Chapter 1458

Liu Mingzhi quietly watched Li Yunlong's hysterical expression, and silently loosened his waist.

"If it was the second brother or the fifth brother who ascended the throne, the person sitting here talking face to face today is the younger brother and one of them."

"If you want to blame, you can only blame you for choosing a wrong path."

"This is for the public and private"

"Third brother said it himself just now, the younger brother has a good wife."

"Yao remembers that when my younger brother went to Qingzhou to treat disasters under the order of his father, he unfortunately contracted the plague, and Lian'er sacrificed his life to save him. I can vividly remember."

"Plague is a disease that everyone can't avoid, but Lian'er is willing to give up her life to take care of me day and night, even if she contracted the plague and almost died on the road."

"At that time, I thought in my heart, if I can escape this catastrophe, I will never forget Lian'er's love for the rest of my life."

"Lian'er was born in a miserable life. Before she met her younger brother in her life, she was mostly down and out and miserable. After finally meeting a younger brother who can be entrusted to her for the rest of her life, how could my younger brother disappoint her?"

"It was such a kind and pure girl who almost died in the hands of you, third brother, during my younger brother's western expedition."

As Liu Mingzhi talked, various pasts between himself and Qinglian appeared in his mind, and he sighed for a while.

In the blink of an eye, I and Qinglian have been married for more than ten years, but the past of meeting and the various experiences are so vivid in my memory.

Li Yunlong looked at Liu Mingzhi's expression of being lost in memory, looked at the portrait of Li Zheng with faint eyes and smiled wryly.

"Brother-in-law, with your intelligence, you can't fail to see that Zhen, you, Qinglian and the three of us are pawns in the hands of the emperor."

"The grievances and grievances between Qinglian and Zhen in Sichuan, others can't see it, and you can't see it!"

"You and I are just a pawn in the hands of the emperor."

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, and sighed silently.

"It's no use seeing it or not, it's always your Li family's business."

"Little brother and Lian'er, our husband and wife, are just outsiders who have been implicated because of your family affairs."

"However, in the end, the reason why we couldn't be together at all was the assassination outside the city."

"Third brother, you are going to put me to death, do you think there is still a possibility for us to settle down?"

"If I hadn't brought a few more guards by my side, I'm afraid the grass on my grave would be as tall as a person now. Time is fate. If you come out to mess around, you will have to pay back in the end."

"Be it public or private, my younger brother will not let you succeed in ascending to the throne."

Li Yunlong gently lifted the pot and poured a cup of tea for Liu Mingzhi, looking calmly at Liu Mingzhi's eyes with murderous intent looming.

"If you say that I didn't do that thing, would you believe it?"

Liu Mingzhi froze when he picked up the teacup to drink tea, the tea spilled out and flowed along Liu Mingzhi's armor to the ground without Liu Mingzhi even noticing it.

Looking at Li Yunlong with an indifferent expression in his eyes, Liu Mingzhi frowned tightly.

"What do you mean?"

"Haha. Nothing interesting."

Li Yunlong put down his teacup and walked out of the desk, patted Liu Mingzhi on the shoulder and walked towards Li Zheng's portrait, took out a joss stick and lit the incense burner under the portrait.

Li Yunlong looked at Li Zheng's portrait with his hands behind his back.

"Among many brothers, my relationship with my third sister was the best and the closest when I was young."

"You must have heard about the incident back then from the emperor's uncle. How many officials who stood on my side were caught by the emperor, and they were beaten to the end."

"Those who are demoted to common people are demoted to common people, and those whose families are ruined are ruined."

"From the moment I became the king of Shu, I thought that my third sister would despise me, my third elder brother who was notorious, but she didn't. When everyone despises me and avoids me, only three As before, my sister obediently called me third brother."

"But I have been wronged by this notoriety. When you are the only one in the world who knows that you are innocent, do you know what kind of aggrieved it is?"

"When you can't argue with a hundred words, you will know what others say."

"The reason for all these results is that the father paved the way for the boss."

"A 13-year-old boy is promiscuous in the harem. Hahaha."

"Our good father, you are really willing to spend money to pave the way for the boss!"

"Brother-in-law, do you know that when you became famous, I was silently watching your every move."

"When you are deeply favored by your father and emperor, and you have a marriage contract with the third sister, no one in the whole world is happier than me. It is not only for the third sister to find a lover, but also for myself."

"I thought that the relationship between me and my third sister would make you, an upstart in the imperial court, lean to my side, but it turned out to be the opposite."

"You have seen Father's methods. Third sister, Zhen, you, and Qinglian are all under his control."

"Not only does he want to use you to contain my strength, but he also wants to push you to the side of the boss."

"We should have been able to be a good pair of brothers in harmony, a good monarch and minister, but Father is not happy to see me gain power."

"If I gain power, it will threaten the position of the boss and the stability of the court."

"There is no reason, there is no reason, just because I blocked the way of the boss, the father will do everything possible to suppress me."

"You should tell those who know about this. From the perspective of an outsider, you can feel your conscience and say a fair word. I am not wronged."

"Just because I can threaten the throne of the boss, I have suffered such injustice."

"They are all the sons of the emperor, why is he so partial?"

"I hate the injustice of the heavens and the injustice of my father and emperor."

"Brother-in-law, you don't understand me. The more others stop me, the more I want to show him. It's not that I want to win, but I want him to understand that he is wrong!"

"Wrongly wrong."

"You have only seen that I am a traitor, a rebellious minister who seeks power and usurp the throne, but you have not seen what I have experienced since I was a child."

"How much injustice have I encountered?"

"Dalong's situation today is all because of his father, and it's all caused by him."

"Later, when I was in Shu, I realized that it is a mediocrity not to be envied by others."

"I raised troops to rebel, one is for the throne, and the other is to fight for breath."

"I just want to show my father that he, Li Baiyu, has all kinds of back roads arranged by his father, and he is no match for me, a down-and-out vassal king."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Yunlong, whose voice was hoarse and full of resentment, with a complex expression on his face.

Perhaps, as Li Yunlong said, this kind of ending was all caused by Li Zheng.

I knew about Li Yunlong's past, so I thought about it with my heart, if I were Li Yunlong and encountered all kinds of injustices, would I be able to accept my fate sadly.


"Third brother, before my younger brother went to the north to serve as the governor of the two governments, my father once talked about your problem."

"His expression was very complicated at the time, and he said that it wasn't that he hadn't thought about letting you inherit the throne, it was just that."

The trembling Li Yunlong suddenly turned around and stared at Liu Mingzhi with a complex expression.

"Just what?"

"It's just that the emperor said that your heart and mind may become a generation of Mingjun, but you can't become a benevolent monarch. Your elder brother and brothers will all suffer."

"It is precisely because of this that the father chose the eldest brother to inherit the throne. The reason why he kept suppressing you is because he knows in his heart that the eldest brother is not as good as you and is not your opponent."

"Without his help, Big Brother will definitely be defeated by you."

"But there is only one throne. The palms and backs of your brothers are all flesh, and you are all his own flesh and blood. In his eyes, you are all the same, and you have never been separated from each other."

"Before the royal father's visit, he once said a few words to your brothers behind the Qinzheng Palace. Third brother should remember it!"

Li Yunlong's fist trembled a little: "Unforgettable!"

"The reason why my father unswervingly chose my elder brother to become the emperor is precisely because of my kind heart. My father forced my elder brother to swear that after I ascend the throne, I will never harm the lives of your brothers!"

"You are all the sons of the emperor, how could he not love you, but there is only one emperor, and only the elder brother succeeds, can you all live well. He loves you and does not want you to die!"

"Royal father said that he was wrong, because of him you have suffered a lot of grievances, he is afraid that your resentment towards him will be vented on your eldest brother and brothers, so he will not let you inherit the throne."

"He knows he's sorry for you, but at this point he has nothing to do!"

"I can only go against my conscience, with guilt towards you, and make a mistake to the end!"

"He has always wanted to apologize to you, say sorry to you, but he has no chance!"

Li Yunlong looked at First Young Master Liu with a trembling corner of his mouth, turned tremblingly to look at Li Zheng's portrait, knelt on the ground with a plop and began to cry loudly.

"Father, why didn't you say it earlier, why?"

Li Yunlong cried and said that he didn't get up for half an hour, Liu Mingzhi sighed softly, shook his head and walked out of the hall while holding the little cutie's hand.

Just as Liu Mingzhi stepped out of the palace gate, there was the sound of the wine pot passing the book in the imperial study room breaking and his body falling to the ground.

Liu Mingzhi paused, and closed his eyes with sore eyes.

"Daddy, did half-grandfather really tell you those things?"

"Children, in this world, people are mostly involuntary. There is no boundary between good and evil."

"Don't persuade others to be kind without suffering others."

"Although your third uncle is heinous, he may have been a hero full of ambitions. It's just that the injustice of heaven played with his ambitions."

"At this moment, Dad doesn't know how to evaluate your third uncle, he should be one."

"Huh? What is it?"

"A poor man who fell victim to politics."

"Your grandfather's starting point is good, but he looks at this matter from the perspective of an emperor."

"Because of this, he neglected family affection, which planted many seeds of disaster and caused many killings that should not have happened."

"However, in life, there is nothing wrong with it. We are not saints, but ordinary people in the world."

"It's too complicated, so the half-grandfather, did he tell you those things?"

Liu Mingzhi didn't answer, and walked towards the Hall of Qinzheng holding the little cutie's wrist.

Looking at the bloody setting sun, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently.

Father and son had no choice but to end this past with white lies.

It's over, let him
Dust to dust, dust to dust.

(End of this chapter)

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