Chapter 1474
In the capital city, nine vigorous bell tones sounded continuously.

People inside and outside the capital who heard the bell subconsciously looked in the direction of the palace, and the common people knew in their hearts that the almost precarious dragon had stabilized again.

However, many Mingrui people felt a little worried. After experiencing this turmoil, the imperial court wondered whether they could find a chance of survival in the gap between the Jin Kingdom and the Turks.

In just over a year, the court has changed three emperors. Is this an announcement that the dragon will turn from prosperity to decline?

In front of the Hall of Qinzheng, Li Chengbai led a group of descendants surnamed Li to reappear, but compared to Li Yunlong's ascension to the throne, the ceremony of Li Ye's ascension to the throne was much more grand.

Three animals were sacrificed to heaven, and incense was burned to pray to the ancestors of the Li family.

It can be said that all the descendants of the Li family of the Li family were present, the bell rang nine times, and hundreds of fast horses scattered away to announce it to the world.

Liu Mingzhi stood solemnly on the steps outside the Hall of Qinzheng, watching Li Chengbai and a group of Li's descendants' complicated operations, without the slightest expression of impatience.

Only four of the five auxiliary ministers and Liu Mingzhi were present, and Yasukuni Gong Yunyang was still guarding the gate of the country in Shuo, northern Xinjiang, just in case the Jin Kingdom, the Turks waited for an opportunity to go south to attack the city at this time.

Liu Mingzhi's eyes shifted from the altar to Li Baihong, Li Qing, and the fourth brother Li Yunping, who was already a bit inconvenient, sighed silently.

I hope these three people can learn from the past and stop thinking about it.

Liu Mingzhi didn't want to do that either, but when Li Ye ascended the throne, several of his uncles were indispensable to curb the power of the civil and military ministers in the court.

The new ruler is young, and the ruler is weak and the ministers are strong. If no one comes out to control the family, the courtiers will dominate and the country will be in danger.

Liu Mingzhi really couldn't think of a better way, the current situation above the court is too complicated.

At the very least, because of the matter of his daughter Liu Luoyue, Liu Mingzhi can be sure that many ministers already want to set boundaries with him and separate themselves from morality.

With the last bell, Li Ye put on a dragon robe that didn't fit well, walked out of the Qinzheng Hall with the support of a group of eunuchs, and stopped in front of the altar.

Although the Empress Dowager Nangong Meng, Chen Guifei Chen Jie, and the third princess Li Yan are Li Ye's elders, they have to be one step behind Li Ye at this time.

A king of a country naturally has the majesty of a king of a country.

After receiving the three sticks of high incense from Li Chengbai, Li Ye gently inserted the high incense into the altar for worshiping heaven.

Then knock down three times and bow nine times to pray to heaven.

"Li Ye, the new emperor of the Great Dragon, appeal to the heavens and pray to the earth. The ancestors of the Li family will protect my Dalong Jiangshan community for thousands of years."

"Protect me, Dalong, with good weather and good weather, so that all people can enjoy peace forever and live and work in peace and contentment."

"Li Ye, Emperor of the Great Dragon, I respect you."

Following the completion of Li Ye's gift, Liu Mingzhi's four auxiliary ministers slowly walked down the steps and made a royal gift to Li Ye.

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

Civil and military officials hurriedly followed suit and began to salute.

"Long live Long live Long live!"

After that, tens of thousands of soldiers lined up on the school field in the harem also knelt on one knee with their weapons in hand, and shouted loudly.

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

"Retire without courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Looking at the hundreds of civil and military officials and tens of thousands of elite soldiers at the bottom of the steps, Li Ye gestured to a young eunuch of the same age as him, who was wearing the costume of a chief executive.

The little eunuch was Li Ye's personal servant Su An since he was a child. After Li Ye ascended the throne as the emperor, his status rose in an instant, from a small servant to a chief executive.

Although many eunuchs with high qualifications were dissatisfied, they had no other choice.

Because they understand that as the people around the emperor, the chief executive can't be done by anyone who wants to, but must be someone trusted by the emperor.

Among the eunuchs, who does Xinjun trust the most?
Naturally, it must be the personal eunuch who grew up together.

Su An held an imperial decree and gently swept it away, glanced at the content of the imperial decree and cleared his throat slightly.

Su An's soft but slightly immature shrill voice sounded.

"Emperor Dalong issued an edict."

"The new king is on the throne, the mountains and rivers are stable, the world is lucky, and the people are lucky."

"From now on, the world will be amnesty, and all criminals will be pardoned."

"Notify all the state capitals in the world that the people's livelihood is difficult, and once verified, the tax will be exempted for three years."

"The state capitals with medium and small wealth are tax-free for [-]% for three years, and the rich lands are tax-free for [-]% for three years."

"Kin this!"

"My Emperor Shengming, long live long live."

"Son of the Great Dragon told me."

"The court is in great chaos, and the people feel at ease. After this incident, the court is in turmoil and the country is in turmoil."

"Governing a big country is like cooking small fish, relying on good ministers."

"From now on, announce to the world, open Enke, and recruit talented people."

"Those who have repeatedly failed in the imperial examinations and who think they are virtuous in governing the country and the people can report to the state government, and I will test it personally. A person who is capable of a county is in charge of a county, a person who is capable of a state is in charge of a state, and a person who is capable of a state is in charge of a state. government."

"Everyone must do his best, and everyone should do his best."

"Let the heroes of the world fall into my trap."

"Chin this."

All civil and military officials stared at Li Ye blankly, unable to understand what Li Ye meant.

Only Liu Mingzhi's face remained normal, a face that already knew the inside story.

Indeed, this article was indeed suggested by Liu Mingzhi to Li Ye on the way back from Mingzhou. The matter of Lu Gongwang under Li Yunlong and the staff under Li Baihong's brothers sounded a wake-up call for Liu Mingzhi.

The imperial examination may not be able to recruit all the talented people in the world into the court.

Some people do have great talents, but it is extremely unfair for them to fail the imperial examinations.

That's why Liu Mingzhi made such remonstrances. He, a person of later generations, understands the meaning of specialization in art.

Some people are really great talents in a certain field.

Wanyan Feixiong is the best example.

If you let him take charge of the Kingdom of Jin, he may manage the Kingdom of Jin in a mess, but if you let him develop some strange skills, he is definitely a first-class expert, and there are few rivals.

In order to avoid the recurrence of people like Lu Gongwang switching to the vassal king because of repeated attempts, this is undoubtedly an excellent way.

A lesson from the past, a teacher of the future!

"My Emperor Shengming, long live, long live, long live."

Following Liu Mingzhi's call, all the officials came back to their senses, and complimented each other with different expressions.

"My Emperor Shengming, long live, long live, long live."

After Su An finished reading the edict, she obediently retreated behind Li Ye, and Li Chengbai cleared his throat upon seeing this.

"The new monarch enters the palace and receives the imperial jade seal."

Li Chengbai had already taught Li Ye a set of rules for succeeding to the throne. Hearing Li Chengbai's reminder, Li Ye waved his dragon robe.

"All the soldiers retreated and garrisoned the capital. Hundreds of officials entered the palace and performed the coronation ceremony!"

Then, as soon as Li Ye finished speaking, tens of thousands of soldiers stood motionless on the school field like pines and cypresses, and Cheng Kai and other generals in the Song and Qing Dynasties subconsciously looked at First Young Master Liu who stood at the top of the hundred officials.

Seeing this, Li Ye looked at Young Master Liu's position in a state of bewilderment.

Li Ye's expression was at a loss, and Young Master Liu's expression was also a little at a loss, his arms trembling slightly and his face darkened.

"Presumptuous, Your Majesty told you to retreat, why don't you follow the order and retreat quickly, do you want to deal with it by military law?"

"Whoever dares to disobey His Majesty's will in the future will be punished severely by this Commander!"

Only then did the generals of Song and Qing come to their senses, waving the order flags in their hands, and the tens of thousands of troops on the school grounds retreated from the palace like a tide of troops.

Feeling the eyes of many officials, Liu Mingzhi trembled slightly. He himself did not expect such a thing to happen.

The soldiers only listen to the orders of the commander-in-chief, but not the imperial decree, which has violated the taboo of the monarch and his ministers.

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, looked at Li Ye's bewildered look with a complex expression, and knelt down on the ground with a plop. This was Li Baiyu, except for Li Zheng, who was both emperor and father-in-law. A great gift received.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi, respectfully invite Your Majesty to enter the palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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