Chapter 1468

Two days later.

In the study room, the bare and tender feet of the four little padded jackets, Little Cutie, Liu Yiyi, Liu Feifei, and Liu Yaoyao, stepped on Young Master Liu's back.

Young Master Liu was lying on the carpet with the stove, with a lazy expression, which could be seen from being tortured.

Little cutie panted heavily and jumped off First Young Master Liu's back: "Sister Yiyi, it's your turn!"

"Okay, Yue'er, take a break first!"

Cutie wiped the sweat from her forehead, squatted barefoot in front of First Young Master Liu and looked at it.

"Daddy, is Yue'er and her sisters still strong enough? Does your waist still hurt?"

First Young Master Liu slightly opened one eye, glanced at Little Cutie, and nodded lazily.

"It's very comfortable, keep stepping on it."

The cutie kept nodding, and her big Linglong eyes stared at her father full of doubts.

"Okay, but Daddy is a great master among masters. How can you twist your waist when you are so good? Yue'er's kung fu is so shallow that you won't twist your waist!"

Young Master Liu froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice. He opened his eyes and looked at the little cutie's incomprehensible look, and looked out of the window faintly.


"A strong player has a strong player!"

"Even though Daddy has the ability to overwhelm the rivers and seas, he can't stop the unfathomable abilities of your aunts."

"It is said that a little farewell is better than a newlywed, and a long time farewell becomes a passerby."

"At Daddy's place, Xiaobie almost became a person in the coffin, Yue'er, how many of them are not human."

Seeing the little cutie scratching her ears and still looking dazed, First Young Master Liu sighed and waved her hands.

"Daddy shouldn't have told you these things, keep stepping on your back."

Cutie held her chin and shook her head dully: "Why does Yue'er think you don't have a backache, Daddy?"

Young Master Liu's face froze, and he gave Xiaocuti a stern look.

"You little brat asking nonsense, step on your back."

"Oh fine."

"Yaoyao, good girl, step on your lower back, don't fall down, you know?"

"Yeah, Yaoyao knows, only stepping on the lower back can cure kidney pain."

"That's right, Yaoyao is really smart"


Liu Yaoyao lay pitifully on the carpet, looking aggrieved at First Young Master Liu who suddenly stood up and sat up.

"Daddy, what's wrong with you? Why did you get up suddenly?"

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Yaoyao with a stiff face: "What did you just say? Treating kidney pain, how old are you, how do you know this?"

"Daddy, have you forgotten? Yaoyao has been studying medicine with Grandpa Sai for two years. Your complexion is dark yellow, your eyes are not bright, and you are sweating. According to the Herbal Classic, this is the kidney. Uhhhh."

Young Master Liu covered Liu Yaoyao's small mouth with embarrassment, and quickly took out a bank note from his cuff and waved it in front of Liu Yaoyao.

"Forget about today's events. The 1000 taels of silver note will be bought when the capital settles down. You can buy whatever you want. Blink your eyes when you understand what Daddy said."

Liu Yaoyao hastily blinked non-stop, signaling that First Young Master Liu understood.

First Young Master Liu let out a mouthful and released his big hand covering Liu Yaoyao's small mouth, Liu Yaoyao hurriedly took two breaths of fresh air.

"Father, Grandpa Sai said that he would not shy away from medical treatment. You have to face your illness calmly, so that you can do it."

First Young Master Liu stuffed the banknote into Liu Yaoyao's little hand, and threw some embroidered shoes of the little padded jackets to them.

"Every day you know how to play like crazy, don't do any business, how to marry in the future, how to care for your husband and raise your children, go back and forth, all go back to study, if you dare to run around, your legs will be broken!"

Looking at Young Master Liu who suddenly turned his face, the little padded jackets hurriedly put on their shoes and socks and ran out of the study.

Young Master Liu looked at the disappearing backs of the four little padded jackets, raised his hands and rubbed his cheeks with a half-dead look.

"Damn, why did I think of letting Yaoyao study medicine back then?"

"Learn and learn. If I knew it, I would have found a quack doctor to teach me. What kind of genius doctor did I find? This will make me look up to others in the future!"

When the sound of footsteps came, Young Master Liu put down his hands and looked towards the source of the sound, only to see the little cutie lying on the door frame and looking at Young Master Liu curiously.

"Daddy, what is kidney deficiency?"

"Fuck off!"


Seeing Young Master Liu making a gesture to slap, Xiao Kei shrank her head and ran away at a high speed.

Young Master Liu sighed and sat on the chair, picked up the official document that Song Qing ordered Du Yu to send, and began to look through it.

However, after reading less than half of it, Young Master Liu threw the official document on the table in a state of distraught, got up and walked towards the door.

Looking at the snow-covered Liu Mingzhi who was bending the bamboo in the mansion, his eyes narrowed slightly. He has been a little restless for the past two days, always feeling that something bad happened.

Young Master Liu hinted more than once that he was overly worried, but no matter what, the uneasiness in his heart was lingering and lingering in his heart.

"My subordinate Qinglong sees the young master!"

Young Master Liu came back to his senses with a jolt, and frowned slightly as he watched the Qinglong drifting towards him.

"what's up?"

Qinglong took out a note from his arms and handed it to First Young Master Liu: "I don't know where the information came from, please read it, young master."

First Young Master Liu took the note and flipped through it for a look, then his face changed in shock, he grabbed the note and ran towards the stable in the backyard.

Only a sentence echoed in the air by Qinglong was left.

"Close the door, and then all four of you will wait for me outside the gate of the house!"

Although Qinglong didn't know the reason, he also understood that something important must have happened, and he hadn't seen the young master so panicked for many years.

After locking the door of the study room, Qinglong leaped towards a separate courtyard in the Liu Mansion.

"My lord!"

Li Ye did not return to the court, Liu Mingzhi did not announce that he was crowned king, and the servants in the family were still used to addressing him as his father-in-law.

Liu Mingzhi responded to the groom, turned on his horse, swung his whip and rushed out of the mansion.

"Uncle Liu, quickly open the gate!"

Liu Yuan was stunned, and burst out at a speed that didn't match his age. With both arms, he pulled open the mansion door. The moment the mansion door opened, Young Master Liu rode across the threshold and leaped out of the mansion.

"Blue Dragon!"

"White Tiger!"



"See you, Master!"

"You four, order all the masters of the relevant department, and rush to the Fangjia Winery in Yuezhou, waiting for orders!"


Looking at the backs of the four people leaping away, Young Master Liu galloped towards the east gate with a panicked expression.

It's the day of the dog, and I'm really afraid of what will happen.

Why did Li Ye's whereabouts be exposed? Young Master Liu had no time to investigate. It didn't matter who sent this note. Young Master Liu didn't dare to bet that it was a fake. Now he must see someone first to be at ease.

Li Ye, Li Ye, you must not have any accidents. If any accidents happen to you, this young master will be blamed.

After half a stick of incense, Young Master Liu reined in the horse and stopped in front of the camp above the school grounds.

Looking at the guards who hurried towards him, Young Master Liu swung his whip with a gloomy expression.

"Immediately send an order to Cheng Kai and Han Peng to order [-] cavalry to go to Yuezhou with this commander. This order is urgent, and those who fail to meet the deadline will be dealt with by military law!"


The sound of war drums resounded inside and outside the capital again in an instant, and some people who had the courage to drive out for a stroll immediately ran towards their homes.

The civil and military officials also looked in the direction of the east gate in astonishment, not knowing what happened again.

After half a stick of incense, as the city gate creaked open, [-] cavalry followed Young Master Liu and rushed towards Yuezhou.

(End of this chapter)

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