My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1473 Li Ye ascends the throne

Chapter 1473 Li Ye ascends the throne
The next day, the news that Young Master Liu personally led his troops to welcome back the eldest son Li Ye spread like wildfire in the capital.

Many officials breathed a sigh of relief, and more officials let go of their worries. Ding Guogong really did what he said, not just empty words on the surface.

Liu Mingzhi's act of welcoming Li Ye back can be said to have completely appeased most people's hearts.

In Qi Yun's room in the inner courtyard of Liu Mansion.

Qi Yun was serving Young Master Liu wearing the special official robe of the auxiliary minister, and arranged the waist buttons for her husband. Qi Yun took out a fish bag and tied it around his waist.

"Husband, the official robes are finished, and you can go to court."

"Have you notified Yan'er and the queen mother?"

"The concubine has already been notified, and I think they are almost ready. After all, the eldest son of the emperor ascends the throne as emperor, and no one is more anxious about inheriting the throne than the empress dowager."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently and let out a sigh of relief.

"That's right, it's not too late, I'm entering the palace for my husband."

"Okay, my husband, go slowly."

Liu Mingzhi strode towards the gate of the mansion with a majestic face, and saw two carriages waiting in front of the gate as soon as he left the gate.

It goes without saying that it is the Empress Dowager Nangong Meng and the third princess Li Yan, mother and daughter.

"The last general, Du Yu, is meeting with the commander-in-chief."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "Excuse me!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Liu Mingzhi took out a command arrow from the wide sleeve of his official robe and handed it to Du Yu.

"Go forward with the commander's arrow and order that the road from the military camp to the palace is under martial law throughout the city. No one is allowed to approach, and those who violate the order will be detained on the spot."

"Brothers divided into five groups, four groups of soldiers and horses searched along the four main streets to eliminate all suspicious persons, Deputy General Song led a group of soldiers and horses, took the eldest son of the emperor Li Ye straight to the Lin'an gate of the imperial palace, and entered the Qinzheng Hall."


Looking at the back of Du Yu leaving with a group of personal guards towards the military camp, Liu Mingzhi got on his horse and walked towards the two carriages, nodding to the driver.

"Enter the palace!"

"Yes, my lord."

The two carriages moved slowly, and Liu Mingzhi was riding on the horse, his thumb flicked back and forth between the hilt and the scabbard of the Heavenly Sword, and his eyes scanned the surrounding streets from time to time.

The more critical it is, the more Liu Mingzhi understands that he cannot relax his vigilance.

It's not that Young Master Liu didn't happen before when everything was ready, but it was Dongfeng's fault that he stumbled in the end, so his nerves became tense from the moment he went out.

The third princess gently lifted the curtains of the carriage, her pretty face was haggard, and the worry in her beautiful eyes was obvious.

"Husband, nothing will happen?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the third princess, smiled and shook his head.

"Yan'er, don't worry, there are 20 elite cavalry stationed in the city. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a solid wall, and my husband will not let some little ghosts make trouble."

"No matter what happens today, Li Ye must be enthroned as emperor."

"Dalong can't stand such endless turmoil. Today, even if blood is shed in the palace, he still has to do the matter of succession."

The third princess was slightly relieved when she saw her husband's solemn face, and nodded silently.

"Then the concubine is relieved."

Liu Mingzhi walked out of the street in front of the gate, and he saw groups of officials riding towards the palace on horseback.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi smiled slightly. It seemed that these officials were honest after receiving his letter, and had no intention of doing something they shouldn't do. Otherwise, Young Master Liu wouldn't mind shedding some more blood today.

After half a stick of incense, Young Master Liu pulled the rein and stopped in front of the completely repaired palace gate.

"Shut up!"

"The last general, Jia Zhengjing, has a meeting with the commander in chief!"

Liu Mingzhi got off his horse and nodded to Lao Jia: "Nothing happened, right?"

"Everything is as usual. Eighty percent of the officials have already entered the palace and rushed towards the Qinzheng Hall. Commander, go in quickly."

Liu Mingzhi nodded, and pointed towards the carriage: "The empress dowager and the three princesses."

"Chen Jia is serious."

Liu Mingzhi stopped Jia Zhengjing who wanted to salute, and looked around.

"Don't say anything, arrange for people to take them around from the east gate to the back of Qinzheng Palace and sit down immediately."

"Eunuchs and the harem are not allowed to interfere in politics. This is the order of Emperor Gaozu, and we must not disobey it."

"It may not be a good thing for the empress dowager to go to the Qinzheng Hall."

Jia Zhengjing was stunned and nodded silently: "The general understands, the general will immediately send someone to escort the queen mother and the princess into the palace through the side door."

Liu Mingzhi patted Jia Zhengjing's shoulder, opened the curtain of the third princess's car, and whispered to the third princess' Zhu Yuanyurun's ear.

The three princesses tapped the phoenix head constantly, obviously carefully remembering the words her husband ordered.

After a while, the carriage disappeared at the palace gate. Major Liu handed over the mount to the soldiers at the side, looked at his official robe and rushed towards the Qinzheng Palace.

After a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi stepped directly into the Palace of Qinzheng, and the voices of civil and military officials talking in low voices disappeared with the arrival of Young Master Liu.

Looking at Liu Dashao's figure walking like a dragon and a tiger, the expressions of civil and military officials were mixed.

Liu Mingzhi stopped in the center of the Qinzheng Hall, glanced lightly at the officials who had probably arrived in the hall, and nodded in response.

"My colleagues, I am being polite."

"I have met Ding Guogong, I will be polite to the next official."

The officials who were in the same class as Young Master Liu just saluted and nodded silently. They didn't need to humiliate Young Master Liu at all.

Everyone is a minister in the same hall, with the same rank, and no one needs to be inferior to the other, just get along with each other as equals.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and knelt down on his seat, his eyes shifted from civil and military officials to look outside the Hall of Qinzheng.

According to estimates, within a quarter of an hour Li Ye should have been escorted by the soldiers.

Young Master Liu won't calm down if he doesn't see Li Ye for a second.

Li Ye's safety was closely related to his own, and he absolutely couldn't make a mistake.

From time to time, civil and military officials entered the Qinzheng Hall in twos and threes, knelt down, and first nodded to the four auxiliary ministers present.

After Young Master Liu responded to the last official, he could clearly hear the sound of orderly footsteps, many, many.

Liu Mingzhi stood up abruptly, stared outside the hall, and was completely relieved to see Li Ye who was rushing towards the Qinzheng Hall surrounded by soldiers.

"See Master!"

Sensing the suspicious eyes of civil and military officials, Liu Mingzhi frowned, and glared at the general kneeling in front of him.

"Confused, the crown prince is here, so you should bow to the crown prince first, and salute to the eldest son of the emperor quickly."


"We will see the eldest son of the emperor."

"We will see the eldest son of the emperor!"

"We will see the eldest son of the emperor!"

Li Ye stared blankly at the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses knelt down by Wu Ya, from the Palace of Qinzheng to the end of the school field.

Liu Mingzhi walked gently to Li Ye's side: "Your Highness, excuse me!"

Li Ye came back to his senses, recalled the words taught by his concubine Mu last night, took a deep breath and waved his sleeves.

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Liu Mingzhi retreated directly in front of Li Ye, knelt on one knee and looked at Li Ye silently with his fists in his hands.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi, I implore Your Highness to put state affairs first, ascend the throne as emperor, rectify the court, and stabilize our Dalong Jiangshan community."

The civil and military officials were startled, looked at Liu Mingzhi with different eyes, and finally saluted Li Ye as a courtier.

"The ministers and others respectfully welcome His Highness to ascend the throne as emperor and inherit the great treasure."

Seeing this, Li Ye's eyes became a little nervous.

Liu Mingzhi stared deeply at Li Ye, gave him a look, and signaled him to walk towards the dragon platform.

Li Ye nodded silently, walked slowly towards the dragon platform, looked at Liu Mingzhi expectantly, and slowly sat on the dragon chair.

"You love yourselves."

Liu Mingzhi watched Li Ye's movements, with a gratified smile on his lips, and silently closed his eyes.

"Brother, your spirit in the sky can rest in peace!"

(End of this chapter)

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