Chapter 1477
Li Ye read out the content of the imperial decree in his hand one by one in an uncertain tone.

After the word "Qin" ended, the entire Qinzheng Hall became silent, and everyone's faces were stunned, obviously unable to believe the content of the imperial decree they had just heard.

Even Young Master Liu, who was the person involved, opened his eyes wide, staring at the imperial decree in Li Ye's hand in a daze.

He was not surprised that he was crowned as the king with one word. Li Zheng mentioned this matter when he was in power, and Li Baiyu also mentioned it again when he was in power.

It can be said that First Young Master Liu is fully prepared for the position of king side by side.

What surprised Young Master Liu was his fiefdom.

27 prefectures to the north of Fengyundu in Xinzhou prefecture, 150 second prefectures, what a huge fiefdom.

Although it is not half of Dalong's country, it is almost the same.

Although the bitter cold in the north cannot be compared with the wealth in the south of the Yangtze River, it is also more than a fief that a king with a different surname should have.

Leaving aside, just look at Li Yunlong, Li Bohong and his brothers. As Li Zheng's own sons, the largest number of fiefdoms under their rule would not exceed the number of the three prefectures.

Liu Mingzhi originally thought that he would be quite content if he could sit on a mansion.

27 prefectures, 150 states.

Li Baiyu dared to give it, but he didn't even dare to take it.

Once he receives this reward, he will be the well-deserved Emperor of the Northland.

There are no two suns in the sky, and there are no two masters in the country.

As long as he accepts this award, it can be said that the entire court will never have any friends of his own.

Others don't alienate themselves, and they dare not get close to any officials above the court.

Holding a heavy army in his hands, sitting on half of the country, and having close contacts with important officials in the court, even though he is open-minded and has a clear conscience, no one else will believe it no matter what.

Once the power exceeds the strength that a courtier should have.

You can be loyal and unfaithful.

I can't help myself.

If the current emperor is Li Baiyu, he might dare to accept it after thinking about it.

But the person sitting on the dragon chair is not Li Baiyu, let alone Li Zheng.

It's a new king Li Ye who no one knows what kind of heart and strategy he has.

The Palace of Qinzheng was silent for a long time, but it was Liu Mingzhi who was the first to react.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi, He De, how can he dare to take on this important task, please Your Majesty take back the order on behalf of the late Emperor."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi opened his mouth, there was an instant commotion in the Hall of Qinzheng, and the whispering voices of civil and military officials could not be covered up. At this time, Li Ye had no time to care about whether the officials were disrespectful.

He himself looked at Liu Mingzhi, who was looking at him respectfully, at a loss.

He has not yet been established as the prince by Li Baiyu, and he has no idea about many things in the court, but he has never received the teaching of the prince and Taifu. Li Ye is ten years old and four and a half years old, and he is not a fool.

Not knowing these things does not mean that there is no general concept in mind.

27 House.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Ye who couldn't react, saluted again and said loudly.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi respectfully asks Your Majesty to take back the order on behalf of the late emperor. I am afraid that virtue and deeds will not be worthy, and that I will fail the late emperor's painstaking efforts."

"I ask your Majesty to take it back."

Li Ye came back to his senses and looked at Liu Mingzhi's eyes in a daze. He had no idea how to deal with such a situation since he was enthroned for the first time and hadn't dealt with government affairs yet.

But fortunately Li Ye stayed by Li Baiyu's side for a long time, so he didn't lose his mind completely.

I remembered the teachings of my concubine last night in my mind, and then I recalled how Young Master Liu taught me carefully on the way back to Beijing. After taking a few deep breaths, I placed the imperial decree in my hand on the dragon table, and slowly sat down on the dragon chair. superior.

"My dear ones, what do you think? Should I take back my life on behalf of the late emperor?"

Many officials heard Li Ye's slightly immature voice, gradually withdrew their whispering voices, and looked at Li Ye again.

There was some struggle in Song Yu's eyes, Minister of the Ministry of War, his eyes lingered on Young Master Liu and Li Ye from time to time.

Personally speaking, the relationship between myself and my second child Liu Zhi'an is closer than that of my brothers, and Liu Mingzhi can be said to be my half son.

His own child is an extremely human minister, and it is a good thing for Guangzong to honor his ancestors.

With the brotherhood between his biological son Song Qing and Liu Mingzhi, Liu Mingzhi is an extremely human minister, and his son will also rise with the tide, and the future will be boundless.

However, for Yu Gong, is it really a good thing that Dalong's small half of the country is awarded to a prince with a different surname?

It doesn't seem to be a very good thing for the imperial court. Taking over all important military and political affairs, if Liu Mingzhi has any thoughts, the imperial court will definitely be in crisis.

Song Yu has been an official for many years, and the education he received since he was a child is to be loyal to the emperor and patriotic. The past of these years has proved that Song Yu's loyalty to the imperial court does not need to be doubted at all.

But in private, the father-son relationship between Song Yuliu and his son was extremely deep.

Song Yu has always thought that he is a person who distinguishes between public and private.

However, in this situation, Song Yu suddenly found that he could not distinguish between public and private, and instead fell into a dilemma.

The officials below communicated with each other silently with their eyes, and the assistant ministers appointed by Li Zhengqin were not thinking silently.

On the right, Tong Sansi looked at Eldest Young Master Liu and Li Ye's sincere expression, and there was a hint of fear in the old Mingrui's eyes, Liu Mingzhi, a junior from the same academy, was already It's not as simple as a young talent.

Today's Liu Mingzhi has grown into a behemoth in just ten years in the court.

A behemoth that no one dares to shake easily.

Wei Yong's reaction was much more flat compared to Tong Sansi's, but it can be seen from his deep eyes that Wei Yong's current mood may not be much stronger than Tong Sansi's.

Xia Gongming's old fingers gently clasped the chao wat in his hand, and his naked old eyes turned from time to time, obviously thinking about something.

Li Ye looked at the situation under the Longtai, and the expression on his face gradually became calm.

After a short period of recovery, Li Ye has gradually mastered some ways of being a king.

You can be unholy, but you must know how to use people.

Seeing Li Ye's expression, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but sweat on his forehead, and glanced at the surrounding officials from time to time with tangled eyes, full of helplessness.

Are you always wishing that my young master is not good?Why not advise?

Xia Gongming, who turned his eyes slightly, seemed to have thought of something, subconsciously glanced at the Chuanguo Yuxi on the dragon case, and an inscrutable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Report to Your Majesty, the old minister has something to say!"

Li Ye's eyes brightened and he looked at Xia Gongming.

"Old Aiqing, I am ready to play, if you have something to say quickly."

Xia Gongming glanced at Young Master Liu and stood up holding the court wat: "Report to Your Majesty, my great dragon has governed the country with loyalty and filial piety since the founding of the country."

"The death of the late emperor is the greatest. If your majesty takes back the order for the late emperor, it will be disobedience and unfilial piety."

"The old minister advises that His Majesty cannot take back the order, and the rewards given by the King of Liang are just as they should be."

"Rui Zong and Wu Zong both say that meritorious deeds must be rewarded, and demerits must be punished."

"The king of Liang has made outstanding achievements. If he does not award rewards, how can he convince the people and educate the people?"

Wei Yong and Tong Sansi stared blankly at Xia Gongming, wondering what kind of medicine Xia Gongming sold in his gourd.

However, following Xia Gongming's gaze, Wei Yong and the two seemed to understand something, and they muttered thoughtfully for a moment.

"Report to Your Majesty, Veteran Wei Yong seconded the proposal."

"Veteran Tong thinks twice about seconding the proposal."

The three auxiliary ministers all agreed, and the civil and military officials naturally had nothing to say, and they raised their wats to vote.

In just half a stick of incense time, the matter of Young Master Liu's reward was a foregone conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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