Chapter 1479
Young Master Liu pulled the reins tightly, and the horse's hooves raised high and stopped in front of the gate of Liu's mansion.

Liu Yuan, who was always inside the gate of the mansion, heard the sound of horseshoes and immediately opened the gate, looked at Young Master Liu and saluted with a faint smile.

"Master, you have returned from court."

Young Master Liu nodded with a forced smile, and handed the reins to Liu Yuan.

"Uncle Liu, where is Liu Song?"

Liu Yuan took the reins of the horse and pouted on the reclining chair under the eaves of the inner porch of the mansion: "This kid lives more comfortably than an old man!"

Young Master Liu followed Liu Yuan's gaze and saw Liu Song sleeping soundly on the recliner, drooling from the corner of his mouth, snorting and laughing from time to time, he didn't have any good dreams.

Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly, walked to Liu Song's side and raised his legs, kicking Liu Song directly under the recliner.

Seeing his son being "beaten" by the young master, Liu Yuan completely turned a blind eye to it, as if Liu Song was not his own.

Liu Song rubbed his waist and stood up, his sleepy eyes saw Young Master Liu clearly and immediately woke up.

"Master, are you back?"

First Young Master Liu glared at Liu Song angrily, and stuffed the printed box and imperial decree into Liu Song's arms.

"Go, send it to the young mistress, and let her put it away. The things inside are related to the young master's wealth and life, so don't be careless, do you understand?"

When Liu Song saw the young master's solemn appearance, he immediately cheered up, and carefully took the two things that Young Master Liu handed over and hugged them in his arms.

Liu Song had already seen too much imperial decree, and Liu Song saw it as soon as he got it.

I have seen Liu Song in the printed box, but I don't know what Liu Song is in the printed box.

Liu Song carried the sealed box and walked towards the inner courtyard, Young Master Liu took the reins from Liu Yuan again and walked towards the door.

"Young master, why are you going out again after you just came back? It's almost time for lunch."

Young Master Liu waved his hand lightly: "You don't need to wait for me, young master, I'm going to the military camp to arrange some things."

"Okay, this old man knows."

Liu Mingzhi got on his horse and galloped towards the army camp at the east gate of the city. His purpose of going to the army camp was to let Song Qing take the soldiers out of the capital and set up camp in the former new army camp.

Its purpose is twofold. One is to allow Song Qing to bring the recruited rebels to run in with the brothers. Although they were enemies before, but now the country has stabilized. Now that they have surrendered, there is no enemy to speak of.

They are all the people of the Great Dragon, the soldiers of the Great Dragon, why should they stare at them?
Right now Dalong can't stand the second civil strife, everyone must be united and fight against the enemy.

The invasion of the capital lost a lot of soldiers and horses. In addition, the soldiers and horses lost in the Kingdom of Jin have already tossed the strength of the army in the middle to the point of death. Even if Young Master Liu has three heads and six arms, there is nothing he can do about attacking the city.

The second purpose is simpler.

At this time, more than 20 soldiers and horses are stationed in the capital, I'm afraid some people will be very worried.

As for who is not at ease, it is clear at a glance.

The civil and military officials must be worried, but I don't know if Li Ye will be worried about Young Master Liu.

The reaction of tens of thousands of soldiers in front of Qinzheng Hall was shocking to Young Master Liu. In order to prevent some villains from talking nonsense behind their backs, King Qin's army had to withdraw from the capital and station outside the city.

Return the task of defending the capital to the original Imperial Guard soldiers.

Although there are only more than 3 people left in the 20 imperial guards, but with more than [-] soldiers and horses under his command terrified outside the city, Liu Mingzhi didn't believe that anyone would dare to come out and jump twice.

"See Master!"

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Under the admiring eyes of a group of guards, Young Master Liu walked towards the big tent in the army. If he didn't clean up Cheng Kai, Song Qing, Zhou Baoyu and the other bastards, it would not be enough to vent his anger today. Sullen in my heart.

How could such shrewd ghost-like guys make such a shallow mistake in the palace today!
Young Master Liu went to the handsome chair with a gloomy face and sat down, picked up the teacup and moistened his throat.

"Come on!"

"I am humble!"

"Let Song Qing, the generals of the six guards, and the commanders of the twelve capitals get the hell out of here!"

"Decree, I will be humbled immediately"

"and many more!"

Before the guard finished speaking, Song Qing's voice came from outside the big tent, interrupting the guard's speech.

Under Young Master Liu's surprised gaze, Song Qing and the others wore thin inner linings and carried a bundle of thorns on their backs and walked in one after another in the freezing cold.

Under Young Master Liu's stunned gaze, he knelt down on one knee and apologized to Young Master Liu.

"The last general will wait until he realizes his mistake, and ask the commander to deal with it in military law."

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, looking at the resolute faces of Song Qing and the others with a sense of loss in his eyes.

"Okay, you are commanding my commander's army."

"The last general dare not wait!"

"Don't you dare? I see that you are very brave. Today you came to plead guilty without my permission. Are you going to force my commander Huang tomorrow?"

Liu Mingzhi paused, looking at the bewildered faces of Song Qing and the others, he couldn't help but sweat a little on his forehead.

Liu Mingzhi lifted the teapot and poured it into his mouth violently, until the whole pot of tea was completely drunk before Young Master Liu panted heavily and leaned back on the chair.

"Come on!"

"I am humble!"

"Give it to Vice Marshal Song, General Cheng and the others will remove the thorns from their backs."


"Marshal, won't you punish us?"

"That's right, Commander-in-Chief, brothers know we were wrong, you can punish us anyway, brothers won't blame you."

"Marshal, if you want to kill or punish, you will admit all of them. There is absolutely no complaint!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing and the others with complicated eyes, and after the guards took off the thorns from their backs, Liu Mingzhi walked towards them gently, and saw faint blood stains on the white lining behind them .

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi's eyes turned red immediately, and he felt a little guilty in his heart.

On the battlefield, they followed him to fight everywhere. They didn't get hurt in the back and bleed in the north and south, but today they bleed because of a word of his own.

"Brothers, get up and sit down!"

"Aren't you stupid? The flesh is on your body and you don't know it hurts. This handsome is just complaining at you. How can I really punish you!"

Song Qing and the others hurriedly shook their heads and wiped the sweat off their heads.

"Marshal, my brothers almost caused you a terrible disaster today. If you don't punish us, we will feel sorry for ourselves!"

"Brothers, you have been born and died with the commander-in-chief, and you have the same blessings and hardships. Anyway, we have recognized you as a commander-in-chief in this life!"

"Yes, Commander, we have recognized you."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the appearance of several people speaking in unison, and gently clasped the table!

"Tell me the truth, are you intentional or unintentional about what happened today?"

As soon as First Young Master Liu finished speaking, the big tent fell silent!

Several people stared at First Young Master Liu in bewilderment!

(End of this chapter)

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