Chapter 1463
The gate of the Liu Mansion was kicked open by Young Master Liu with a bang, and he led the cutie into the room. Liu Yuan took down the pipe from his mouth and was about to scold him, when he saw the father and daughter walking in, he put it to his mouth The words were swallowed back.

"Master, Miss, you are back!"

Young Master Liu laughed loudly and gave Liu Yuan a big hug.

"Uncle Liu, your body is still so strong, do you miss my young master?"

Liu Yuan obviously couldn't get used to Young Master Liu's enthusiasm, and looked at Young Master Liu with an embarrassed expression: "Young master, this is something that has nothing to do with old people, so if you think about it, it's the young mistresses who think about it."

"That's right, you're a bad old man who misses me, and this young master is panicking!"

He took the bong from Liu Yuan's hand and put it in Liu Young Master's hand, he choked twice, and coughed violently again without accident.

However, First Young Master Liu had a look of comfort on his face.

The taste of home can completely relax the tense mind.

Returning the bong to Liu Yuan, Young Master Liu looked at the familiar scene in the mansion and sighed.

"Where's the old man? What about Yun'er and the others? Nothing happened, right?"

"It's all in the inner courtyard, young master, hurry up and take the young lady in. The master, madam, and young madam are all worried about you. They will definitely be happy from ear to ear when they see you back."

"Okay, my young master goes in first, you have someone boil some hot water, my young master is going to take a quick bath today, the war is urgent, if I don't take a bath for a few months, my young master's body will be covered with patina immediately. "

"The old man knows, I will arrange it immediately, young master please!"

First Young Master Liu led the cutie and rushed towards the inner courtyard.

I haven't seen my family for several months, how can I not miss them.

After cupping tea, Young Master Liu, father and daughter, stopped in front of the main hall of the inner courtyard, and the voices in the hall could be heard clearly.

Qi Ya's voice revealed anxiety and worry.

"Father, mother, it's getting dark now, why hasn't my husband returned yet, can something happen?"

Madam Liu's voice then sounded: "Ya'er, don't worry, Zhi'er must be busy with other things, she will come back, she will come back."

Listening to the conversation inside, Liu Mingzhi felt a little sad. These years, whether he was on the expedition or on the way to the expedition, he owed too much to his family, too much to his daughters, and too much to his children.

Impatiently walking towards the hall, First Young Master Liu forcibly threw out the unpleasant things in his mind, showing a relaxed expression.

"Hahaha mother, old man, sister Ya, ladies, this young master is back."




Young Master Liu clapped his hands and walked towards Liu Zhian, and gave Liu Zhian a bear hug.

"Old man, it's been a long time. It's not good to be in such a strong body. My young master is still in a hurry to inherit the family property. You should go to the brothel if you have nothing to do."

"If you go on like this, Master Ben will see signs of the industry in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse."

Being hugged by Young Master Liu, Liu Zhi'an's old eyes were a little moist, he hastily wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and Liu Zhi'an pushed Young Master Liu out.

"Fuck you, little bastard, I doubt how you have lived to such an age, and you can't even speak personally."

"Don't even think about my little family property. I won't let you touch half a coin if I distribute it to beggars outside."

"Look at the smell on your body, can't you smell it yourself? I don't know, I thought it crawled out of the toilet!"

Young Master Liu shrugged indifferently: "That's right, my young master doesn't quarrel with you, so you can do whatever you want."

Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked at Mrs. Liu who was smiling slightly: "Mother, my son is back."

Mrs. Liu tremblingly raised her hand to caress Young Master Liu's cheek: "Son, why did you lose so much weight? You must have suffered a lot. Isn't it hard work to come back from the Kingdom of Jin in the snow and ice?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head: "It's not bitter, it's not bitter at all. The boy is leading the army, so it's the right thing to do. At least the boy came back safely, and many brothers are happy."

"Don't mention it, don't mention it!"

"Mom, why are you starting to have gray hair!"

"Silly boy, my mother is so old, how could she not have gray hair, thanks to the ancestors of the Liu family for their protection, I didn't let my mother have white hair to send black hair to someone!"

"Mother is fine, don't just talk to mother, they are worried about you, you can't sleep, eat and sleep, you can't sleep at night, you talk first, mother and your father will let the kitchen arrange a banquet for you, have a good meal, and make up for it." Make up your body."

Hearing Mrs. Liu's words, Liu Zhi'an nodded lightly, and the couple walked out of the hall, leaving time for First Young Master Liu and all the girls present.

The fly in the ointment is that the creek is still grazing horses and sheep on the grassland and cannot come back.

Liu Mingzhi turned around with a light smile and looked at the girls who were also looking at him with a relaxed smile, opened their arms and waved.

"Ladies, I'm back for my husband."



The pear blossoms of the girls rushed towards First Young Master Liu, only Qi Ya and Murong Shanga stood aside with their big bellies and looked at the harmonious scene of the long-lost reunion with faint smiles.

Furthermore, the third princess, Li Yan, stood aside and looked at her husband affectionately with pretty eyes, but the worry on her face was clearly visible.

The little cutie covered her eyes with her hands, but her big eyes peeped at her father and aunts from between her fingers.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it after I take a shower, otherwise I will regret it if I stink you fragrant beauties."

Reluctantly, the girls came out from Young Master Liu's arms. Young Master Liu looked at Murong Shan, Qi Ya and the two daughters smiled and nodded, and turned their eyes to the haggard third princess.

He knew that what needed comfort more now was the third princess, Qi Ya and Murong Shan, who were slightly older and had a calm and indisputable personality, so they would definitely understand him.

Walking in front of the third princess, Liu Mingzhi gently grabbed the third princess's jade hands and rubbed them.

"Yan'er, elder brother and third brother, the two of them are in condolences."

"No one expected to come to this point, but since it has already happened, we can only try our best to save the loss. The dead are gone, and the living cherish it."

The third princess kept nodding her head, but the tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Not long after the emperor's father came to the throne, the eldest brother and the third brother went on a tour one after another because of the battle for the throne.

In just over a year, I have encountered such things three times. Who can feel uncomfortable? It can be said that it is not a huge change, but it is still three consecutive huge changes.

"What about the queen mother?"

"In the concubine's courtyard, there have been so many accidents. The queen mother is getting old, and her body is a little bit overwhelmed. She probably has fallen asleep now."

"How about the queen mother's phoenix body?"

The third princess shook her head with a melancholy expression.

"How can it be better for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person!"

(End of this chapter)

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