Chapter 1462
Li Baihong's hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly, and he looked at Young Master Liu who was staring at him in astonishment.

Li Qing's expression on the side was also not much better. Like Li Baihong, he thought he was having auditory hallucinations.

After a long time, Li Baihong gradually came back to his senses, looked at First Young Master Liu with some strange eyes, gently put down the wine glass in his hand, folded his arms around his chest, and did not hide the suspicion in his eyes.

"Are you serious? Do you want to help brother become emperor?"

Liu Mingzhi clenched his left hand on his lap slightly, his body was slightly stiff, but there was a faint smile on his face.

"Second brother, younger brother is of course telling the truth. Li Ye's nephew is too young. It is not a blessing for Dalong to become emperor. If you want to reorganize Dalong, you must choose a wise and wise king to inherit the throne. "

"Little brother, after much deliberation, there is no other person who can inherit the throne except you, second brother."

"Little brother intends to support second brother and you as the emperor, I don't know what you want second brother?"

Li Bohong silently watched First Young Master Liu intently, trying his best to see something from Liu Mingzhi's expression.

Sensing Li Bohong's eyes, Liu Mingzhi's expression was a little calm, and he looked back at Li Bohong without evading his eyes, completely looking like a gentleman.

This expression made anyone think that Young Master Liu was determined to support Li Baihong's enthronement as emperor.

"Hehe. Hehehahaha."

Li Baihong stood up, stepped on the chair, patted his thigh with his hands and laughed like a maniac.

Liu Mingzhi's eyes were slightly startled, he didn't know what Li Baihong's appearance meant, this was not the answer he wanted.

The little cutie also subconsciously jumped off the chair and stood beside the old man, her white and tender little hands tightly clutching the old man's wrist, Li Baihong's state at the moment is really scary.

Feeling his daughter's trembling little hands, Liu Mingzhi quietly stared at Li Baihong and said in a loud voice, "Second brother, what is the meaning of this, why are you laughing? Is the younger brother's words ridiculous?"

Just after Young Master Liu finished his steady and powerful words, Li Baihong, who was laughing wildly, returned to normal.

Raising his hand to tidy up his messy hair, Li Bohong sat heavily on the chair and looked at Liu Mingzhi.

"Is it ridiculous? Of course it's ridiculous. It's the biggest joke in the world."

"Brother-in-law, we smart people don't speak dark words. If Brother Wei really agrees to be enthroned as emperor, do you think Brother Wei should be on the road now?"

Liu Mingzhi loosened his clenched fist, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I don't quite understand what the second brother said. What the younger brother said is from the bottom of my heart. I sincerely want to support the second brother and you as the emperor. Today, the younger brother is all the gift of the father. How can the younger brother look at Dalong's country?" The country is destroyed in our hands."

"In order to repay the kindness of the father, it is natural to choose a talented person to turn the tide, rectify the Dalong River and Mountain, and help the building to collapse."

Li Bohong shook his head and took another sip of his drink, looking at Liu Mingzhi's sincere expression with complicated eyes.

"This king finally understands why the father and elder brother value you so much. It is not wrong for the third brother to be defeated by you."

"Whether you believe it or not, Brother Wei wants to tell you that if it was in the past, Brother Wei would be ecstatic when he heard you say this, and wished he could share half of the country with you."

"But now my brother can't do it anymore. After this experience, my brother has seen through many things."

"It is destined by God that that chair has nothing to do with my brother."

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief: "So, the second brother has no intention of becoming emperor? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Are you sure you don't want to think about it carefully?"

"Second brother, after passing this village, there is no such shop."

"Don't lose the god-given opportunity because of your emotions."

Li Bohong narrowed his eyes and laughed, leaning forward with the flagon in his hand and leaning towards Liu Mingzhi.

Under Liu Mingzhi's puzzled gaze, Li Bohong lifted the jug on top of Young Master Liu and poured it down. The wine followed Young Master Liu's helmet and remained on the armor, soaking into the soft lapel inside.

"Okay, my brother is willing to ascend the throne and become emperor, so you support him with your troops."

"A manly man, one spit and one nail, no jokes out of mouth, I wait for you to come and support me, my brother, and call me emperor and honor."

Liu Mingzhi wiped off the drink from his cheeks, stood up slowly, and laughed loudly under the little cutie's puzzled eyes.

After laughing for a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi stopped.

Lifting the jug in front of him, poured a glass of wine and raised it respectfully.

"Second brother, younger brother toasts you, so I can do it for myself."

Li Baihong raised his flagon and drank directly to the flagon, which seemed to be a response to Young Master Liu's intention.

Liu Mingzhi threw the wine glass heavily on the table and faced Li Baihong, Li Qing and his brother fisted each other, and led the somewhat dazed cutie towards the door.

"Let me go, little brother, come and have a drink with the two brothers when you have time."

Li Baihong sat down on the chair slowly, put down the flagon in his hand and looked at First Young Master Liu.

"and many more!"

Liu Mingzhi stopped walking, and turned to look at Li Baihong with puzzled eyes.

"Second brother, what advice do you have?"

"You have changed. You were not like this before."

Young Master Liu's body froze, silently looking at Li Bohong's meaningful eyes.

"What does Second Brother mean by this, I don't quite understand."

"Understand it or not, it's my brother-in-law's business. The authorities are confused by the bystanders. The person who understands you best is your enemy."

"Brother Wei, give brother-in-law a sentence that you gave brother-in-law just now."

"My little brother is all ears."

"Well done."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, and led the little cutie towards the door in big strides.

"Keep it in mind and say goodbye."

After Liu Mingzhi's back disappeared into the courtyard, Li Bohong sat weakly on the chair, fine sweat emerged from the full sky, slipped down his face little by little, and wet the python robe on his body.

Li Qing looked at Li Baihong hesitantly: "Second brother, my younger brother also feels that you have lost a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, isn't this exactly what you want?"

Li Baihong closed his eyes and shook his head.

"If he asked you, would you dare to agree?"


Li Qing hesitated for a while and nodded: "Agreeing is a dead end, and not agreeing is also a dead end. Once Li Ye's nephew ascends the throne, we will all be dead sooner or later. I think it's better to give it a try. In case what brother-in-law said is true Woolen cloth?"

"Ha ha."

"You are wrong. If you agree, you will definitely die. If you don't agree, we can continue to live. But what Brother Wei said just now is indeed the truth."

"My brother really doesn't want to be the throne now."

"If there is an afterlife, it will definitely not be born in the emperor's family."

"We can survive? Are you sure?"

"I can live! And enjoy the wealth and honor for the rest of my life."

"We were all wrong, we all underestimated the father, and we also underestimated the elder brother. As long as Li Ye is not stupid, with his brother-in-law, Dalong Jiangshan will have no worries!"

"Li Ye, Li Ye, you must live up to your spirits, and don't let down the hard work of your grandpa and your father!"

Outside the clan's mansion, Liu Mingzhi held the little cutie in his arms and pulled the rein of the horse and slowly drove towards the door of the house.

Putting aside the soldiers who escorted the rebels towards the East Gate school ground from time to time, Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief.

The war finally subsided.

"Daddy, what are you talking about with that uncle?"

"Say something interesting, and you'll understand when you grow up."

"Advancing as retreat is also the way to choose!

(End of this chapter)

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