My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1461 Helping You Become Emperor

Chapter 1461 Helping You Become Emperor
After Liu Mingzhi finished dealing with the affairs of the clan's residence, he dragged the little cutie and walked towards the door.

I have done what I should do, and I have done what I can do, and the rest can only look forward.

"Du Yu!"


"Let the brothers find a place to settle down, and remember not to disturb the people."


Just as Liu Mingzhi untied the horse's reins, his body paused and he looked towards the gate of the clan mansion.

I seemed to have ignored the four brothers Li Baihong, Li Qing, Li Yunping, and Li Zhi. It seemed that I hadn't seen these four brothers since I was in the capital. Thinking of this, Liu Mingzhi held down the little cutie who was about to get on the horse.

"Good girl, we still have something to do, we can't go back now."

Cutie nodded obediently, as long as she could be with her father, she didn't care where she was going.

Liu Mingzhi's departure and return made Li Chengbai, who had just calmed down, tense again, put down his teacup and greeted Young Master Liu. Li Chengbai had no temper for this completely unreasonable guy.

"King Liang, why did you leave and come back?"

Liu Mingzhi looked around: "Why don't you see King Qing, King Yun, King Jing, and King Heng?"

Li Chengbai was startled, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with some hesitation.

"This them they"

Liu Mingzhi frowned gradually: "What happened to them?"

"King Qing, King Yun was imprisoned in the prison of the Clan Mansion, King Jing was still unconscious in the Imperial Hospital, and King Heng has stayed behind closed doors in the mansion since His Majesty and Zong ascended the throne. I don't know."

"On the day He Zong ascended the throne, he also sent someone to invite him, but Heng Wang refused because he felt unwell."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "How is King Jing's health? Is there any health problem?"

The fourth son, Li Yunping, was explained by Liu Zhi'an in his letter. Although Liu Mingzhi didn't see much of this brother-in-law, he still had a good impression of him.

Judging from his past dealings with him, Liu Mingzhi could tell that he was a gentleman and a refined person.

It can be seen that Li Yunping is still a very assertive person in the face of big right and wrong, knowing what is more important to Dalong.

As for why they rebelled, it's no secret, and they got on Li Yunlong's bandit ship without knowing it.

Li Chengbai's complexion was a little bad, and Liu Mingzhi could tell at a glance that Li Yunping's physical condition seemed to be a little bad.

"King Jing has been in a coma for a long time. The imperial doctor means that we can only see his fortune. It would be best if he can wake up by himself. If he doesn't wake up, he may die, or he may become a living dead."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and sighed regretfully.

"The commander-in-chief will find some senior folk art masters to treat King Jing. As for whether he can wake up, it depends on God's will."

"Then there will be King Laoliang!"

"Take me to see King Qing and King Yun first!"

"This way please, this old man will lead the way for you."

"Bring some drinks with you."

"The old man understands."

The prison in the Clan Mansion is said to be a prison, but it is actually an independent courtyard with a few isolated houses inside. Although it is simpler than other buildings in the Clan Mansion, it is much better than the houses of ordinary people. up.

It is said to be in custody, but in disguise it is a kind of house arrest.

After all, he is a relative of the Li family, and when he is a prince, how could he be imprisoned in that kind of dark, dark and smelly prison cell.

Even if Li Baihong and Li Qing were willing, Li Chengbai and the others would not be able to do such a thing.

In the final analysis, it is still the word of face.

Li Baihong and the others were imprisoned again, and they were also descendants of the royal family. Ordinary people attached great importance to such things, let alone the royal family.

After half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi was holding a tray in his hand with four delicate side dishes on it, and the cutie walked to a door with two small jars of wine in his arms and stopped in front of a room led by Li Chengbai. .

Seeing Li Chengbai, the Zongling, the guard of the guard opened the door directly.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Chengbai who dared to enter the door and shook his head slightly: "Li Zongling, let's go back first, I want to catch up with the two brothers."

Li Chengbai's face froze, he nodded in embarrassment and retreated towards the outside.

Whose territory is this, but thinking of the impenetrable soldiers and horses that surrounded the clan's mansion, I dare not speak out.

After Li Chengbai left, Liu Mingzhi walked in with a tray.

Looking at the backs of the two silently sitting on the chair, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently and walked over.

"Why, the time limit for my two brothers has come?"

As soon as the sound of Liu Mingzhi's footsteps came, Li Baihong's somewhat hoarse and deep voice came out.

"Ants are greedy for life, let alone human beings, is the second brother so eager to accompany the father?"

Li Baihong was startled, and he stood up straight and looked towards the door. He saw Li Baihong, who was young master Liu walking in, with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"It's you!"

Li Qing's reaction on the side was almost the same as that of Li Baihong, also showing a shocked expression, he never thought that the person who entered the room would be Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi put the tray on the table, and played with the wine and dishes calmly.

"It's me, are you surprised?"

"I didn't expect our brothers to reunite, it turned out to be in such a scene, the world is unpredictable."

Li Baihong seemed to have looked away a long time ago, sat quietly on the chair, picked up the flagon and poured himself a glass.

"Yes, it is indeed unpredictable!"

"When did this king never think that one day he would be reduced to such a situation, from a prince to a prisoner, it is really ironic."

"But since you've come here, it seems that the third child has been defeated by you. In four days, we attacked the capital for a month, but it didn't last four days in your hands."

"It's not unreasonable for the father and the boss to value you so much. You are indeed a capable person."

Seeing that Li Baihong was able to chat with him so calmly, Liu Mingzhi filled the pot with wine, carried the little cutie to a chair and sat down, and sat aside and raised his glass.

"Fifth Brother, this is the second time we've met, let's do it first and respect!"

Li Qing looked at Liu Mingzhi with complicated eyes, and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Third Brother committed suicide by drinking poison and wine in the imperial study an hour ago. He knelt in front of the portrait of his father and left crying. I don't know what he was thinking at that time."

"Repentance? Unwilling? Resentment? Happy?"

"No one knows what he is thinking, but death is like a lamp going out, let the past pass!"

Li Bohong was startled when he drank, sighed with a sad look in his eyes, and directly raised the wine jar and drank vigorously.

"Brother-in-law, brother and fifth child are in such a situation that they have nothing to do with third brother, but whether you believe it or not, brother-in-law wants to say that brother-in-law's death will actually make him feel sad."

"Sadness that arises spontaneously from my heart."

"At this point, we are all to blame, and we can't blame others."

"In the past three days, brother Wei has thought a lot. Maybe it's because he was defeated by the third child that brother Wei suddenly came to his senses. Brother Wei is sorry to the emperor and elder brother."

"However, it's useless to say these things. People are gone, so what's the use of saying these things."

"Rights are such a thing. Hehe, brother, I have nothing to say at this time."

"With good wine and good food, I am content with my brother."

Li Baihong looked at Liu Mingzhi calmly, his eyes were clear and indifferent: "Tell me, what do you plan to do with us brothers!"

Li Qing's hand holding the wine glass trembled, his eyes panicked.

But seeing Li Baihong's expression, Li Qing suddenly drank all the wine with a raised glass.

"After 18 years, he will be a hero again. There is nothing to be afraid of. Although he is defeated, he can't embarrass his father."

"It doesn't matter if you die early or die late, brother-in-law, tell me how you plan to deal with my little brother."

Liu Mingzhi scanned the two of them with deep eyes, and finally fixed his eyes on Li Baihong.

"Little brother intends to support the second brother to succeed you to the throne, help you become emperor, and rectify the country."

"I don't know what the second brother thinks?"

(End of this chapter)

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