting in the city gradually subside.

I don't know how long it has passed, and no one cares about the loss of time at this moment.

The last cry of killing completely subsided, and the eight-character shouts from the city could be clearly heard in Qinzheng Hall.

"The commander-in-chief has an order, surrender without killing!"

"The commander-in-chief has an order, surrender without killing!"

"The commander-in-chief has an order, surrender without killing!"

When he heard these eight words, Liu Mingzhi's tense body suddenly relaxed, glanced at the setting sun outside the hall, and Liu Mingzhi exhaled lightly.

Scanning the mixed expressions of civil and military officials around him, Liu Mingzhi walked slowly towards the stiff-faced Li Yunlong.

Stopping under the dragon platform, Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Yunlong's completely dishonest face and smiled faintly.

"Third brother, the general situation is set, and there is absolutely no possibility of you resurfacing!"

Li Yunlong smiled lightly, revealing a faint hint of desolation, slowly stood up from the dragon chair, and staggered towards the imperial study room at the back of the hall.

The soldiers under Liu Mingzhi just wanted to go up to stop them, but Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to stop them.

Looking at Li Yunlong's disappearing back, Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked at Xia Gongming, Zaifu and Zaifu on his left and right.

"Three lords, the mess in the city will be resolved by your lords working together. I will go to the back of the palace to see what the king of Shu is going to do."

"Okay, King Liang is busy first."

Looking at Wei Yong's indifferent face, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a complicated expression.

If there was no matter about the third uncle, would he and Wei Yong become friends?
Although this person's reputation as treacherous and evil has been spread all over the world, his methods are indeed worthy of my admiration.

Responding to Wei Yong, Liu Mingzhi turned around and walked towards the back of the hall.

"The last general, Song Qing, visited the commander-in-chief and told the commander-in-chief that all the rebels in the city have surrendered, and the capital will be completely wiped out within three days."

"May I ask what else the Commander-in-Chief has ordered?"

Before Liu Mingzhi had time to leave, Song Qing, covered in blood, ran into the Hall of Qinzheng with a horizontal knife in hand, and called out to stop First Young Master Liu.

Song Yu among the civil servants was overjoyed when he saw Song Qing rushing in, subconsciously wanted to get up, but finally suppressed his excitement.

He understands that his son has more important things to do in the current situation, not the time to reminisce about the past.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing quietly and thought for a moment: "Have you confiscated all their weapons?"

"It has been confiscated, and the brothers are escorting them to the school yard in the city, where the brothers of the Imperial Guard were detained before."

Liu Mingzhi pondered silently for a moment: "Order the brothers not to abuse them, let them rest for three days, let them eat three meals a day immediately, and let the brothers escort them to repair the city wall and repair all the damage in the city after three days. architecture."

"Tell the rebels that as long as they behave well, they will be dealt with lightly."


Liu Mingzhi glanced slightly at the civil and military officials on both sides, and moved to Song Qing's side to mutter.

"Secretly select some good seedlings from the rebel army to supplement our six guards. The first choice is those soldiers who boarded the pirate ship in a daze, and secondly, you can select according to the situation."

"After a great battle, there are some elites among these rebels. It would be a waste to ask them to repair the city walls."

"After the eldest son of the emperor ascends the throne, we have to rush back to northern Xinjiang immediately. As soon as spring begins, there will be a big war. To put it bluntly, my junior brother will not give up this opportunity to take advantage of the fire."

"Even if you can't rule the world, you can't subjugate the country."

Song Qing nodded solemnly: "The general understands, and the general will make arrangements."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at all the civil and military officials indifferently, and walked towards the imperial study with the little cutie.

He wanted to see what else Li Yunlong wanted to do.

Unworthy of cupping tea, Liu Mingzhi knocked lightly on the door of the Imperial Study Room, taking the opportunity to glance at the somewhat desolate palace, Liu Mingzhi felt sour.

In just a few months, how did a good world become like this.

A moment later, Li Yunlong's neither sad nor happy voice came from the imperial study room.

"come in!"

Liu Mingzhi looked a little puzzled, and finally walked in with the cutie.

As soon as he entered the hall, Liu Mingzhi found that Li Yunlong was sitting on a chair and making tea.

"Third Brother, are you accepting your fate?"

Li Yunlong stopped making tea, raised his eyes slightly to glance at Liu Mingzhi, held the teacup and sat quietly on the chair, waved his hand casually, indicating that the cup of tea on the opposite side was for Liu Mingzhi.

Liu Mingzhi was not too polite, he went directly to the chair in front of Li Yunlong and sat down, picked up the teacup and drank it down.

Li Yunlong frowned, looking at Liu Mingzhi in surprise.

"Great, but aren't you afraid that I will poison the tea? You know, once you die, I may not have a chance to turn around."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the pot and poured himself a cup of tea and drank it down again in one gulp, looking at Li Yunlong with a faint smile.

"I forgot to tell you, my little brother is almost invulnerable to all poisons now."

Li Yunlong's face froze, and he nodded helplessly: "I almost forgot, you have a good wife."

"Why? My father has so many sons, and I am not the only one who rebelled."

"Why do you want to fight against me?"

(End of this chapter)

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