Chapter 1478
Li Ye was sitting on the dragon chair, with a hesitant look on his face.

Looking at all the civil and military officials who seconded, and looking at Young Master Liu with a somewhat stiff face, he picked up the imperial edict on the dragon case and handed it to Su An who was beside him.

"Send the imperial decree to King Liang and shoulder!"

Su An respectfully accepted the imperial decree: "We obey the decree."

Holding the imperial decree, Su An slowly walked towards First Young Master Liu, looking at Young Master Liu with some curiosity in his immature eyes.

"My lord, your imperial decree."

Liu Mingzhi stared at the imperial decree that Su An handed to him with a stiff face, feeling that his arm was as heavy as a thousand junctures, and he didn't accept it, nor did he accept it.

Subconsciously looking at Xia Gongming at the side, the puzzlement in Young Master Liu's eyes was evident.

I really don't understand what the hell this old Xia Gongming is doing?

Didn't this old thing push himself to the top of the storm?
Xia Gongming felt Young Master Liu's gaze, and smiled kindly at Young Master Liu.

"Shoulder to the King, this old man has been an official and has been honest and honest throughout his life. Rewards are rewards, and punishments are punishments. This old man has no other intentions. This is the reward you deserve."

"Your Majesty's golden words, as the king of a country, how can he change his orders day and night."

"Since His Majesty has asked the prince to accept the order, you should not refuse again, the prince."

Wei Yong and Tong Sansi also looked at First Young Master Liu meaningfully with their wat eyes.

"My lord, accept the order."

"That's right, His Majesty first ascended to the Great Treasure, and His Majesty rejected the good intentions of His Majesty and the late Emperor. It is really not beautiful, so His Majesty should not refuse again."

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, took the imperial decree from Su An's hand with a stiff arm, and saluted Li Ye.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi took the decree to thank you, long live my emperor."

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Ye glanced at all the civil and military officials: "My dear ministers, the enthronement ceremony has been completed, and my dear ministers have nothing else to do, so let's retire."

"After three days, I will officially go to court and deal with the affairs of the court."

"I'm waiting to send you to Your Majesty!"

Su An protected Li Ye and walked towards the back of the hall, and all the civil and military officials walked towards First Young Master Liu with some genuine smiles on their lips.

"Congratulations to Mr. Liu for being crowned king!"

"Master Liu is an extremely human minister, please support me a lot in the future!"


The Palace of Qinzheng was full of compliments, Young Master Liu responded with a smile on his face, he now felt that the king's seal and imperial decree in his hand were a heavy burden on him.

I couldn't breathe.

Liu Mingzhi thinks he is a smart person, and he has a very good temperament, and his ability to bear is quite good.

But firstly, the soldiers obeyed the command of the commander and not the order of the king, and they were kings side by side, and they were fiefs, which made Liu Dashao unable to recover for a long time.

The main reason is that Liu Mingzhi has no time to calm down and think carefully about Li Baiyu's intentions.

None of the officials who were able to hang out with the two shifts was a fool, so they naturally noticed something wrong with Young Master Liu's expression.

After being polite, they left slowly in groups of three or four.

The officials in the court hall walked away, Young Master Liu looked at Xia Gongming who was slowly walking towards the outside of the Hall of Qinzheng with old steps, and chased after him with two things in his arms.

After arriving at a relatively quiet corner above the school grounds, First Young Master Liu hastily called out to stop Xia Gongming.

"My lord, stay here."

Xia Gongming paused, and slowly turned around with a slight smile on his face, looking at Young Master Liu who was walking towards him, and punched him.

"My lord, what are you talking about calling me?"

Liu Mingzhi just wanted to ask questions full of doubts, but he couldn't say anything when the words came to his lips.

Mingming's heart was in a mess, and he wanted to say a thousand words, but he didn't know what to say.

Xia Gongming's dim eyes revealed a trace of brilliance: "My lord, I believe in Ruizong and Wuzong, they will not misjudge anyone."

"At the end of the day, Dalong's [-]-mile rivers and mountains belong to the Li family. At best, we are just housekeepers in charge. Your Majesty is the one who really decides."

"Wu Zong made such a decree, there must be his deep meaning. Didn't the prince say it when he handed over the jade seal to the old man in the court? You have a clear conscience!"

"Since the prince has a clear conscience, what is there to embarrass?"

"Assisting the new emperor loyally is to repay the kindness of the two previous emperors."

"Whether the fiefdom is more or less, is it really important to you, my lord?"

"It's enough to have a clear heart."

"But I"

Liu Mingzhi only uttered three words in one sentence and couldn't continue. He felt that Xia Gongming's words had a lot of unclear points, but he just didn't know what was wrong?
Xia Gongming looked at Young Master Liu's troubled expression, raised his hand and patted Young Master Liu on the shoulder lightly.

"My lord, please take care of yourself. I will take my leave first."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Xia Gongming's far away back, and the doubt on his face became deeper.

What does this old Xia Gongming mean?
I have said it more than once, but I have heard others say it more than once.

He wanted to call Xia Gongming to ask the reason, but he really didn't know how to express his doubts, Young Master Liu sighed, and silently walked towards the palace gate with the two things in his arms.

Looking back at the Palace of Qinzheng behind him, Young Master Liu wanted to wait for the third princess to go back together, mainly because he wanted the third princess, a smart lady, to enlighten him.

But after waiting for half a cup of tea, Young Master Liu did not find the beautiful figure of the third princess coming out of the harem, so Young Master Liu could only shake his head and rush towards the palace gate by himself.

"The last general will wait to see the commander-in-chief!"

Young Master Liu looked at Song Qing and the others who were waiting outside the palace gate, his complex expression suddenly became pale.

He glared fiercely at Song Qing Chengkai and the others: "Why are you still here? Why don't you go back to garrison the capital?"

Song Qing and others shrank their heads subconsciously: "I am waiting for the commander in chief, please forgive me for the previous matter."

Young Master Liu sensed the officials looking towards him from time to time, and glanced lightly at Song Qing and the others.

"Go away, go back to the army camp, I will settle accounts with you when I go back."

The faces of Song Qing and the others froze, wondering if what Young Master Liu said was angry or not, and whether they left or not.

When Young Master Liu saw Song Qing's sand sculpture-like reaction, he kicked one of them.

"Damn it, you can't even understand human language, can you, get out!"

It was only then that Song Qing and the others realized that Young Master Liu had really asked him to wait for others to leave, and with a resentful expression on his face, he hugged his fist and quickly turned on his back and walked away.

Young Master Liu looked at the backs of several people and shook his head helplessly.

These guys have become a natural habit of executing military orders, and they almost forgot the ability to think independently.

Glancing at the positions of those officials, First Young Master Liu took the reins from Old Jia, got on his horse and drove towards the door.

Du Chenghao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, looked at the back of Liu Dashao, who was going away, and looked at Tong Sansi who was beside him.

"My lord, the lower officials are a little confused, what is the purpose of the late emperor's move?"

Tong Sansi smiled lightly and looked in the direction of Young Master Liu, stroking his beard: "Du Shangshu, would you watch helplessly when someone touches your family's treasure?"

"Of course not!"

"That's why, the King of Side Shoulders won't just sit and watch others jumping on their own territory."

"Contribute [-]% of your efforts for the country, but you must go all out for yourself."

"How can you hand over your own things to others?"

"The first emperor seems to have given away half of the country, but in fact he found an impregnable barrier for His Majesty!"

"There is an impenetrable barrier in front, and the mountains and rivers behind are stable, so that His Majesty can revive the court and guide the country!"

"On the other hand, the Turks have been fighting for a long time with the King and the Kingdom of Jin, so the forces will naturally... Ah... Forget it... Hehe... This official's nonsense, it can't be true!"

"It's not true!"

(End of this chapter)

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