Chapter 1459
People die like lights go out!
The moment Li Yunlong drank the poisonous wine to kill himself, Liu Mingzhi suddenly realized that he looked away, and all the grievances and grievances disappeared completely with the moment Li Yunlong fell to the ground.

Although he didn't see the dead body of Li Yunlong who drank the poisoned wine with his own eyes, Liu Mingzhi had a strange feeling in his heart, and he couldn't help but believe that Li Yunlong would not do that kind of behavior.

Know heroes and value heroes. Although Li Yunlong is not a hero, he is a hero.

Perhaps the pride of Xiongxiong made Liu Mingzhi believe him.

In the past, Liu Mingzhi wouldn't feel at ease if he didn't see the enemy's corpse with his own eyes, but today he doesn't feel that way at all.

He didn't know why he, as Li Yunlong's enemy, believed in an enemy so much.

Although he didn't know why, Liu Mingzhi couldn't think of doubts for some reason.

"Daddy, the third uncle"

"He went to a place where he would never be wronged again. Dad doesn't know whether that world is really fair, but we must look at that world with awe."

"It seems to be illusory, but it is all in front of you."

"In a blink of an eye, Daddy will be thirty one, so I should go and see him in a blink of an eye."

Cutie could hear the meaning of vicissitudes in Young Master Liu's words, but she couldn't understand the meaning of Dad's words.

No matter how smart a person is, there are some things she will never understand if she has not experienced what she should have experienced.

The little cutie lowered her head and thought for a moment, then shook her head silently, and looked up at Young Master Liu, who had clearly won but had no joy.

"Daddy, are you unhappy?"

"How could it be? Of course Daddy is happy. The war subsided. How could Daddy be unhappy?"

He said he was happy, but Liu Mingzhi couldn't be happy at all.

Looking at the extremely familiar corridor, Liu Mingzhi felt sore and unbearable.

Go back to the old way, and don't see the old people.

In just a few months, I have experienced so many things and man-made things.

"It's really an absurd and unruly world. What happened to this world?"

"Yue'er, I hope you will never grow up. Once you grow old, you will find that this world is not the same as the world you imagined."

"Too many coincidences, too many misunderstandings, it's like an invisible big hand manipulating everything about you, making you unable to move. It's just that you are still too young, dad shouldn't have told you these things."

"Okay, Dad, let's not talk about unhappy things, shall we go home now?"

"Go home, it's really time to go home and have a look, but you will follow the uncles of the guards later and let them take you home."

"What about you, Daddy?"

"Daddy is going to mourn your uncle."

"Yue'er is going too!"

"That's fine, but after you arrive at the mausoleum, don't talk, just follow daddy."

"Yeah, Yue'er will be very good!"

Liu Mingzhi and his daughter arrived at the Hall of Qinzheng, and learned from the officials of the Ministry of Rites that Li Baiyu's body had not been buried in the imperial mausoleum, and that he was currently resting in the patriarchal residence.

After thanking him, Liu Mingzhi got on his horse, explained a few words to Du Yu, and then rushed towards the clan mansion in the east of the city.

"Stop coming, here is"

First Young Master Liu rolled over and got off the horse with the cutie in his arms, and stared coldly at the guard who was blocking him.

After knowing the specific reason why the capital was captured, Liu Mingzhi really didn't have much affection for the Li family members of the Clan Mansion.

The 600-year-old foundation of the Li family was almost destroyed in the hands of these greedy bastards.

As a descendant of the Li family, but doing the business of eating inside and outside, how could Liu Mingzhi show them a little bit of goodwill.


"You're so bold, you know it's here"


First Young Master Liu flicked his wrist, and looked coldly at the guard who covered his face and looked at him in astonishment.

"My commander, Liu Mingzhi, asked Li Chengbai to meet me in front of the late emperor's coffin. If I don't see him within three quarters of an hour, don't blame me for doing something that I shouldn't have done."

Under the astonished eyes of the guards, Liu Mingzhi led the little cutie towards the inside of the clan mansion, followed the guidance of the clan mansion Bai Ling, and rushed all the way to the backyard of the clan mansion.

Many servant girls of the clan's mansion looked at Liu Mingzhi, an unexpected visitor, in a daze, not knowing who this strange young man with a little girl was.

Gradually approaching the solemn backyard of the clan mansion, Liu Mingzhi's expression became more and more gloomy.

Little cutie noticed that something was wrong with her father's face, and silently followed her side, turning into a good girl from a young girl bandit.

"Who the hell is trespassing on the late emperor's mourning hall?"

Liu Mingzhi walked in front of the largest hall of the clan mansion, and saw a huge coffin placed in the hall.

The two guards drew out their weapons and looked at Liu Mingzhi coldly, as if they would strike if there was a disagreement.

"Liu Mingzhi!"

"Liu Dingguo Liang Wang!"

Looking at the two guards with dazed faces, Liu Mingzhi didn't say anything more, and walked directly into the mourning hall, leading the little cutie.

One of the young guards wanted to stop him, but the older guard gestured back with his eyes.

Looking at the father and daughter who had already entered the mourning hall, the elder guard grinned at his companions towards the front hall, and hurriedly put away his weapons and ran towards the mourning hall.

"I don't know the lord is coming, I don't know that the lord is coming, please forgive me if I am rude."

Liu Mingzhi didn't even look at the guard, and stared blankly at the coffin in front of him.

Lying here is his elder brother, the elder brother who indulged himself to do whatever he wanted like his father.

A few months ago, my two brothers were chatting and laughing about the general trend of the world, talking about unifying the world, but a few months later, my two brothers were separated forever, and they were on one side.

Compared with Li Zheng's affection for his son-in-law, Liu Mingzhi's affection for Li Baiyu, the eldest brother-in-law, is far less deep than that for Li Zheng.

The reason why he devoted himself to his duties was entirely to repay Li Zheng's love for him.

However, what Li Baiyu did to the little cutie caused Liu Mingzhi's gratitude to the big brother to undergo an earth-shaking change.

I remembered what happened to help Xiaoxi escape from marriage, and what happened after Xiaoxi drugged himself.

A strong sense of guilt welled up spontaneously. Although it was not my own wish, I did something that I was sorry to Li Baiyu after all.

Looking at Li Baiyu's coffin, Liu Mingzhi gently extended his hand to the guard beside him.

"Scent candle!"


"Scent candle!"

"Oh, good, please, Prince Liang."

The Fuwei came back to his senses, and hastily took out two delicate incense candles from the sandalwood box beside him, and handed one to Liu Mingzhi, and the other to the little cutie.

Liu Mingzhi took the incense and lit it to the candle, and inserted it into the incense burner in front of him. Seeing this, the little cutie hurriedly lit the incense candle with his toes, and inserted it into the incense burner just like his father.

Liu Mingzhi dragged the little cutie to the futon in front of the coffin, and the father and daughter knelt gently in front of the futon.

It's just that Liu Mingzhi knelt on one knee, but Xiao Kei knelt on both knees.

Although Liu Mingzhi is wearing armor, he doesn't need to perform big salutes, but Liu Mingzhi also knows the truth that the dead are the most important!

"My brother Liu Mingzhi's escort came late, may the emperor's brother have a spirit in heaven to forgive him."

"My younger brother will never forget the great kindness of the emperor's brother, and after assisting Li Ye wholeheartedly, he ascends the throne as the emperor, and restores the land and society of the emperor's brother."

"Long live Long live Long live!"

"Thank you, Yue'er, for saving my life."

"Long live Long live Long live."

Noisy footsteps woke Liu Mingzhi from his grief. He frowned and looked back at the hundreds of descendants of the Li family who were rushing towards the mourning hall. .

Li Chengbai, who was the first to come in, was white-bearded and hair-haired. He had a little impression of this old man Liu Mingzhi. He had met several times during the grand court meetings and annual meetings.

In a short time, Li Chengbai brought a large group of Li's descendants into the mourning hall.

Li Chengbai looked at Liu Mingzhi angrily: "Liu Mingzhi, where is your family's mansion? You come here whenever you want, do you still have a bit of royal law? Don't think that you can ignore the face of my royal family because you have breached the capital."

There was a sound of sword chant.

"Crack!" Li Chengbai's yelling stopped, and he wailed while covering the red mark drawn by Tianjian on his old face.

"You hiss. Ben. Ben Zongling's teeth! Hello Liu Mingzhi"


"Oh ho ho ho"

Looking at the stunned descendants of the Li family, Liu Mingzhi put the Heavenly Sword back into its sheath.

"How can you make a loud noise before the late emperor's death?"

"Since you're here, let's kowtow a few times!"

"What are you, Liu Mingzhi, don't forget that you are just a foreign minister, how dare you?"

"Pfft you."

Looking at a young man who fell to the ground, Liu Mingzhi took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood on the blade.

He lowered his head to take a look at the cutie hugging his thigh with his eyes closed. Liu Mingzhi patted the cutie's forehead, and gently put the Heavenly Sword into its sheath.

"No matter how much you dare to speak rudely, this commander will destroy the clan mansion today, leaving the Nine Temples with no more clan mansions."

"Now I give you two choices!"

"Either kowtow to the late emperor, or be buried with the late emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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