My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1471 The Huge Black Hand

Chapter 1471 The Huge Black Hand

Midday on the moon.

Young Master Liu led [-] cavalry and finally rushed to the outside of Mingzhou City. The movement brought by the [-] cavalry was not trivial. Dozens of torches were lit on the Mingzhou city wall that had already locked the city gate, and they looked outside the city. .

"Who is that? I don't know if the gates of the city were closed an hour after dark?"

Liu Mingzhi shook the rein lightly and walked towards the city gate.

"My commander, Liu Mingzhi, has a very urgent matter to settle in Mingzhou City, so open the city gate quickly."

"Dingguo Gong Liu Mingzhi?"


"The humble official sees the father-in-law, and the humble official has heard of the father-in-law's name, but the humble official does not know the true face of the father-in-law. The imperial court expressly prohibits it, and it is not for military aircraft to open the city gate at night without authorization."

"Please wait a moment, my lord, I will go and invite Lord Inspector to come here."

Liu Mingzhi understood the imperial court's prohibition better than the soldiers on the city wall, and he didn't want to haggle with a pawn and ruin his job.

Nodding silently: "Quickly go and inform Zheng Ming, Governor Zheng, he knows me."

"Yes, my lord, wait a moment."

The soldiers held the torches and ran towards the city wall, and the remaining dozens of torches were still shining on the city wall, lest Young Master Liu and the soldiers behind who could not see the tail would do something frightening.

For a moment, there were only the sneezing of war horses and the sound of burning torches inside and outside Mingzhou City.

After a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi suddenly opened his eyes while riding a horse with his eyes closed.

He had vaguely heard the sound of horseshoes coming from the main road in the city, and Liu Mingzhi waved to the guards beside him.

"Light the torch, let Governor Zheng see the appearance of this commander."


In an instant, more than 20 torches were lit in front of the city gate, illuminating the dim city wall, and Liu Mingzhi's face could be clearly seen from above the city wall.

A moment later, a middle-aged man in the governor's robe leaned out from the city wall and looked down the city. When he saw Young Master Liu's appearance, he hurriedly waved to the soldiers who stretched out their hands.

"Open the city gate and let Duke Ding enter the city!"


The city gate creaked open, and Mingzhou Inspector Zheng Ming hurried out: "My next official, Mingzhou Inspector Zheng Ming, see Duke Ding."

First Young Master Liu got off his horse and looked at Zheng Ming with a light smile and bowed back: "Master Zheng is exempt, marching at night is really helpless, I trouble you to get up in the middle of the night to meet him, it is really bothering you."

"Mr. Dingguo was joking. You must have a military plan to travel all day and night. How dare the officials shut you and the soldiers away."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and patted Zheng Ming's shoulder: "Master Zheng is dedicated to his duty, and the future is boundless."

Zheng Ming was taken aback, and nodded excitedly: "In the future, I hope you will support me a lot. Your Excellency marched all the way, it's freezing cold, let the brothers go to the city and have a cup of hot tea."

"Thank you Mr. Zheng. The school grounds where we were stationed last time will be fine. Remember not to disturb the people."

"The lower officials understand, the lower officials understand, my lord please."

"Han Peng, lead the brothers into the city to station."


After a few sticks of incense, Liu Mingzhi dismissed Zheng Ming, who wanted to continue to be courteous, and quietly left the army camp with Han Peng, who had changed into ordinary uniforms, and dozens of other guards in ordinary uniforms, heading towards Mingzhou. Go in the direction of the north gate of the city.

Along the way, Liu Mingzhi held his breath and scanned the surrounding civilian courtyards, leading Han Peng and the others around the city of Mingzhou.

Han Peng and the others had noticed something was wrong a long time ago. Although the moonlight was not bright, they could still see it after walking some streets three or five times.

Knowing that the commander-in-chief was careful that there was a tail behind him, dozens of people silenced and walked lightly, also looking at the surrounding alleys and the houses on both sides.

After walking for about half an hour, Young Master Liu and his party finally stopped in front of a very inconspicuous private house in the west of the city.

Liu Mingzhi glanced around lightly, raised his hand and knocked rhythmically on the courtyard door a few times.

After a short breath, a low voice came from behind the door.

"Jiaolong died in the shallows."

Liu Mingzhi cleared his throat and said in a low voice.

"It's not that tigers don't go down the mountain!"

There was the sound of the door bolt being pulled, and as soon as the courtyard door opened, a man in casual clothes came out and looked at First Young Master Liu excitedly.

"The humble Huangyan sees the commander-in-chief."

"Excuse me, how is your honor?"

"I'm safe and sound, but I'm not in a good mood, and I'm a little lost."

"Take me there."

"Master, please!"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and nodded to Han Peng. Han Peng responded and waved to dozens of guards. Dozens of people took out well-stringed hand crossbows from behind and surrounded the Minyuan.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi tidied up his robes and walked towards the courtyard.

A moment later, dozens of strong men in casual clothes came out of the courtyard and knelt on one knee, looked at Young Master Liu respectfully and said in a low voice.

"For humble ranks, see the commander-in-chief."

"Brothers have worked hard, be alert."


Liu Mingzhi walked towards the main room in the folk courtyard, and gently knocked on the door.


A slightly panicked voice came from a woman, and Liu Mingzhi immediately knew it was the voice of Concubine Chen Jie.

"Sister-in-law, my younger brother Liu Mingzhi, is it convenient for you to come in?"

"Brother-in-law, you are finally back."

Chen Jie's pleasantly surprised voice came, and the door of the room opened in response. The lights in the room were dim and dim, reflecting Chen Jie's haggard face, one could tell that Chen Jie had been frightened these days.

"My younger brother Liu Mingzhi is visiting the emperor's wife."

"Brother-in-law please get up quickly."

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law, where are the eldest son of the emperor and Princess Jingyao?"

"I'm already asleep, come in quickly, I thought you were there"

Chen Jie didn't say what she wanted to say next, but Liu Mingzhi also understood what she wanted to say.

Such drastic changes in the palace were indeed enough for a woman like her to be terrified. Ordinary people might have already collapsed.

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, and finally stepped into the door lightly, looking towards the simple bed on the left.

I saw Li Ye and Li Jingyao, brother and sister, sleeping soundly with brocade quilts on each head, but compared to when I first saw them, the faces of the two children were a little thinner.

It seems that these days, they have suffered a lot.

There was a crude pillow on the chair beside it. Looking at the dents on it, it could be seen that Chen Jie gave up the bed to her children and sat on the chair for half the night.

Liu Mingzhi thought this way, and realized that he was wrong when he saw another bed with neat quilts.

Chen Jie is guarding the two children so they don't dare to sleep soundly.

Sighed silently, pity the parents of the world.

"Sister-in-law, wake them up, pack up and go back to the army camp with my younger brother to rest. We will leave for Beijing early tomorrow morning."

"Strive for the eldest son of the emperor to be enthroned as emperor within three days, so as to stabilize people's hearts."

Chen Jie nodded in surprise: "Okay, okay, I'll call them up now."

Following Chen Jie's pushing and shoving, the brother and sister sat up in shock, like frightened birds.

After the brother and sister saw Liu Mingzhi clearly, Li Ye was surprised to see Young Master Liu running towards Young Master Liu.

"Uncle, you are finally back."

Liu Mingzhi lightly pressed Li Ye's shoulder and laughed lightly.

"Son, do you trust uncle?"

"Well, Ye'er trusts uncle."

"Okay, go back with uncle, uncle will help you become emperor."

"Uncle, where are the rebels? I'm afraid!"

"With uncle here, don't be afraid of anything, let's go back to Beijing."

"it is good!"

"Sister-in-law, Princess Jingyao, let's go without delay."

Chen Jie nodded hurriedly, took Li Jingyao's wrist with her packed baggage, and followed Young Master Liu towards the camp in the city.

After a few minutes of incense burning, Liu Mingzhi arranged for Chen Jie and the three to walk out of the tent.

A falcon stood on Han Peng's shoulder and hurried towards Young Master Liu.

"Marshal, a letter from General Cheng."

Young Master Liu took the note with a faint smile on his face: "Did you catch a lot of big fish?"

Han Peng shook his head with a complex expression: "Marshal, you should see for yourself."

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly opened the note to the touched brazier and began to look at it. For a while, Liu Mingzhi's face darkened, and the note was clenched into a ball by him.

"It's all unhooked!"

"Master, let's"

"Han Peng, go back and rest first, I want to be quiet!"

"Okay, I will retire at the end."

After Han Peng left, Liu Mingzhi sat cross-legged ignoring the snow on the ground, placed the Heavenly Sword across his lap, and stared at the moon in the sky with a complicated expression.

Who the hell is against him.

This pair of huge black hands must be a little scary!
(End of this chapter)

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