Chapter 1464

In Qi Yun's room, Young Master Liu changed into a comfortable Confucian shirt, and walked out refreshed after taking a bath.

After wearing armor for several months in a row, Young Master Liu still felt a little uncomfortable after changing into regular clothes.

Liu Mingzhi has to sigh, sometimes habit is really a very good thing to photograph, and now he is getting more and more used to living in Daying.

Just as Liu Mingzhi came out, the little cutie in Qi Ya's yard next door also blushed slightly, her hair still had slight water marks and changed into a clean jacket and ran towards First Young Master Liu, followed by helpless faces Qinglian.

"Smelly girl, slow down, you can't live without your father, can you?"

"Yeah, I just can't live."

"Daddy, Yue'er has taken a bath too."


First Young Master Liu gently pinched the little cute earrings: "Yue'er, you can't talk to your mother in the future, do you know how big or small you are? Your mother Qinglian loves you, but you can't be unruly!"

"I'm sorry Daddy, Yue'er knew she was wrong."

"Aunt Qinglian, Yue'er knew she was wrong."

Qinglian waved her hands hastily, and gave Young Master Liu an angry look.

"Husband, you are not allowed to talk about Yue'er like that. She would not be happy if she is polite to my concubine. She is joking and fighting with my concubine, which shows that we, mother and daughter, have a good relationship."

"You, don't scold this and that as soon as you come back."

Looking at the cutie who pursed her lips and giggled, First Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly.

"That's right, as long as you two are happy, just pretend to be your husband and say nothing. The mother and the old man probably have prepared meals, let's hurry over."

"Yes, yes, yes, I almost forgot about myself, let's hurry over."

The couple led the cutie and chatted unhurriedly, and rushed towards the hall.

After the three of them arrived, the hall was full of people. Song Lei from the second brother Liu Mingli's family was there, but Liu Mingli was not there.

Sitting on the chair, First Young Master Liu looked at Liu Zhi'an suspiciously: "Old man, what about Ming Li? Why are there only younger siblings?"

Young Master Liu spoke and looked at An Xin who was sitting next to Song Lei and stood up.

"An Xin, what's the matter with you? Why is your stomach so big? Which bastard did it, you tell the big brother that the big brother must castrate this guy."

An Xin's pretty face froze for a moment, and she blushed slightly.

"It's my husband!"

"When did you get married? Does Jiang He know? Why don't I know anything about it?"

Liu Zhi'an gently waved his hand to signal First Young Master Liu to sit down: "What's the noise, what's the noise, have you given someone a chance to talk?"

Liu Mingzhi sat down quietly, and looked at the crowd in puzzlement.

"No, what's going on here?"

Liu Zhi'an looked at An Xin with a faint smile: "After you went to war, Ming Li married An Xin as a common wife."

"Ah? Why is it like this, Ming Li and An Xin?"

Young Master Liu seemed to understand something as he spoke.

An Gou'er, An Xin and his brother and sister have been back with him for ten years now, plus An Xin and Liu Mingli are about the same age, and they often stay together, so it is inevitable that they will fall in love with each other for a long time.

For An Xin to marry a good family, Liu Mingzhi is of course happy to be prejudiced. After all, An Gou'er and his brother and sister have saved their lives. The main reason is that Liu Mingzhi never thought that An Xin would marry Liu Mingli when he said he would marry Liu Mingli.

It's just a little too sudden, and I can't accept it for a while.

Glancing at Song Lei's calmly smiling face, Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that Song Lei and An Xin sisters get along very well, so I can rest assured that everything is going well with my family!

Looking at An Xin with a faint smile, Liu Mingzhi rummaged around but found nothing.

"Anxin, live a good life with Mingli. When your eldest brother comes back from his voyage to the West and knows that he is going to be an uncle, he will definitely be so happy that he can't find Bei."

"It's too sudden. Eldest brother didn't prepare gifts with you. Elder brother will make up for you later."

"Thank you, brother. Xin'er has everything. When I got married to my husband, the sister-in-laws had already given me a lot of gifts. Xin'er is very content."

"Mingli is really lucky to marry you. Well, let's eat first. You must be hungry after keeping you waiting for so long. Let's eat first."

Liu Zhi'an picked up the first chopsticks first, and everyone began to eat.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Zhian cheerfully.

"Old man, now the Liu family has completely blossomed, isn't it like eating honey in your heart?"

"That's also the credit of my daughter-in-law. I have a fart relationship with you two brothers. Eat your food honestly and don't be angry with me here."

"Well, it's not time for you to cry and ask me to give birth to a grandson for you. It doesn't matter that our brothers are with you now."

Liu Zhi'an glared at First Young Master Liu, and with a smile he picked up a piece of chicken for Little Cutie. Except for Little Cutie who came back with First Young Master Liu, Liu Chengfeng and his brothers and sisters had already fallen asleep, and they didn't know the news of Dad's return. .

Liu Zhi'an glanced around the crowd, and had no intention of covering up.

"What do you plan to do next? A country cannot live without a king. Do you have any plans in mind who should give the throne to?"

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently: "What plans can I have, the son inherits the father's career, welcome back Li Ye's nephew to ascend the throne as emperor, this is the best way."

"Dalong can't go on in chaos anymore, the country must perish if the chaos continues."

Liu Zhian was slightly taken aback by the action of picking up vegetables: "The eldest son of the emperor disappeared without a trace before the rebels broke through the city. His Majesty Shu sent an army to search the whole city, but there was no trace of beating them, as if they disappeared out of thin air. .”

"It's right for you to support the eldest son of the emperor to ascend the throne, but only if you find him first."

"I asked people to take them to hide in a safe and reliable place. As soon as things in the capital are completely settled, I will send people to welcome them back. It will only take a few days."

"After Li Ye's nephew is enthroned as emperor, I have to bring my troops back to northern Xinjiang and settle down."

Liu Zhian frowned slightly: "Leave again?"

"If you don't go, you can't do it. Such a big thing happened in the capital, and the younger brother will not give up this opportunity!"

"Half of the soldiers and horses are under my command. There are not many soldiers and horses in the six cities of northern Xinjiang. If we can't make it back before the spring of this year, once the Turks and the Jin Kingdom come back, Dalong will definitely be in danger."

"My child has nothing to do, and the only thing I can do is She Xiaojia for everyone."

Liu Zhian nodded with deep eyes.

"Then you have to welcome back the eldest son of the emperor as soon as possible. By the way, where is the eldest son of the emperor now? Can you guarantee absolute safety? Do you want me to send some people to assist you?"

"Old man, it's a matter of the world. How can I be careless in my work? Don't worry, I guarantee everything will be safe. You can just hug your grandson and enjoy yourself."

"I don't need you to come out and work hard for the things I can handle. You don't have an official position, so try not to get involved in these things."

"Okay, if you need help, just say hello to the old man."

"As I get older, I don't eat as much as before. The old man is full, so you continue to eat. I'll go to rest first."

"Okay, old man, go and rest first!"

"Father, go slowly!"

"Congratulations to grandpa!"

Just as Liu Zhian left, Liu Song ran in.

"Master, General Song Qing is waiting for you in the living room!"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and put down the rice bowl in his hand.

"What's the big brother doing here at this time?"

"He didn't say it!"

Liu Mingzhi stood up and glanced at Mrs. Liu and the other daughters: "Mother, eat first, don't wait for me, brother may be in a hurry, I'll go and entertain you first."

"Okay, business is important."

Liu Mingzhi walked quickly towards the living room, it was impossible for Song Qing to come here without something to do at this time.

After half a cup of tea, Young Master Liu walked into the brightly lit living room, Song Qing was facing the hall door with his back.

"Brother, what happened. What the hell is going on, why is there so much blood on your mouth?"

"Sister-in-law is here?"

(End of this chapter)

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