Chapter 1469 Fishing
Chengfang Family Winery in Yuezhou.

Ling Yang was wearing a bamboo hat and a black veil on his face, followed by dozens of well-dressed men who walked towards the backyard of Fang's Winery.

Ling Yang, who was carefully examining the surrounding environment, suddenly stretched out his hand to signal everyone to stop.

A bearded man of about 40 years old was carrying a broad knife behind his back. Seeing Ling Yang's movements, he hurriedly touched the sword behind his back.

Seeing this, the rest of the troops also took out their weapons one after another, scanning their surroundings cautiously.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Ling Yang slightly lifted the black veil in front of his face, and scanned the surrounding environment.

"There's something wrong with the atmosphere."

"Winter is the best time for the business of the winery. People stay at home and want to drink wine to warm their bodies. This winery is too quiet."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted.

"Sir, what shall we do?"

"Lean on each other and touch in, don't be too far apart, and escort the target to the capital safely no matter what, this is the Lord's will!"

Dozens of men nodded solemnly, and moved towards Fang's Winery with their figures cast.

Ling Yang patted the bearded man on the shoulder: "Wu Hai, go and inform the brothers outside the city to be ready to meet us at any time, and to break into the city when necessary, don't care about the officers and soldiers of Yuezhou."


Wu Hai put away his weapons and rushed out of the city, Ling Yang leaped straight towards Fang's Winery, Ling Yang, who had just landed on the courtyard wall, flew back down on an iron bridge.

A bow and arrow with a unique shape stuck to the tip of Ling Yang's nose and shot into the courtyard wall behind through the bamboo hat above his head.

The arrow pierced directly into the wall brick, shaking tremblingly.

Ling Yang drew out the long sword in his hand, and looked around with cold eyes.

"Brother He Fang, draw a path."

As soon as Ling Yang finished speaking, a gloomy voice came from within the courtyard wall.

"Such a sharp reaction, such a fast speed. You are the third person in a certain family to escape from a certain cloud-piercing arrow!"

Ling Yang leaped directly towards the courtyard wall: "Missed three arrows, it seems that you are not an expert?"

"Are you here to seek revenge, or are you here to provoke troubles?"

Ling Yang landed on the courtyard wall and heaved a sigh of relief looking at the situation in the winery. The brothers he brought were covering their mouths and noses and wrestling with dozens of men in black, and no one died yet.

Ling Yang hastily covered his mouth and nose, and the reaction of the brothers made Ling Yang understand that there must be something like smoke in this yard.

Ling Yang set his sights on a man in black holding a bow and arrow. The man in black held a uniquely shaped bow and arrow in one hand, and carried a short gun and a quiver on his back.

"Who are you guys? Why do you have to embarrass me and my brothers if you have no grievances or enmities?"

"I'm sorry to tell you. As for why we have to embarrass you, our purpose is the same. There is only one person, so naturally we can't let you take it away."

"However, thank you for leading the way, otherwise we would have been exhausted and never would have imagined that people would be in such a small city."

Under the bamboo hat, Ling Yang's face changed in surprise.

"You follow us."

"Of course, that's why I said thank you for your guidance."

Ling Yang didn't say much, and leaped directly towards the man in black.

The two parties fought in the wine shop in an instant, hitting the wine jar beside it, and the wine jar shattered to the ground, and the aroma of the wine was released instantly.

However, the men and horses on both sides had just suffered wounds, and another group of uninvited guests rushed in over the courtyard wall.

Looking at the two parties fighting in the winery, he was taken aback and stopped.

Seeing this, Ling Yang's side and the men in black also stopped fighting, and retreated to their positions, looking solemnly at the new batch of men in bamboo hats.

I don't know who these dozens of bamboo hats are, are they the helpers of each other, or just passing by by chance.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is impossible to pass by. The world is not without coincidences, but it is not so coincidental.

The three parties cautiously glanced at the other two parties, completely unable to understand why this happened.

Just as Ling Yang wanted to ask the other party if he was an enemy or a friend, a group of people in plain clothes also rushed in. Looking at his agile figure, he knew that he must be an expert.

The small Fang's winery instantly became a place where wind and cloud gathered, and masters from all walks of life gathered here.

Not only Ling Yang was in a daze, but the other three groups of people were also in a daze, not knowing what happened.

People from all directions looked at each other, and it was difficult to distinguish the enemy from the enemy. For a while, no one dared to make the first move.

Thinking of Liu Mingzhi's explanation, Ling Yang rolled his eyes slightly, put his sword back into its sheath, and punched the other three parties.

"Ding Guogong Liu Mingzhi's vanguard battalion soldiers came to welcome a nobleman back to the capital. I wonder if Brother Sanlu can spare some time?"

Hearing Ling Yang's self-reported family name, the eyes of the other three parties shrank slightly.

However, no one spoke.

Seeing this, Ling Yang waved his hand gently and walked towards the inner courtyard of the winery. The other three groups of people tried to stop Ling Yang in unison.

Ling Yang stopped moving, and looked at the three parties in surprise.

Could it be that all three parties are enemies?
"Master, the brothers are here!"

The bearded man's voice sounded, and hundreds of nimble figures leaped in towards the courtyard wall, Ling Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Today, you'd better get out of the way, otherwise don't blame the boss for killing me."

On the official road leading to Yuezhou, [-] cavalry trampled on the slush and rushed towards Yuezhou.

"Shut up!"

Liu Mingzhi grabbed the reins of the horse, and the horse's hooves were raised high and stopped. Liu Mingzhi raised the Heavenly Sword and shouted loudly.


Seeing this, the [-] cavalry dispersed one after another, controlled the speed of the horses and stopped, and finally converged towards Young Master Liu.

Cheng Kai and Han Peng looked at First Young Master Liu with puzzled faces, wondering why he stopped suddenly.

"Marshal, what's the matter, aren't we in a hurry to go to Yuezhou to welcome back the eldest son of the emperor? At this time, if we stop for a while, the eldest son of the emperor will be more dangerous."

Liu Mingzhi held up the binoculars calmly and looked around the official road.

After a long time, Young Master Liu put away the binoculars with a regretful expression.

"Did the fish bite the hook ahead of time, or is this guy overthinking it?"

"Cheng Kai listens!"

"The end is here!"

Young Master Liu took out a jade tablet from his pocket and threw it to Cheng Kai.

"You should be able to lead [-] brothers to Yuezhou before dark, and surround Yuezhou. Any people in the world who can't get this jade badge should thoroughly check their credentials, and those who dare to resist arrest will be killed!"

"Search the people in the rivers and lakes in the city from house to house, and make sure that no one slips through the net."


Although Cheng Kai didn't know why Young Master Liu did this, he was used to carrying out orders, and immediately led [-] soldiers to continue to attack Yuezhou after receiving the order.

Liu Mingzhi grinned as he watched the disappearing figure of the army.

"My young master must catch two big fish."

"Han Peng!"

"The end is here!"

"Lead the rest of the brothers to go to Mingzhou with me!"


(End of this chapter)

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