My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1472 Let nature take its course

Chapter 1472 Let nature take its course
The next day, the East saw white.

As the city gate creaked open, [-] cavalry escorted Li Yaniang and three towards the capital.

Liu Mingzhi knew very well in his heart that in the current situation, [-] cavalry were more than enough to protect Li Ye and his mother three.The big and small state capitals around the capital no longer have the power to resist [-] cavalry.

As for martial arts masters, ordinary martial arts masters also dare not come here at this time to make a fuss, otherwise they will inevitably end up dead without a place to die.

Considering the physical condition of the three of Li Ye, Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to slow down the speed of his attack.

These three people are not as rough-skinned and thick-skinned as the brothers under his command. They have been through many battles, and each of them is not a pampered existence.

Under such circumstances, ten thousand cavalry finally escorted the three of Li Ye to the capital safely in the early morning of the next day.

Not long after First Young Master Liu entered the army camp, Cheng Kai led another [-] cavalry to slow down and enter the city.

"See Master!"

Young Master Liu, who had just put on his armor, looked at Cheng Kai who walked into the big tent and nodded slightly in response, before sitting on his chair.

"Tell me about the situation in Yuezhou, what's going on?"

Cheng Kai nodded with a gloomy expression.

"Reporting to Commander-in-Chief, I led [-] brothers to make a surprise attack on Yuezhou without daring to delay."

"Everything is done according to the instructions of the commander-in-chief. However, after arriving in Yuezhou City, all the people in the rivers and lakes searched are people with complete identities, and there is no doubt about it."

"Later, the general asked his brothers to check carefully the soldiers guarding the city of Yuezhou. They learned from them that before we arrived, the people from the rivers and lakes in the Fangjia winery had already left the city through the north gate."

"The commander-in-chief also knows that it is a very unstable thing for people in the Jianghu to be in the city. The local officials wish that there will be fewer and fewer people in the city. Therefore, the guards inspected them casually and hurriedly let them go."

"After the final generals arrive at the closed city, they are already full of insignificant people."

Liu Mingzhi tapped the table with an indifferent expression: "Have you found any other clues?"

"I didn't find it, but there were traces of a serious fight in the Fang's winery. When we arrived, it was already empty, and no one found it."

"Is there anything wrong with Yuezhou? Judging from your years of experience, is there anything unusual!"

Cheng Kai thought about it carefully, and finally shook his head with regret.

"No, everything is as usual. From the governor to the soldiers, everything is as usual. There is nothing weird about it. As for the common people, seeing the soldiers entering the city with clattering horses, they have been scared to stay at home and dare not go out. "

Liu Mingzhi looked a little melancholy: "Don't you gain anything?"

"Forgive me, Marshal, but the general will be incompetent."

Liu Mingzhi stood up and waved his hands lightly: "That's all, there are a group of very mysterious guys hiding in the dark against us."

"As for who these guys are, I can't be sure. The only thing I can know is that the methods of these people make me terrified."

"The eldest son of the emperor is now resting in the army camp, and tomorrow morning the commander will bring him into the palace to enthroned him as emperor."

"Hurry up and join General Song Qing. The security of the military camp in the school grounds must be absolutely guaranteed."

"The army is divided into four groups and patrols at night without interruption. Without the order of the commander in chief, no one is allowed to take a step closer to the eldest son of the emperor."

"Decree! I will retire at the end."

After Cheng Kai left, Liu Mingzhi patted his head casually.

"Soldier, send Zhou Baoyu, General Zhou."


While cupping tea, Zhou Baoyu stepped into the big tent with his sword raised.

"At the end of the day, General Zhou Baoyu will meet with the Commander-in-Chief."

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Marshal."

"How is it? Is there anyone in the imperial envoy's mansion these days who sneaked in and wanted to do something wrong with Chuan Guo Yuxi?"

"No, everything is as usual. The brothers stared at Doctor Yushi's mansion with wide eyes, and no one approached."

"The brothers who stay by Doctor Yushi's side are the elite of a group of scouts. Don't try to hide any trouble from their eyes."

"Doctor Yushi and Yuxi still haven't had any accidents."

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi had a look of regret on his face.

"It's unreasonable, it's really unreasonable, is it that no one is attracted to such an important thing as the Jade Seal of the Kingdom?"


Zhou Baoyu stared blankly at First Young Master Liu: "Marshal, why does the general feel that you are a little bit eager for something to happen to Chuan Guo Yuxi?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly: "There are some things you don't understand, go and protect the safety of the eldest son of the emperor first."

"Yes, I will retire at the end."

After Zhou Baoyu left, Young Master Liu stayed in the big tent for a few incense sticks, explained some things to Du Yu and the others, and then rushed home.

Along the way, First Young Master Liu's expression was a little strange, suspicious, complicated, and unbelievable.

Young Master Liu, who was wandering in the sky, was brought back home by Feng Xing, who knew the way by the old horse.

"Master, you are back."

Young Master Liu came back to his senses, and handed the reins to Liu Yuan: "Yeah, I went out for some urgent business, and I just came back today, where is the old man?"

"Master should be in the study, young master, you can look for it, the old man will let the servants take your mount to the backyard first."

"Okay, it's work."

Liu Mingzhi said goodbye to Liu Yuan with a light smile, and walked towards Liu Zhian's courtyard.

Looking at the children who were playing and playing in the corridor, Liu Mingzhi took a look, then passed through the corridor on the side, and walked towards Liu Zhian's study.

"Old man, are you there?"

Liu Zhian's steady and powerful voice came from the study.

"The old man is here, why do you have time to come to the old man's study, shouldn't you be so busy with the new emperor's affairs now?"

Liu Mingzhi walked directly into Liu Zhian's study, looking at Liu Zhian who was sitting on a chair and sorting out the books with his abacus, Young Master Liu's eyes scanned Liu Zhian's study for a moment.

"Old man, why haven't you seen Liu Yi and Liu Si recently? Did you arrange to go out on business?"

Liu Zhi'an's writing movement paused, dotted a dot of ink on the ledger that had stopped writing, and raised his eyes to look at First Young Master Liu who had consciously sat on a chair beside him.

"Why did you suddenly ask about Liu Ye? Do you need help with anything?"

Liu Mingzhi poured a cup of tea, took a sip, gently held the teacup and played with it, sneaking a peek at Liu Zhian's expression from time to time.

"The old man is amazing, what can't be hidden from your eyes, I really need some help here, Qinglong and the others are still a bit inexperienced, not as experienced as Liu Ye, so I plan to borrow a few people from you. "

Liu Zhi'an raised his eyes and glanced at First Young Master Liu, his face was as indifferent as usual, and he pouted towards the roof outside the window.

"They're all under surveillance on the roof. If you need anything, just go to Liu Yi directly. He will arrange for you the manpower you need. As long as his subordinates have them, you can ask as much as you need. You don't have to be polite to this old man."

Liu Mingzhi stared out of the window subconsciously. Liu Yi, Liu Si, Liu Qi and the three people he was most familiar with came into his eyes. There were also many familiar Liu Yezi masters sitting in the room. On top of the light talking and laughing.

Liu Mingzhi put down his teacup, his face relaxed a lot.

"Okay, when I need it tomorrow, I will go directly to Liu Yitiao, and I will go back first if I have nothing else to do."

"Get out, I took the initiative to help you get rid of people, and now I'm licking my face again, I don't know how to be ashamed."

Young Master Liu left Liu Zhian's study, scratching his head carelessly, and walked towards his own courtyard.

After First Young Master Liu left, Liu Zhi'an was dazed for a moment holding the brush in his hand, and then put the brush on the inkstone.

"Cancel all plans and stop meddling in anything."

"Let it be."

As soon as Liu Zhi'an's words fell, the window behind the screen in the study creaked slightly without any wind, and the study became quiet again, only the faint movement of Liu Zhi'an writing on the ledger.

(End of this chapter)

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