Chapter 1465
Song Qing was stunned, and realized the meaning of Young Master Liu's words.

Holding his bloody mouth in one hand, he glared at First Young Master Liu: "Go fuck your uncle. Hurry up and ask Qinglian to come out and help me see if there is any poisonous blood."

"When arresting the black-clothed guard, I didn't expect that there was a guy with Gu poison inside, and I accidentally got recruited."

Young Master Liu's complexion changed, and when he knew he was not joking, he hurried towards the inner courtyard.

After a cup of tea, Young Master Liu hurried over with Qinglian.

"Lian'er, let big brother see if there's anything wrong with his mouth."

Qinglian nodded, took out a clean handkerchief from her pocket, put it under Song Qing's mouth, wiped it, put it under Qiong's nose and sniffed it.

"Is it the wound made by the scorpion?"

Song Qing hurriedly nodded: "That's right, when I was yelling, I accidentally threw a scorpion into my mouth by a master. Brother and sister, are you okay?"

"I didn't even dare to swallow my saliva along the way, for fear that the blood would be poisonous."

Qinglian nodded lightly: "It is indeed poisonous, but"

Song Qing's face froze when he heard that it was indeed poisonous, and heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that it was not, and looked at Qinglian bitterly: "Sister and sister, can we talk without panting? Can it be cured?"

Qinglian smiled lightly and nodded: "Brother, don't worry, these poisonous scorpions haven't matured yet, my little sister will give you some of my unique secret recipes and you'll be fine."

"If it becomes a climate poison, you may not be able to walk to my house based on your wounds."

"Huh, I'm scared to death, as long as it's okay, get the medicine quickly, and I'll be at ease as soon as it's settled."

"Okay, little sister, go get the medicine right now, big brother, rinse your mouth with saliva first, don't worry, it's fine to drink this bit of poisonous blood, don't worry, it's not a big problem."

"Good good!"

After Qinglian left, Song Qing picked up the teapot and drank vigorously, rinsed the blood out of his mouth, drank a large mouthful of tea to moisten his throat, and Song Qing slumped on the chair.

"My mother, I'm scared to death."

Liu Mingzhi sat opposite Song Qing and shook his head with a chuckle: "It was a false alarm. Put your heart in your stomach."

"What's going on, Li Yunlong committed suicide by drinking poisonous wine, are those under his command still unwilling to surrender?"

Song Qing nodded helplessly: "Don't mention it, these black-clothed guards are all first-class masters. In order to arrest them, they lost many brothers. They are determined to follow Li Yunlong to the end."

"It is estimated that we have not received any news from Li Yunlong, otherwise we would not have caused confusion for us."

Liu Mingzhi poured a cup of tea to moisten his throat, and played with the teacup in his hand with a solemn expression.

"Get rid of the evil and do everything. If you don't want to surrender, you will be punished on the spot. Keeping them is always a hidden danger. Once the eldest son of the emperor returns to the court, they will come out from nowhere and assassinate him. It will be troublesome."

"If you don't die by beating a snake, you will definitely have future troubles."

"All the remnants of Li Yunlong must be wiped out, otherwise after we go to the north, if there is any turmoil in the capital, we may not be able to come back in time."

"If this situation happens again and again in the DPRK and China, the people's hearts will definitely be unstable."

"Once the people's hearts go wrong, the dragon will perish."

"Issue an order in the city that those who voluntarily come out and surrender will be exempted from the death penalty. After surrendering, they will be punished and make meritorious deeds. Those who identify with their partners will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold."

"Golden ten thousand taels, isn't that too much, is it really worth it?"

"Sigh, it's not good for us to spend it. We don't have much time. Things that can be solved with money try not to fight."

"Okay, except for the black-clothed guards and some martial arts masters, all the rebels in the city have surrendered, and the city will settle down within two days. When do you plan to welcome the eldest son of the emperor, Chen Guifei, and the others back from Yuezhou?"


First Young Master Liu hurriedly motioned Song Qing to keep silent, looked around, and Liu Mingzhi leaned next to Song Qing and muttered.

"Be careful that walls have ears."

Song Qing was taken aback, and looked around: "Isn't it? In the whole world, apart from the Imperial Palace, there is no place safer than your home. With Uncle Liu Ye guarding it, what little thief dares to eavesdrop on us?"

"We have to be careful. The world is full of capable people and strange people. Before the overall situation is completely stabilized, the position of the eldest son of the emperor must not be exposed."

"I don't know why, but I always have a faint feeling of uneasiness."

"The matter of Li Ye in Yuezhou is known by heaven and earth. You know and I know. You must not let the third person know about it except the emperor's eldest son. If one more person knows, it will be more dangerous."

"In just over ten days, the two emperors have been defeated by the dragon, and it has reached a precarious stage. There must be no more accidents."

"Li Ye's safety must be guaranteed."

Song Qing nodded solemnly: "I see, when do you plan to welcome the eldest son back?"

"In three days' time, after you clear out the remnants of the enemy, I will send a letter to the golden eagle and arrange for people to secretly escort them back. As long as Li Ye ascends the throne as emperor, all problems can be resolved."

"Whether it is the imperial court or the world, there is an urgent need for a backbone and a pillar."

"Whether Li Ye can control the throne is hard to say now, but once he sits there, people's hearts will be at ease."

"The most important thing at the moment is to stabilize people's hearts."

"You have also heard the discussions of the officials in the court, and many people probably still think that I want to touch that chair, brother.

Once this matter gets out, the slightly powerful officials and generals stationed in various state capitals will follow suit one after another, and Dalong will inevitably be in chaos. "

"We have to be cautious. If we miss a move, we will lose the whole game."

"You have to be careful with every step!"

"I understand, I will lead the brothers to eliminate those stubborn and remnant enemies as soon as possible, and stabilize the situation!"

Liu Mingzhi drank the tea in one gulp: "There is one more important thing."

"whats the matter?"

"Send a letter to Yan'er's second sister, Li Ran, and General Wan Mingliang, Jin Diao, and ask him to hold off on the speed of the second prince, Li Tao."

"The two princes must not return to the court at the same time, otherwise, if some people want to use their identities to make a fuss, there will be a turmoil in the court."

"Are you worried that someone will push the second prince to seize the throne?"

"This is one of them. To be disrespectful, if something happens to Li Ye, we will at least have a hole card in our hands. By then, little brother."

"Husband, what are you talking about mysteriously with big brother?"

Qinglian held a porcelain vase in her hand, and walked in with lotus steps.

"There's nothing to talk about. It's not that the eldest brother was frightened and wanted to find a place to relax. He insisted on urging Wei Husband to go to Tianxiang Tower with him to listen to the little song."

"It's too late for my husband to accompany you, how could it be possible to go to that kind of fireworks place, I'm sternly reprimanding him for this behavior!"

Qinglian handed the porcelain bottle to Song Qing with a stiff face: "Brother, take one pill a day, and you'll be fine in three days."

"Great, thank you brother and sister!"

Qinglian gave Young Master Liu a white look with her pretty eyes.

"It's no wonder that I believe your words, but I think it's you who pushed my elder brother."

"It's unreasonable. You silly woman doesn't help outsiders to speak for my husband. Wait for my husband to settle the affairs of the capital and see how I deal with you."

"Come as soon as you come, whoever is afraid of whom will be a puppy when the time comes."

Song Qing looked at the flirting couple with embarrassment, and stood up abruptly.

"If I am guilty, you can judge me with the Law of the Great Dragon. There is no need to use this method to torture me."

"I f---ingly hunted down the remnants of the enemy all night. I couldn't go back to my home, and I couldn't hug my wife. Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you did this in front of me?"

"Liu Mingzhi, for my brother, I wish all the brothers and sisters to come together."

"Farewell, don't send it off!"

(End of this chapter)

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