Chapter 1460
Li Chengbai tremblingly put down his hand covering his old face, and stared in astonishment at the young man who fell to the ground bleeding profusely and was already lifeless.

"Liu Mingzhi, do you know that you killed the county king personally awarded by Ruizong?"

"You actually killed a prince of the current dynasty, your heart is to be punished."

Liu Mingzhi glanced lightly at the young man whose neck was wiped with his sword, and looked at Li Chengbai indifferently.

"Oh! It turned out to be a county king. Among the princes killed by this commander, he had the lowest title. When I was in the Western Regions, several kings died in this commander's hands. He is barely qualified for this commander to draw his sword. gone."

Li Chengbai looked at Young Master Liu's nonchalant expression, his old body trembled uncontrollably, and he was extremely angry.

Young Master Liu wondered if this old thing would pass without being able to lift it up in one breath.

"Come here, let this old man take down Liu Mingzhi, a daring thief."

With Li Chengbai's order, dozens of Fuwei Gao who were waiting outside rushed in with weapons in hand, and surrounded the father and daughter.

Cutie hugged First Young Master Liu's thigh with one hand, and subconsciously took out a firecracker from the back of her waist with the other hand and held it in her hand.

Liu Mingzhi looked indifferently at the guards of the clan's mansion who surrounded him, and he could feel that one of the middle-aged people had a similar aura to his own, and they were both half-step innate.

If there is no cutie by his side, Liu Mingzhi would not mind giving it a go and fighting.

However, with his daughter by his side, Liu Mingzhi didn't want her to see his bloodthirsty appearance, and he was even more afraid of hurting her daughter.

Tightly holding the Heavenly Sword in his hand, Liu Mingzhi glanced at the guards with cold eyes.

"It seems that you really want this commander to flatten the Zongren Mansion."

Stopping his gaze on the furious Li Chengbai, Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Old man, I assure you that if I hurt half an inch of hair here today, the clan mansion under your command will bleed." Chenghe, chickens and dogs don’t stay, if you don’t believe me, you can try it.”

Li Chengbai looked at Liu Mingzhi angrily: "When death is imminent, you dare to be so stubborn. Don't forget that this is the clan mansion. Emperor Gaozu of the Taizu has expressly prohibited anyone who dares to make trouble in Li's clan mansion. Kill him!" No pardon."

"Hands, life and death"

"Who dares to try it, this general will give you this chance, do you dare?"

Before Li Chengbai could finish his sentence, Du Yu's voice sounded outside the mourning hall. The sound of horseshoes and dense footsteps became clearer and clearer.

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression became relaxed. Du Yu finally came.

Under the stunned gazes of the descendants of the Li family, the entire clan mansion was filled with soldiers from the Polu Army, one of the six guards of the new army.

Groups of archers surrounded the mourning hall tightly, holding the iron tire bow with the arrows already attached, and aimed at the gate of the mourning hall in a semicircle.

Dozens of bed crossbows were put on the bowstrings, under the cover of the sword and shield soldiers, the bed crossbows were placed down, aiming at all the Li family members.

Du Yu changed into a clean suit of armor, with a white-tasseled helmet on his head, holding a horizontal knife on his waist, and walked towards Liu Mingzhi in the mourning hall.

"The last general, Du Yu, see Generalissimo."

"Free gift!"

"Thank you sir."

Du Yu stood up, and looked at Li Chengbai who was dazed, looking at Li Chengbai with a dazed face like an idiot.

"Old man, this general will give you a chance. You can try to use the commander-in-chief to see if your guards are better than this general's brothers are better at bows and arrows."

"This is the clan's residence, and your father, Du Chenghao, doesn't dare to play wild here."

"Hehe, the clan's mansion, the general of the palace and the general followed the general to attack, and you are missing three big tile-roofed houses. Don't you want to make a move? You do!"

As Du Yu's voice became louder and louder, the soldiers outside the hall had pulled the bowstring into a full moon and pointed it at the mourning hall.

Listening to the teeth-stinging sound of bowstrings behind him, although the weather is cold, the foreheads of hundreds of Li clan members are already covered with fine sweat.

No one doubted that, with Du Yu's order, seven people in the hall would be shot into hedgehogs.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the frightened look in Li Chengbai's old eyes and took two steps forward lightly.

"Du Yu, don't be presumptuous before the late emperor's death. Tell the brothers to put down their weapons and go burn incense sticks to the late emperor."

Facing Li Chengbai, Du Yu, who was fooled by his ancestors, stopped Young Master Liu's words and immediately nodded respectfully, and waved to the soldiers and horses outside the hall.

Seeing this, the soldiers immediately put away their bows and arrows, and the formation of charging became loose.

"Chen Du Yu, I respectfully send off the late emperor on a grand trip."

"Long live Long live Long live."

Looking at Du Yu after the salute, Liu Mingzhi quietly glanced at the Li family members in the mourning hall.

"The original words of the commander-in-chief remain unchanged, either kowtow or be buried with him."

"Everyone, can I choose now?"

"When a weapon is unsheathed, it must drink blood. Don't let me do it again. It's not just as simple as killing one person."

"Li Zongling, express your opinion!"

Li Chengbai looked at Liu Mingzhi's sharp eyes, and nodded helplessly.

"Kowtow, the old man will lead the Li clan to kowtow to the head office of the late emperor."

Li Chengbai knew that it would not work to reason with Liu Mingzhi, an arrogant and unreasonable guy, at this time, and it would be tantamount to death in vain if he continued to beat him to death.

Fu Wei is a master, and he might escape in the rain of arrows, but there are very few descendants of the Li family who know kung fu.

Facing the arrow rain, I'm afraid he will die miserably.

Li Chengbai's resignation made all the descendants of the Li family breathe a sigh of relief. They were really afraid that their uncle and Liu Mingzhi would fight to the death. They only had one life, and no one wanted to die young.

Especially enjoying the glory and wealth, and don't want to die.

Looking at the Li family members who obediently kowtowed and offered incense, Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes silently and sighed secretly.

He really wanted to bloodbath the clan's mansion and let Li Baiyu be buried with all the food and drink, but he couldn't do that, Li Ye's ascension to the throne would not be possible without these bastards.

Li Chengbai got up and straightened his robe, looking at Liu Mingzhi quietly.

"Liang Wang, you are satisfied now!"

Liu Mingzhi opened his eyes and nodded slightly: "It's still alive, how long did the late emperor stay still?"

"49 days! The late emperor died young, and he still can't meet the standard of 81 days of death."


"Long Wuzong."

"Is it okay for a national funeral?"

"Okay, of course there will be a national funeral!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, all etiquette will be handled in accordance with the ancestral system, and if there is a lack of sample handsome, I will ask you."

"King Liang, don't worry, we will naturally not be rude."

Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked at the portrait of Li Baiyu behind the coffin, with melancholy eyes.

It is really embarrassing that the emperor of a generation of wise emperors has been so muddled in one year since he ascended the throne.

"His Majesty Shu is having a great time drinking and pouring wine in the imperial study."

"Death is like a lamp being extinguished, and the past is gone."

"When the father was in power, he was always worried about civil strife among the descendants below, and hoped that their brothers could live in harmony, but the father still failed to get his wish."

"Your Clan House will come forward and let their brothers be buried in the imperial tomb together."

"Possessive title, Long Hezong."

"I hope that their brothers can regard peace as the most important thing down here!"

All the descendants of the Li family were stunned, and looked at Liu Mingzhi in surprise. They never expected that Liu Mingzhi would give Li Yunlong such a posthumous title.

After all, Li Yunlong's rebellion and ascension to the throne are now known all over the world, and his posthumous title shouldn't be like this.

Li Chengbai looked at Liu Mingzhi's melancholy eyes, and nodded silently.

"I understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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