My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1467 Is it serious porridge

Chapter 1467 Is it serious porridge

Looking at Ling Yang who walked in like a big ice block, Liu Mingzhi shrugged helplessly.

"You have such a handsome appearance and such a cold demeanor. Thousands of years from now, there will be countless girls and daughters-in-law who will be crazy about you. Do you believe it?"

Ling Yang walked over to Young Master Liu and sat down, picked up the tea tree, poured a cup of tea and drank it, without showing any courtesy to Young Master Liu.

"Stop talking nonsense, talk about things."

Young Master Liu's face froze, and he nodded helplessly: "It's ok, I'm afraid of you!"

"Bring half of the relevant brothers to Yuezhou to protect a person, and secretly protect him from Yuezhou to return to Beijing three days later."

Ling Yang raised his eyes slightly: "Who?"

"Li Ye!"

Ling Yang was stunned, and looked at First Young Master Liu with surprise in his eyes, appearing a little confused.

"Emperor's eldest son Li Ye?"

"Yes, now Dalong needs him to come back to inherit the throne. I feel a little uneasy now, and I always feel that something bad will happen, so I need you to lead the troops to secretly protect his safety until he returns to Beijing safely. "

Liu Mingzhi glanced cautiously around the study room, took out a piece of extremely neatly folded rice paper from his arms, and handed it to Ling Yang.

"This is the address of Li Ye's location. After reading it, burn it immediately."

Ling Yang took the rice paper and flipped through it. After a while, he took out the fire folder, lit the rice paper and threw it into the brazier under the table.

"Is there anything else?"

"No, it's enough to protect Li Ye's safety."

Ling Yang nodded silently, said nothing, and walked directly towards the window.

"Second brother!"

Ling Yang's figure stopped, and he turned around to look at Liu Mingzhi with some doubts in his eyes.


"I know that because of third uncle, you are not satisfied with the royal family, but Li Ye is concerned with the peace of the people in the world. Can I trust you?"

Ling Yang stared deeply at First Young Master Liu, and leaped out of the window without saying a word.

"I'm here with Li Ye, and I'll die if Li Ye dies. The premise is that he's still alive before I arrive."

"Second brother, it's time for you to start a family."


Feeling that Ling Yang's aura had completely disappeared, Liu Mingzhi sighed speechlessly.

When did Ling Yang become like this? Although Ling Yang became silent after the death of the third uncle, he was definitely not so cold.

Could it be that what happened to Lingyang, the middleman who established the relevant department, is unknown to me.

After closing the window, Liu Mingzhi blew out the candles in the study, picked up the lantern on the table and locked the door and walked towards the inner courtyard.

"Liu Mingzhi!"


Liu Mingzhi looked up, and looked at Wenren Yunshu who was slowly walking towards him holding a lantern with a surprised expression.

"Yun Shu, why haven't you rested yet?"

Wen Renyun was dressed in plain white brocade clothes and an apricot yellow cloak, which perfectly set off his exquisite figure.

Wenren Yunshu walked towards First Young Master Liu with lotus steps carrying a lantern, with a hint of resentment on his pretty face, and stopped gently in front of First Young Master Liu, Wenren Yunshu quietly stared at Liu Mingzhi's face. eyes.

"Do you still remember what you promised Shu'er before the expedition?"

"Remember, of course."

Wenren Yunshu smiled shyly, opened her hands and leaned into Young Master Liu's arms, her pretty face gently rubbed her sweetheart's chest, Wenrenyun raised her phoenix head slowly, her pretty eyes looked affectionately at Follow Young Master Liu.

"Liu Lang, take Shu'er."

Liu Mingzhi looked down at Wenren Yunshu's expectant eyes, and raised his hand to caress Wenren Yunshu's hair, which was draped behind the cloak, exuding the scent of flowers.

"Shu'er, can we talk about it after the matter in the capital is settled?"

"Don't worry about these few days. When the country has a funeral, I will marry you in a grand manner. This is my respect for you and me."


"Of course it's true! I'm here, can I grow wings and fly?"

"Our love for concubines has already been deeply rooted, what else can separate us?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and kissed his family's cherry lips, looked at the beautiful woman's shy and hot pretty face, and walked towards the inner courtyard holding Wenren Yunshu's white, tender and slippery hands with a smile.

"By the way, Shu'er, has the old man replied to the letter during this time?"

Wenren Yun Shu's delicate body trembled, her blushing and hot pretty face turned pale, and there was a little mist in her pretty eyes.

"No, there was no news after we left last time! Liu Lang, do you think Grandpa has already..."

Looking at Wenren Yunshu's sad eyes, Young Master Liu really wanted to raise his hand and slap himself twice.

Is it true that which pot does not open and which pot is lifted, and if you talk about love, it will make the beautiful woman's heart tremble, can't it?Why do you have to mention those crap things about human affairs.

"Shu'er, don't worry, auspicious people have their own destiny, the old man will be fine."

Wenren Yun Shu sighed quietly, not wanting his sweetheart to worry too much, so he could only nod silently.

"Shu'er knows, let's go back to the room first, Shu'er is a little tired."

"Okay, I'll take you back."

With less than a cup of tea, Young Master Liu turned and left with a melancholy expression as he watched the beautiful woman close the door.

Once Li Ye ascends the throne, he will go out again. This is the reason why he didn't meet the Wenren Yunshu. He will take advantage of the fire to rob and raise troops to invade the border.

Now that Dalong's troops are empty, his life and death are unpredictable in this national war.

Touching Wenren Yunshu's body is ruining that girl's life.

Qi Yun, Qinglian and the other sisters are done, and there is no room for return.

I can't spoil Wenren Yunshu's life just for three to five seconds. Bah. Three to five and 10 minutes of pleasure.

The more they love each other, the more I have to think about Wenren Yunshu.

Maybe Wenren Yunshu didn't think it was for her own good, but he had no other good solution.

I hope that I can still return safely after the big battle after the spring of this year.

Thinking about it, Liu Mingzhi had already walked to the door of Qi Yun's room, pushed the door lightly and went in, Young Master Liu directly shouted: "Yun'er, what's the matter with you?"

Smelling the tangy fragrance in the room, Young Master Liu stared blankly at Qi Yun, Ling Weier, Yinger, Yun Qingshi, and Qinglian, who were lying on the table and pretending to be asleep, with a little astonishment on their faces.

Look at the bowl of porridge placed in front of the fifth girl's table. The corners of Liu's mouth trembled twice, and his legs softened subconsciously.

A bad feeling arises spontaneously.

I may have to die today.

"Husband, you are back. It was a coincidence that the elder brother came just now. He let you eat a few mouthfuls of food and then the matter was hasty. I prepared some porridge for you to fill your stomach."

Qinglian squinted her eyes and smiled: "I am also a concubine. I didn't expect the sisters to coincidentally want to be together. It just so happens that you haven't eaten, so five bowls of gruel shouldn't be enough."

"Master, you've lost weight."

Yun Qingshi's pretty face looked at First Young Master Liu unnaturally: "Husband, I am a concubine."


Ceng Ceng Ceng, young master Liu took a few steps back in shock and stood on the door frame looking at the women holding the porridge bowl in horror, the corners of his eyes twitching non-stop.

"Then what! Ladies!"

"Is porridge a proper porridge?"

(End of this chapter)

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