My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1476 1 word side by side king

Chapter 1476
"Emperor Daxing issued an edict."

"Dingguo Gong Liu Mingzhi, both loyal and brave, has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements, and everyone has witnessed it."

"Going to the north to fight abroad, Ding Guogong Liu Mingzhi has achieved a lot of victories and made outstanding achievements."

"Liu Mingzhi, the duke of Jin Dingguo, is the King of Liang, and he is of the same rank and rank as the descendants of the Li family."

"Receive the king's seal and wear the python robe."

"Chin this."

It's no secret that Liu Mingzhi became king, but when Li Baiyu was in power, because Young Master Liu was still in the Kingdom of Jin to attack the twelve border cities of the Kingdom of Jin, there was no way for him to return to the court to receive the reward.

So all the rewards are temporarily suppressed in the official office.

The news Liu Mingzhi received in northern Xinjiang was nothing more than verbal statements in Li Baiyu's letters, and he had not actually received the king's seal and conferred the king's title.

Therefore, after Young Master Liu returned to the capital, he seldom claimed to be the King of Liang, but always referred to himself as the Commander-in-Chief or the Duke, all because of this.

It has not been announced to the world, but only based on his own vernacular, the throne of the king with a different surname is wrong.

Although already in love, Liu Mingzhi was still a little stunned when he heard Zeng Hai's will.

Left Prime Minister Wei Yong beside him gently pushed Liu Mingzhi's arm for a moment before First Young Master Liu came back to his senses, and hurried out holding the chao wat.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi leads the decree to thank you, long live long live long live long live."

Chief Manager Zeng Hai walked down the dragon platform gently, walked towards First Young Master Liu, and put the imperial decree in Young Young Master Liu's hand.

"My lord, congratulations!"

Liu Mingzhi took the imperial decree, held it in his hands respectfully, and nodded to Zeng Hai: "I accept your good words."

"Your Majesty is too modest. Before His Majesty left, I asked the old servant to tell you a word. You deserve it."

"Rui Zong, Your Majesty is always rewarded for meritorious deeds and punished for demerits. The prince has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements, how can there be no gift of not rewarding him!"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, thinking of Li Zheng, when Li Baiyu was in power, his relationship with his monarch and ministers was sore and unbearable.

If there is no such thing as Li Yunlong, I should be able to continue the good story of the monarch and his ministers with Li Zheng with Li Baiyu, but now everything has become a thing of the past.

When First Young Master Liu came back to his senses, Zeng Hai did not know when he returned to the dragon platform and stood quietly behind Li Ye.

Du Chenghao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, stood up holding the imperial wat, and walked towards First Young Master Liu with a seal box in his hand.

"Dingguo. Liangwang forgive me, the next official said it smoothly."

Liu Mingzhi shook his head lightly: "It's okay, Ben... Ben Wang is not too used to it."

Du Chenghao took out an exquisite seal from the seal box and held it in his hand. The material of the seal was first-class jade at first glance, and a serpentine snake was carved on it.

Liu Mingzhi recognized this seal at a glance, it was exactly the one that Li Baiyu let him see when he was in the imperial study.

What Li Baiyu said back then is still fresh in Liu Mingzhi's memory.

The king's seal is ready, and it will be taken by virtue of merit.

Taking the king's seal from Du Chenghao with trembling arms, Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath and knelt on one knee towards the outside of the hall.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi thanked the emperor for his great kindness, long live long live long live long live."

After Liu Mingzhi got up, Du Chenghao also handed the sandalwood seal box containing the king's seal to First Young Master Liu.

"After the ten four-claw python robes jointly sewn by the Ministry of Officials and the Shangyifang in the palace are retired, the lower officials will ask officials from the Ministry of Officials to send them to your house. After all, it is really inappropriate to change clothes on the Qinzheng Hall."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and put the king's seal in his hand back into the brocade box.

"Master Laudu is here."

"The matter of duty, the next official will return to his position first."

According to the teachings of Emperor Gao, the Taizu of Dalong, the descendants of the Li family have titles but no rights, and enjoy wealth and honor without interfering in court affairs.

However, Liu Dashao was not a descendant of the Li family and won the throne.

It is a king with a different surname, and the official is the same as the same dynasty.

The six ministers, the official minister, are from the first grade, and Du Chenghao's title has also become a lower official.

Liu Mingzhi returned to his seat holding the printed box, and Li Ye also sat on the dragon chair again.

Civil and military officials looked enviously at the brocade box in Young Master Liu's hand, knowing that his throne as a king with a different surname is now completely secured.

It's just that many officials are a little puzzled. Now that the king has been crowned, why didn't he mention the fiefdom?

Zeng Hai, who was standing by the side of the Dragon Terrace, whispered softly into Li Ye's ear in front of Manchao Wenwu.

Li Ye nodded from time to time, with a clear expression on his face, and all the officials were curious about what Zeng Hai, the former chief executive, would say to the new king.

Only Young Master Liu knelt on his seat with a strange expression on his face.

With his innate hearing ability of half a step, the distance of Zeng Hai's words is enough for him to hear them closely.

Although some words were vague, Liu Mingzhi understood the general situation.

The Ouchi guards and spy spies who disappeared in the palace will be led by Zeng Hai to meet the new emperor Li Ye in the Imperial Study Room after retiring today, and continue to serve the new emperor.

No wonder after Li Baiyu made his fortune, all the guards and spies in the palace disappeared overnight. It turned out that Li Baiyu had already paved a way for his son Li Ye.

With the help of elite guards like Ouchi guards and spies who claim to be all-pervasive, Li Ye should be able to grow up sooner rather than later.

At least those documents in the Spy Shadow Vault are an invisible and effective deterrent to Baiguan.

Being able to sit in the second shift, who dares to say that he doesn't have any dirty things in his hands.

Thinking about it, even Xia Gongming, the imperial envoy who is famous for his life-threatening, would not dare to say that he is completely clean.

The general trend has been like this since ancient times, although it will not follow the trend, at least it will not be able to be sincere.

Young Master Liu asked himself that he couldn't do it.

That's what makes people human.

Cold-blooded and ruthless are cold sculptures, similar to clay sculptures in Buddhist temples and Taoist temples.

After a cup of tea, Zeng Hai withdrew and disappeared into the Palace of Qinzheng amidst the bewildered expressions of civil and military officials. Young Master Liu secretly guessed that Zeng Hai probably went to make arrangements.

Li Ye sat on the dragon chair and looked at a long brocade box on the dragon case.

It was an imperial edict written by the emperor himself and handed over to the concubine mother before he and the concubine mother left through the secret passage of the imperial study.

As for what is inside, Li Ye is not very clear so far.

It's just that the concubine mother told herself when she put on the dragon robe in the back hall, and the emperor father told her that she must let herself read it out.

There are two prerequisites for reading this decree.

If Liu Mingzhi has the suspicion of supporting his own self-respect, he will destroy this imperial decree.

If Liu Mingzhi tried his best to support himself as the emperor, he would be more respectful to himself and be devoted to his duties.

Only when Liu Mingzhi did all of this, could he read out the imperial decree.

Both are indispensable.

Glancing at First Young Master Liu who bowed his head and remained silent, Li Ye took a deep breath and cleared his throat when he thought of his uncle rushing thousands of miles to rescue King Qin and welcome him back as emperor.

"Dear dears, I still have a copy of my father's imperial edict that I haven't read yet. Now that the enthronement ceremony has come to an end, I will read it out myself."

"The minister waits to welcome the decree."

Li Ye gently opened the brocade box and took out a scroll of imperial decree and slowly tore it open.

After seeing the contents of the imperial decree clearly, Li Ye's face was a little shocked and a little puzzled.

The civil and military officials looked at the new monarch whose expression changed from time to time in surprise, a little puzzled.

What exactly Wu Zong wrote on the imperial decree will make His Majesty look so confused.

After a long time, Li Ye slowly stood up from the dragon chair, holding the imperial decree in his hand, looking at First Young Master Liu with a tangled expression.

"Emperor Dalong's edict said."

"For example, Liang Wang Liu Mingzhi made meritorious deeds in protecting the king, and he also made meritorious deeds in protecting the new king Li Ye."

"Additional title. Adding the title of King Liu Mingzhi of Liang as a side-by-side king, hereditary and unreplaced, shoulder to shoulder with me."

"In charge of all military and government affairs in the 27 prefectures and 150 prefectures north of Fengyundu, Xinzhou prefecture!"

"Guarding the northern border for generations, guarding the gate of the Great Dragon Kingdom."

"From the beginning to the end of the side-by-side king Liu Mingzhi, listen to the tune but not to the announcement."

"Chin this."

(End of this chapter)

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